Patch Is Out!!! SDK and SURPRISE next week! :)

SkylineGT-R34 said:
And you are the biggest lifeless trailer trash on these forums, whats your point you fudge packer ?
Can you two take this argument to PMs or emails?

Lets get back on topic here.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
And you are the biggest lifeless trailer trash on these forums, whats your point you fudge packer ?
Good one douchebag :cheers:

Keep on douchin it up douchebag.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
And you are the biggest lifeless trailer trash on these forums, whats your point you fudge packer ?

:cheers: Oh yeah he is. While you're the fruitcake that appears right around pussy corner quoted somebody elses post just to say "another wannabe Valve employer".
Mr-Fusion said:
Good one douchebag :cheers:

Keep on douchin it up douchebag.

I see you are very well familiar with the word douche, I guess thats the nickname your family calls you by.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Oh yeah he is. While you're the fruitcake that appears right around pussy corner quoted somebody elses post just to say "another wannabe Valve employer".

Nice, now the 2 butt buddies unite .. I bet you 2 meet and fist eachother :thumbs:
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Nice, now the 2 butt buddies unite .. I bet you 2 meet and fist eachother :thumbs:

Only in your homosexual fantasies.
ailevation said:
Only in your homosexual fantasies.

Thats all you got ?? you are weak, I wouldnt be surprised if you suffered from down syndrome.
Anyways isnt it past your bed time.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Thats all you got ?? you are weak, I wouldnt be surprised if you suffered from down syndrome.
Anyways isnt it past your bed time.

:cheers: I go to bed when your mom does. What time was that again?
:cheers: Owned like a freshly bought puppy from Petco, Cliffe's to be exact.
ailevation said:
:cheers: I go to bed when your mom does. What time was that again?

Thats all you got ?? you are a pathetic test tube baby, you should stay away from your mom while she shoots up heroin, as you see it screws you up too.
Anyways, this is getting lame, you children obvisouly have been abused by your fathers so you take it out online ... like anyone cares, just stfu and face the fact that you are ****s up. :laugh:
Im just gonna ignore you 2 queers from now on, since im after all superior to you.
That really was the purest form of ownage i've seen in a long time.

Ahah skyline what a
:dozey: He is calling my comebacks weak when all he relies on his replys such as this "you've got down syndrome","your mom shoots up heroin","I get fudge packed by my daddy". Then he proclaims himself superior, but yet he can't handle us... so he ignores us. WOW. More like pussyiority.
GaryMcT said:
If you want to verify that you have the patch, see if the convar "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware" exists at the console.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)
Wo, get this guy a VALVE label on him mods.
Get back on topic, this thread has just gone down the crapper.

It would appear that my stuttering wasn't really stuttering at all, or the patch didn't fix it. Most times the game runs smooth as silk but I just get bad stutters. Perhaps it's another issue.
nutcrackr said:
Get back on topic, this thread has just gone down the crapper.

It would appear that my stuttering wasn't really stuttering at all, or the patch didn't fix it. Most times the game runs smooth as silk but I just get bad stutters. Perhaps it's another issue.
Mine studders occasionally, but I am fine with that, as that is the penalty of running the game on high detail with a Radeon 9500 Pro.
I don't recall a patch at all, this computer never downloaded one, so I am guessing my other pc wouldn't either...
can someone please post the way to disable autosaves, there was a way in the audio stutter thread but it's too big to look through, there are sometimes 2 autoaves within seconds of each other and now it not only stutters but freezes for a couple of second as well.
surprise being a HL2 themed MP? :D
anyway good that they are fixing the sound stuttering problems :)
Anyone remember Chuck's quote in the PCGamer interview here that CS:S was the same, but with a few surprises? Hmmm...
To be perfectly honest, he probably just meant "grenades do more damage now :0" and "flashbangs leave retina burn and deafen you for a while"... stuff like that.... well basically *all* the changes they made from cs 1.6 to cs:s could be considered "suprises" :|

I sure hope *this* suprise is worth the wait :P
The so called suprise is take our attention off the fact we didnt get no stinkin patch yet!! I hope the suprise is my money back!!
Vehicon, we got a patch wtf are you talking about. im on a 56k so I shoudl be able to tell and I did. I got a patch WTF ARE YOU ON.
You have to open your Steam monitor to see the status of the patch. If it wasn't patched then nothing should be in your monitor. I patched it a few hours ago and the status for hl2 in the monitor still says 100% complete. I'm guessing that it did patch 'cause usually nothing sits in the monitor, but I dun know for sure since there's no alert message and I dun know how to see the version #. The source engine version # is still the same when I use the console, but I dun think that's the game's version #. Valve should really make updates more obvious for our peace of mind sake.
I hate to say it... don't want to steer off topic... but I'm reading through this thread and I have to say...


Never payed much attention to Skyline, but he's getting


like mad over here.

I hope the suprise is either DoD:S, HL2DM, or the missing CS:S maps... especially good ol' militia.
yeah, i haven't been following DoD:S, so I was just throwing out a guess there.
Oh. Yeah, I'm a regular at the DoD forums, and the dev team has like 5903569386785376985369730635698489245824598427^283.3th threads about how "OMG DOD:S IS OUT?!?!??!" and what-not. I just send the info here that no, it's not even playable yet.
I got the patch... looking in my monitor, Half Life 2 was at 99% and then went to 100%, and there was this lil' bumpy set of lines in the timeline...
erm I never had this "sound stutter" problem before, but since the patch thats meant to fix it, i do.... steam should give you an option whether you want the patch or not..
Ok the surprise is prolly gonna be: There are no easter eggs in the bink and there was no surprise on release day.

Now you're all ****ed! Ha ha.

I restarted steam and played through the first 20 minutes of HL2. The stuttering became worse. Instead of freezing for a couple of seconds, the actual audio starts stuttering as the game freezes.

tatatatatatattatt-ta now

PS - We already know what the surprise is. An additional CS:S map. This was already told to us by Valve last month.
I stand corrected, Valve fixed the problem like they said they would, even if it was a couple days late.

Oh wait never mind, I was dreaming for a second, the problem is even worse now.
I think the bigger issue is, is this going to cost money? 'cause honestly, I can't buy through Steam and I doubt that for each expension they'll do a global retail release...

Lets see how sucky it'll be, if it's gonna be an expension.