Pauly Shore getting KO'ed [Not funny]

Its a reference to a George Carlin bit. A funny one at that.
First off, there was no form of consent addressed to or signed by anyone who went into that club warning them that Pauly may have done this. If thats what a Comedians routine is going to be, the club allowing him to perform must get people to sign a waiver specifying that they consent and will allow, the possibility of harassment for the sake of entertainment purposes only and for the comedians routine.

Are you serious, or was this some weird attempt at humor?
Well aware of who George Carlin was, but since were on the topic, why was'nt he ever punched in the face?

Its because of the way he executed his humor. It was 'fun', even if it did make a poke at someone or something. Comedy can be serious, but the best sorts of comedy are the kinds that don't lower they're level to a less then astitute Pauly Shore.

Are you serious, or was this some weird attempt at humor?

You have to sign a consent form at any one comedy club only if, the Comedians routine involves getting audience members to participate in whats being acted out or if they are subject to verbal insult. Without these consent forms an audience member reserves the right to hold the comedy club or the comedian responsible for any personal hurt or physical injury. It's very legalese, but they do this for just such an occasion as with Paulys.

I'm offended and I think I'm gonna kick his ass.

You must not think the guy in the cowboy hat was arrested, right? Or charged with assault? The law works both ways -- both parties made poor choices and are now suffering accordingly.
No one has a sense of personal respect or situational awareness anymore enough to realize when they've pushed they're limits or choices to extremes in the rules of Cause and Effect.

I think this world needs to grow up to, but surmising we need less people on this planet is'int a very mature decision and reflects poorly on our abilities to solve these problems when they arise.

You're right, there should be limits.
But calling someone a redneck/yokel/whitetrash/hick will never EVER be a reason to hit someone.
Personally, my limit is when someone makes fun of my mom because she is sick and has a lot of health problems. It's something very personal and only had it happen once.
But this moronic yokel looks more like he was trying to be a "Big Man"
Well aware of who George Carlin was, but since were on the topic, why was'nt he ever punched in the face?

Its because of the way he executed his humor. It was 'fun', even if it did make a poke at someone or something. Comedy can be serious, but the best sorts of comedy are the kinds that don't lower they're level to a less then astitute Pauly Shore.
The 14 year old comedy critic speaks. I love how you state your opinion as fact. Hundreds of comedians have made their careers on being offensive.
Is this how comedy clubs are going to be from now on? Or have they always been like this and I've just never been to the right ones?
I think you'd be surprised how many messed up places comedians have to visit sometimes. I remember Ross Noble said he almost got stabbed once and had to run away.
I think you'd be surprised how many messed up places comedians have to visit sometimes. I remember Ross Noble said he almost got stabbed once and had to run away.

Don't listen to them Geogaddi. You'll be safe.
But calling someone a redneck/yokel/whitetrash/hick will never EVER be a reason to hit someone.

Agreed. Someone did say people should be more aware of what goes on at a Comedy Club and lets face it, Drawn Together is surely a worse so program then what Pauly Shore's routine was about. So why have we not seen or heard of death threats or perhaps verbal altercations with people who knew the staff that managed the program? Oh they're out there, its just nobody looks out for them. But I'll afford you this much doubt; its probably less so because a 'Cartoon' is taken so much more lightly. It's goal, is not to get on a serious level with people where they might be uncomfortable.

Just last week I saw an episode were Captain Hero massacred thousands of random animals with an FN-FAL and a Needler and did I cry fowl? No, thats because I know its comedy.

There are limits and due restraint to be had in situations parties won't agree of, both of which, chose to execute the available options poorly. When society has no rules, what you saw was a result of: A lack of they're awareness.

They're could've been better choices for both sides.

The 14 year old comedy critic speaks. I love how you state your opinion as fact. Hundreds of comedians have made their careers on being offensive.

Hundreds of comedians have also been insulted in return, chased down, hunted by members of whichevers elite, and yes, attacked like Pauly Shore was. More creepy is some of the messages people are willing to leave.

You have to be careful in what you do. ESPECIALLY COMEDIANS, and for this very example that we saw today.
I like Pauly Shore. His movies are goofy and stupid, but I watch them for the laughingly stupid antics.
I feel sorry for Pauly Shore because his career has gone so bad that he actually has to perform in such pathetic places where this sort of thing can happen.

