Pauly Shore getting KO'ed [Not funny]


Dec 7, 2004
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I don't consider this a funny video, it actually really upset me. I'm not sure exactly what happened to get all this started but no doubt pauly was making fun of cowboys or "white trash" and somebody in the audience got upset and went up on stage.

The cowboy thinks he's such a big man now because he knocked out a skinny white guy 1/3 his size, with no muscles, and pauly shore couldn't fight back anyway. First if pauly hit the cowboy then the cowboy would sue pauly for everything he has (that's how America works), and second if pauly shore assaulted an audience member that would basically destroy what little is left of his career.

It seems like we went from having no problems, to kramer problems, and now pauly shore problems. Is this how comedy clubs are going to be from now on? Or have they always been like this and I've just never been to the right ones?

People just need to seriously chill the **** out; grow a sense of humor or gtfo out of comedy clubs.

There's fowl language used so...
that website is like a carbon copy of youtube

that dumbass cowboy can go choke on cow shit. honestly. that was ****ed.
wow that was ****ed up. Hes just trying to have a good time and they all cheer while the guy punsh him. Disgusting people
Ugh, it sucks how the crowd just laughs at the end.

What does he say at the end though?
That's pathetic. A comedian has every right to tell a bitchy audience member to shut their ****ing mouths, and that redneck asshole had no business doing what he did.
I hope Texas executes that shithead's ass.
I enjoy Pauly Shore, I don't think he's that bad of an actor. People need to stfu and go to hell. The security should have had that guy off the stage sooner than the hit though.
Deserved it. He should know better than to speak when anyone can kick his puny ass. That's how the world works. If you're not strong , get some manners.

That and he's a complete bigot against his own race.
Deserved it. He should know better than to speak when anyone can kick his puny ass. That's how the world works. If you're not strong , get some manners.

.......And the most retarded post of the day goes to.....
Deserved it. He should know better than to speak when anyone can kick his puny ass. That's how the world works. If you're not strong , get some manners.

There's something called 'restraint', and a little nursery rhyme called "sticks and stones" and apparently country boy didn't know about either of them.
To brink. For even thinking of "Giving it" to someone with an opinion. You need to have yourself checked for reality recognition.

I don't really care if he got hit, everyone laughed at him being knocked down so I guess he did his job as a comedian.

Anyhow I'm leaving, apparently the only good moral here is the pity moral. I have nothing more to do with this thread, I laughed, it was funny, you continue your debate about morals. Repeating yourself for 5 years isn't really interesting.
Even though I hate Pauly Shore (his movies sucked so bad) this is messed up, I really feel sorry for him. Hecklers suck, if you don't like the show just gtfo.
One of the audience members was talking during his performance and Pauly was telling him to be quiet and this other asshole starts yelling at him.
To brink. For even thinking of "Giving it" to someone with an opinion. You need to have yourself checked for reality recognition.

I don't really care if he got hit, everyone laughed at him being knocked down so I guess he did his job as a comedian.

Anyhow I'm leaving, apparently the only good moral here is the pity moral. I have nothing more to do with this thread, I laughed, it was funny, you continue your debate about morals. Repeating yourself for 5 years isn't really interesting.

They all laughed because they are assholes. The fact you're defending the ordeal proves you're joining the ranks in "worthless piece of shitville". Congrats! :thumbs:
How can you justify someone being assualted for telling a loudmouth prick to shut up ruining his show?
Okay well that I just cannot resist. Defending? Apparently that is all you ever think about. OH NOES THIS IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS SO ILL GO DEFEND/ATTACK. Do I want to defend a guy who got arrested? Sure if it pays me. He's arrested, what else do you want? Legally he did the wrong thing and he's punished. All I see you ever do is beat a dead horse. It's funny, the criminal was punished and the guy is a bigot who'd id never listen to. Done deal. Yet you insist, you MUST insult those who are against your opinion. Sir, you are the imbecile, you and your league of buffoons.
Wow. Pathetic.

And, of course, somebody needed to go into some stupid spiel about "survival of the fittest" or some stone-cold teenage bullshit about the supposed realities of life. Thanks, CookieCuttah.
Okay well that I just cannot resist. Defending? Apparently that is all you ever think about. OH NOES THIS IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS SO ILL GO DEFEND/ATTACK. Do I want to defend a guy who got arrested? Sure if it pays me. He's arrested, what else do you want? Legally he did the wrong thing and he's punished. All I see you ever do is beat a dead horse. It's funny, the criminal was punished and the guy is a bigot who'd id never listen to. Done deal. Yet you insist, you MUST insult those who are against your opinion. Sir, you are the imbecile, you and your league of buffoons.

