Patch ?

hmm, 1 day or 2
you think there will be that much cd's?
or do you want to lend your friend a cd then crack it? :)
it depends on how popular the game is. my guess is 1-2 days for hl2...if you even need to have the cd in to play (my guess is you won't)
Originally posted by WaSwAt
hmm, 1 day or 2
you think there will be that much cd's?
or do you want to lend your friend a cd then crack it? :)
just curious
I bet like 1 day tops. It's not game we are talking about ... it's Half life 2!
It s quite nice to have one so the cd doesnt get scratched, perfectly legal.
Originally posted by Maskirovka
it depends on how popular the game is. my guess is 1-2 days for hl2...if you even need to have the cd in to play (my guess is you won't)

i hope so :bounce:

are you thinking...?
No idea. Dunno why you would even want to crack it, I heard that if you have an internet connection, it uses Steam to check that you've bought the game so you don't need the CD.
I personally would have thought it would take a while , you have to write a new dll file which is pretty difficult then you must have to use a hex editor to hack the exe file then chnge it .
Originally posted by Epsi
No idea. Dunno why you would even want to crack it, I heard that if you have an internet connection, it uses Steam to check that you've bought the game so you don't need the CD.
I didnt know that.
Originally posted by Epsi
No idea. Dunno why you would even want to crack it, I heard that if you have an internet connection, it uses Steam to check that you've bought the game so you don't need the CD.

right...that's why i'm guessing you don't need a cd in to play.

there are basically 2 reasons:
1. you downloaded the software illegally and the burned copy you made isn't seen as legit by the software itself, hence you can't play the game
2. you don't want to mess up your cds so you disable the cd-checking with a crack

most games don't actually need the cd in the drive while you're playing...they just make you put the cd in to verify that you've bought the game and that you didn't just have your friend install it on your computer and then take his cd home.
yeah, i'm pretty sure you won't need the cd to play..

and is it true this will be only DVD?
Originally posted by slicknet
I personally would have thought it would take a while , you have to write a new dll file which is pretty difficult then you must have to use a hex editor to hack the exe file then chnge it .

didn't know that

1. there are some people who are very fast at cracking .exes

2. yea, there's going to be a single player only version of hl2, so i'm sure that version will be warez...which is why i assume you're making this judgement from me.

valve has been quite smart...with steam it's gonna be a royal pain in the ass for anyone to get warez hl2 multiplayer working...lan, patched server, or otherwise
I think you will need one CD to play it, perhaps CD1 or the last one. Otherwise people would install it and give it to other people.
Originally posted by Epsi
No idea. Dunno why you would even want to crack it, I heard that if you have an internet connection, it uses Steam to check that you've bought the game so you don't need the CD.

I wonder why other games and the music companies dont do that ?
Originally posted by Quotidian---
yeah, i'm pretty sure you won't need the cd to play..

and is it true this will be only DVD?

Hope this helps. As far as I can gather, when you buy half life 2 you register your copy on steam (if you have an internet connection). Once you have done this you are given a username and password. On your computer you can either play HL2 from the CD (with it in the drive) or you can log onto steam and play it from there, presumably downloading the content as you go along. If you go to a friends house, and he has steam (and a fast internet connection) you can log on there and play HL2 on his computer. You will not need the CD for this. The way they combat piracy is that only one copy of HL2 can be running under your name (even single player) at the same time. I am not sure whether this applies to running from the CD but it certainly does to steam. This way, you can play HL2 anywhere with steam, without having to install HL2 on that computer. Sort of a go-anywhere pass. But, you have to be very careful not to let anyone else have your steam details, because then if they log on as you you won;t be able to play HL2. I think i got everything right there, I peiced it together from the valve info thread. Hope this helps anyone who was confused.
The way you put it like that jabberwock95 I am a true convert. Steam does sound like an amazing idea IF it's gonna work as well you say.

Somebody is bound to screw the system up though. Damn warez hackerz.

It'd be sweet though to go to a big lan night and use your own steam password usename etc. Cause surley steam holds all sort of information on you, stats etc?