No matter how you try and justify it, it was appalling that he was assaulted by an audience member, and even more appalling that the audience cheered for it. Nobody should be able to say "eh well... he got what was coming to him..."
No matter how you try and justify it, it was appalling that he was assaulted by an audience member, and even more appalling that the audience cheered for it. Nobody should be able to say "eh well... he got what was coming to him..."

Indeed it was appalling. It was appalling that the audience members cheered it on. I agree, it was sickening to see a lack of restraint and awareness on both sides when Pauly insulted someone and that someone returned the favor physically. Nobody should be able to say, "Eh, well ... he got what was coming to him ..." But people are allowed to say it and whats more they're right for stating it because its one of lifes old lessons. Don't make fun of people. People, at least most of them, don't like it. Even then so, its still so highly misunderstood when said. Here's a situation: If I began to insult you, told you to shut the **** up, what would you're response be?

Its your response and I'll let you whatever answer. But, here is the lesson. Different folks, different strokes. My point is that they encourage cautiousness amungst guests, staff, and performers for this very same reason we saw today. You see? Someone could've been having a bad day, went to that comedy club, and ended up insulted and charged with aggravated assault. You see how someone used the crook of an odd situation anyway to justify they're violent behavior? They encourage extreme amounts of prudency when involving audience members just for this reason because it becomes the comedy clubs and the performers liability if anyone gets hurt.

Someone having a bad day? Tell them to get a laugh and hit a comedy club, right ... and get insulted. If a waiver was signed then you can expect our cowboy hat wearing friend was charged as he should've been. If not, then its still looking pretty grim.

Pauly should've exercised more restraint and awareness. Someone doesn't like your routine? Again, what have I said? Get them escourted out of there because you handling it is going to make the situation more explosive and misunderstood. Just like it did happen.
Just because the guy surely got arrested and is going to pay a price for his actions doesn't make them less reprehensible. Pauley Shore wasn't exactly being an upstanding citizen either, but heckling somebody is nowhere near the level of beating someone up over it.
You reap what you sow.

People don't go to comedy clubs to made fun of, they go there to have an escape from this world AND to be entertained. It was'nt entertaining when 'Richards/Kramer' was calling out black audience members through duragotory racial slurs and Pauly Shore most certainly will respect his choices and boundaries next time as a comedian when he dares to insult people paying him to entertain them.

bla bla nonsense...

Hey when I go to the movies and the movie sucks, I don't start ripping my chair and yelling at the screen. I just get up and leave. Just because you pay for something doesn't give you the right to act like a dick. Get a brain.
Just because the guy surely got arrested and is going to pay a price for his actions doesn't make them less reprehensible.

Is this attention getting behavior? Your trying to get people to notice your upset and the many like me or you already have agreed and shared our disgusts with whats happened here. What happened to Pauly Shore was not right. You'll be glad to know they're charging him probably with aggravated assault, maybe even worse so.

Pauley Shore wasn't exactly being an upstanding citizen either, but heckling somebody is nowhere near the level of beating someone up over it.

Which is why they have laws gainst Harassment and Physical altercations. Physical altercations according to the law and determining from the available punishments for such crimes, as well as they're own natural violence, are considered worse so then verbal exchanges but those of a physical nature can cause permanent injury. Law enforcement personel believe that verbal altercations can be avoided from escalating because the harassment delivers the option, to whichever parties are involved, to make a choice: Continue this, or go your own way? The laws in place for those people who abuse what it slates as not right or morally sound. Which is why that gentlemen will not only be banned from attending comedy clubs that belong to whichever x_company, but also why he was arrested and charged.

Justice has been served. The only way to solve your emotions is to realize that a solution has already taken place since it happened. You have a right to be hurt. And I agree, the situation sucked.

Hey when I go to the movies and the movie sucks, I don't start ripping my chair and yelling at the screen. I just get up and leave.

People will choose even to get their money back if they thought what they saw was absolutely worthless. I agree that what you would've done (leaving) a more mature response.

However, some people might not choose that. You can be upset at someone for insulting you but they can be upset with you for physically attacking them. A lot of parties were hurt in the process, and once again, were presented with a situation that has not exercised due caution or let alone, what it was supposed to do.