What the hell are you talking about?
Okay well that I just cannot resist. Defending? Apparently that is all you ever think about. OH NOES THIS IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS SO ILL GO DEFEND/ATTACK. Do I want to defend a guy who got arrested? Sure if it pays me. He's arrested, what else do you want? Legally he did the wrong thing and he's punished. All I see you ever do is beat a dead horse. It's funny, the criminal was punished and the guy is a bigot who'd id never listen to. Done deal. Yet you insist, you MUST insult those who are against your opinion. Sir, you are the imbecile, you and your league of buffoons.

So what was that, then?
:| What a dick...

@ CookieCuttah: Those who MUST insult those who are against there opinion are insulting them because there opinions are ****ed.

That's my opinion.
I hope that asshole got raped in the ass after he left the club. If you can't take a joke, gtfo and get a sense of humor bitch.
Pauly Shore does have a history of doing the kind of comedy that would involve getting beat up on stage (See: Pauly Shore is Dead). I have to wonder if some of the audience just figured it was him screwing with them.
I HATE dumb redneck texan/idaho/where ever state you come from yokels.
My gosh, moving to Idaho, I cannot express how much hatred I have for these retards.
I don't consider this a funny video, it actually really upset me. I'm not sure exactly what happened to get all this started but no doubt pauly was making fun of cowboys or "white trash" and somebody in the audience got upset and went up on stage.

The cowboy thinks he's such a big man now because he knocked out a skinny white guy 1/3 his size, with no muscles, and pauly shore couldn't fight back anyway. First if pauly hit the cowboy then the cowboy would sue pauly for everything he has (that's how America works), and second if pauly shore assaulted an audience member that would basically destroy what little is left of his career.

It seems like we went from having no problems, to kramer problems, and now pauly shore problems. Is this how comedy clubs are going to be from now on? Or have they always been like this and I've just never been to the right ones?

People just need to seriously chill the **** out; grow a sense of humor or gtfo out of comedy clubs.

There's fowl language used so...

You reap what you sow.

People don't go to comedy clubs to made fun of, they go there to have an escape from this world AND to be entertained. It was'nt entertaining when 'Richards/Kramer' was calling out black audience members through duragotory racial slurs and Pauly Shore most certainly will respect his choices and boundaries next time as a comedian when he dares to insult people paying him to entertain them.

I don't consider this a funny video, it actually really upset me. I'm not sure exactly what happened to get all this started but no doubt pauly was making fun of cowboys or "white trash" and somebody in the audience got upset and went up on stage.

Pauly Shore was insulting particular audience members for the way they dressed and from someone who was there at the Comedy Club, his calling out of people and non-comedic routine was'nt very appreciated. The way he did it was just like another, 'Richards Performance' or 'Kramer's, "He's a ******", fiasco for those of you who don't know his last, 'real' name.

Needless to say, the Audience member did not like being pointed out and voiced that fact. He kept interupting Pauly because Pauly kept making jokes about them, then a different audience member chose to challenge him.

was making fun of cowboys or "white trash"

Thats what Pauly Shore was doing to audience members and I don't think your idea of repeat insulting groups of people or durogatorly branding them is what solved Paulys problem, or is what will solve yours. I can't believe your even taking the helm of this stupidity by becoming what caused Paulys KO in the first place.

Call someone fat? They might knock you out.
Call someone a Haji? They might knock you out.
Call someone a ******? They might knock you out.

People don't have to agree with what your saying about them and the consequences are for you to bare. You might not agree with the consequences, but thats because the consequences make you pay.
If everyone who made a joke that could be offensive was punched in the face then South Park would have been over years ago.
I HATE dumb redneck texan/idaho/where ever state you come from yokels.
My gosh, moving to Idaho, I cannot express how much hatred I have for these retards.

Soon with enough hate you'll even be able to dehumanize certain social standings and political outlooks. You cannot seriously expect someone will agree with a durogatory critique on how they dress, act, or think.

Again, you reap what you sow.

If everyone who made a joke that could be offensive was punched in the face then South Park would have been over years ago.

First off, there was no form of consent addressed to or signed by anyone who went into that club warning them that Pauly may have done this. If thats what a Comedians routine is going to be, the club allowing him to perform must get people to sign a waiver specifying that they consent and will allow, the possibility of harassment for the sake of entertainment purposes only and for the comedians routine. This is so if an audience member gets upset and does this they can be held legally responsible from the get go, aswell as the comedian.

Taking it as a joke is one thing, but people paid that comedian for entertainment NOT insult and insult is what they got. Additionally, Pauly Shore should've known that he crossed that line long before an audience member was pushed to stepped up on the stage even. Plus, has anyone forgotten the golden rule of comedic routine? If you know something is'int funny to someone, you back off with what you're doing. I know people who've done comedy routines before and thats the first rule: It keeps you safe, the audience members safe, and the club safe from having a lawsuite. Someone interupting your performance is no sign to challenge them or make taunts that would further they're aggression against you.

An Appropriate Response: You motion and report to the club bouncer or the police officers on duty, at that time and date, to escourt him from the premises for making a public disturbance and threats of aggression. He did not make the right choices because lets face it: He ignored what they where. 'Hey, I did'nt come here to get made fun of asshole!', It's a warning -- it was given -- Pauly continued -- Pauly got what he deserved. DONT. POKE. THE. BEAR. BECAUSE. THE. BEAR. MIGHT. POKE. BACK. (Old Rule, but still applies).

Plus, Pauly Shore said that some people just need to, 'Shut the **** up'. I wonder if he's learned his own lesson? Don't make fun of people you don't know. What you just saw is a, 'Thats why' example.
Soon with enough hate you'll even be able to dehumanize certain social standings and political outlooks. You cannot seriously expect someone will agree with a durogatory critique on how they dress, act, or think.

Again, you reap what you sow.

Taking it as a joke is one thing, but people paid that comedian for entertainment NOT insult. Plus, Pauly Shore should've known that he crossed that line long before that audience member stepped up on stage. Plus, if you know something is'int funny to someone, you back off what you're doing. It's a warning -- it was given -- Pauly got what he deserved.

Thanks Mom :rolleyes:
Once again, I ---->HATE<---- rednecks (the racist, egotistical, most of the time i'm drunk, lets jump yah because you're different, think I'm better than you, gonna tack a confederate flag in my room kind)

And I have plenty of reasons why
If Shore crossed the line and continued to do so, then the man should have left.

You cannot legitimize him coming onto the stage and assaulting a man who was clearly backing down. Yes, yes, you reap what you sow. The man was still out of line with his actions.
There is NO GOOD REASON to ever beat up someone at a comedy club, regardless of whatever they're saying. You're perfectly allowed to be offended and angry, but beating the crap out of someone on stage is way over the line.
There is NO GOOD REASON to ever beat up someone at a comedy club, regardless of whatever they're saying. You're perfectly allowed to be offended and angry, but beating the crap out of someone on stage is way over the line.

No kiddin, it's a damn comedy club, someone is going to be made fun of.
.......stupid yokels.
Soon with enough hate you'll even be able to dehumanize certain social standings and political outlooks. You cannot seriously expect someone will agree with a durogatory critique on how they dress, act, or think.

Again, you reap what you sow.

Taking it as a joke is one thing, but people paid that comedian for entertainment NOT insult. Plus, Pauly Shore should've known that he crossed that line long before that audience member stepped up on stage. Plus, if you know something is'int funny to someone, you back off what you're doing. It's a warning -- it was given -- Pauly continued -- Pauly got what he deserved. DONT. POKE. THE. BEAR. (Old Rule, but still applies).

That's what comedians do, they make fun of things. Show me a stand-up act that doesn't insult anything AND is funny.

THEY ARE JUST WORDS, why aren?t people comfortable enough with themselves to realize if a term applies to them or not! I don't get offended if somebody calls me a KKK member just like some black people don't get offended when they're called a ni**er. They cowboy was definitely more out of line than pauly shore.

The cowboy is a total moron. Basically if he was on the debate team and his side was losing, I imagine him getting up and punching out the other team and leaving because that's how he handles situations, he's a big idiot and has to lower every confrontation to the most basic level, physical violence.

No one has a sense of humor anymore, pathetic. I think the world needs a new George Carlin. "We are saving way too many lives in this country" :)
No one has a sense of personal respect or situational awareness anymore enough to realize when they've pushed they're limits or choices to extremes in the rules of Cause and Effect.

I think this world needs to grow up to, but surmising we need less people on this planet is'int a very mature decision and reflects poorly on our abilities to solve these problems when they arise.