Waivers and Liability. Pauly Shore, the Bouncers, the Clubs manager, the Police, should've intervened and made this situation better for both of the parties. However, they we're ignorant, and some by choice.
I thought gunner's post was a very very good post to end this debate on.
I thought gunner's post was a very very good post to end this debate on.

We're repeating, 'Paulys Pattern' here are we not? Gunners had a legitimate point: Choosing more mature responses is far more rewarding plus, he even provided an example of what he do in a situation that did not sit well with his likes or dislikes, kudos to that :thumbs: ... excluding the insult. It's something that weighs his arguement down a lot but because of the positivity of his 'fore statements and examples, the negative looses instead. And let's face it, since when has the negative ever been rewarding? Who here is not going to learn from history shown, provided by Paulys and that audience members mistakes in judgement and choice? Thats the question we need to be asking ourselves here. Do we, want to be in a bad situation with poor choices shown?

Let's talk about things we can do in situations that make us angry -- the things that don't involve hurting others through verbal or physical altercations.

Since when has insulting someone ever been a great way to end a discussion with them, you might find not so. You might be hurt by this situation folks, but that doesn't give anybody here the right to hurt someone else. Let's see some good choices here and not bad ones. What would we do in that situation, and we already have a great example by gunners. Walking away. Good man.
So, you're saying you were offended by him telling you to get a brain? Maybe you should then.
that website is like a carbon copy of youtube

that dumbass cowboy can go choke on cow shit. honestly. that was ****ed.

they have very gorry stuff though.

edit:****ing cowboy.
Good job editing in yourself a little moral lesson, and making my post look unrelated in the process.
So, you're saying you were offended by him telling you to get a brain? Maybe you should then.

Would'nt you be?

Good job editing in yourself a little moral lesson, and making my post look unrelated in the process.

And now your harassing people because your hurt. Your taking this a little to far and thats the trouble with people seeing this kind of violence. They can't understand it and they fall into defensive mental patterns of knee jerk insults and instinctual flight or fight responses because for them, thats all they unfortunately know to do.

Your a smart person, to that I'll credit you. But like all of us, it appears your finding yourself hindered by the negative which as a result, you'd use it against us, because its not all the time we know a better response. Not a sound execution of choices, but, at the very least you did tell me to get a brain.

I'm sure we could use one of those, right? How many times have all of us here found themselves, and a figure of speech, without one? :rolling: Plenty I'm sure. Our recent viewing of a bad performance gone worse, is indeed a sound example of that. But I'm not offended, now that I found some humorous use in your figure of speech. :thumbs:
Didn't see the events leading up to the punch so I can't judge if it's justified. Seemed to me like the punch wasn't necessary at the end. Of course the crowd cheered which either means Pauly was being a racist jerk or the crowd really was filled with white trash.
They'res a longer clip provided at YouTube, at least, from what I understand.

Of course the crowd cheered which either means Pauly was being a racist jerk or the crowd really was filled with white trash.

I'd be inclined to say a comedian who failed to realize his bounds, but racist jerk is'int that much of a stretch. That and the audience members choice to cheer which made it worse, but whats more, and this is from what I understand, the comedy club failed to warn members that they might be asked to help or 'insulted' for the sake of routine.

This is what you get when people are'nt safe.
but whats more, and this is from what I understand, the comedy club failed to warn members that they might be asked to help or 'insulted' for the sake of routine.


People need to stop laying the blame on others. You should know that a comedian might act like that, and despite that obvious knowledge they still come and are subsequently 'insulted' and get physical? The blame is entirely with that fucking cowboy.
Is this attention getting behavior? Your trying to get people to notice your upset and the many like me or you already have agreed and shared our disgusts with whats happened here. What happened to Pauly Shore was not right. You'll be glad to know they're charging him probably with aggravated assault, maybe even worse so.
No, that was a direct response to your post on the topic we were discussing. It did happen to be superfluous since it got pre-empted by a post you made clarifying your argument that appeared while I was writing it. (You can see the time stamps)

And please cut out all the condescension.

People need to stop laying the blame on others. You should know that a comedian might act like that, and despite that obvious knowledge they still come and are subsequently 'insulted' and get physical? The blame is entirely with that ****ing cowboy.

Well, I don't know you personally, so I'm unaware to your physical strength or appearance. But if someone did decide to insult you on a personal level you were'nt comfortable with, what would your response be?

See, I keep asking people this question because most of them appear to not personally know. Why should they know? Most of these things just don't happen to regular people who are already watching their behavior for mistakes. It's important to see however, that most of them don't know an answer because most appear actually ignorant of their own choices or the ones that are more mature and readily available. It's important to better note however, that my point is nobody here has once ever been trained in how to diffuse a situation in a way that keeps both parties safe.

And see, it all comes down to this. What happened here at that comedy club, on both sides, was wrong. But this whole thing could've been prevented with a little bit of mature intervention or even a question. Wether it was Pauly leaving the stage or directing a bouncer to escourt the audience members off the premisis, he did nethire and put himself and the audience, at risk. The audience member made some poor choices that have now resulted in him becoming a criminal.

What was the cop doing the whole time? You see, the situation became what it was because nobody knew any better. Knowledge, like a waiver, or intervention, like a bouncer stepping between the two would've solved this entire problem from the get go.

Doesn't this strike you as odd nobody even chose a more mature route then a verbal and physical altercation?

No, that was a direct response to your post on the topic we were discussing. It did happen to be superfluous since it got pre-empted by a post you made clarifying your argument that appeared while I was writing it. (You can see the time stamps)

Respected. And I'm glad you clarified.
Lemme solve this for everyone

-Hick won't shut up during Pauly's gig
-Polly gets mad and makes verbal jabs at Hick
-Hick gets up and hits Pauly

Lemme solve this for everyone

-Hick won't shut up during Pauly's gig
-Polly gets mad and makes verbal jabs at Hick
-Hick gets up and hits Pauly


Actually, he yelled at a different hick, and another hick came up and hit him. Which is even more unjustified, anyway.
plus he was like "i'm ****in' sorry, it's a comic routine, he talked during my ****in' show, what do you expect" do you stop your cats from getting into the Christmas tree?
Lemme solve this for everyone

-Hick won't shut up during Pauly's gig
-Polly gets mad and makes verbal jabs at Hick
-Hick gets up and hits Pauly


You're not solving this for anyone by leaving out who started this whole fiasco, Pauly Shore. I'd also like to mention the club to for not warning audience members 'insulting' was going to be his featured nightly routine.

plus he was like "i'm ****in' sorry, it's a comic routine, he talked during my ****in' show, what do you expect"

And then he mouthed off to the guy telling him to shut the **** up. Again, poor choices were made, but this whole thing could've been diffused with some common comedic sense or intervention.

Both sides escalated it to a point were it did not need to be.
You're not solving this for anyone by leaving out who started this whole fiasco, Pauly Shore. I'd also like to mention the club to for not warning audience members 'insulting' was going to be his featured nightly routine.'s a comedy gig. Someone is going to get insulted.'s a comedy gig. Someone is going to get insulted.

They should've been warned otherwise it becomes an easy justification for aggravated assault. Most clubs will provide waivers of liability because some audience members will get dragged in for a comedians routine. If no waiver is provided you cannot gaurentee the consent or the knowledge that an average joe, like most won't, will be at peace knowing that its just all for fun. The parties on both sides should've been more responsible.

Lest we have another, 'Richards' outting in the public which I'm still ... amazed by.
I can't remember the last comedy act I saw that wasn't insulting to somebody.

There is no justification. You ask people what their reaction to being told to shut the **** up would be. I can tell you that mine wouldn't be to knock their lights out.
How is that messed up? He decided to mouth of to a guy bigger than him and got hit. I'm not saying that was the best course of action for the guy to take, but really, since when do you mouth off to a bigger guys face like that and expect not to get hit? not to mention he made racial remarks to the guy (and also the entire audience at the end). I'm almost glad to see him get knocked out
Racial remarks? Aside from the "white trash" comment, I didn't see anything in that video that could be construed as racial.

The size and strength of the guy who attacked him should be a non-issue. So let's not bring it up any more.
K e r b e r o s, are you studying to be a lawyer by any chance? Enough with this "waiver" bullshit. I'm sorry, but anyone who goes to a comedy show, and sits near the front, then expects not to get picked on is an idiot. Comedians have picked on thier audiences since the dawn of time. Sure, some don't, but its common enough that you should at least accept it, if not expect it.

Oh, and Uriel is right, you are wrong. The hick was the one that went to voilence. What anyone else did up untill that point is irrelivent.
I'd also like to mention the club to for not warning audience members 'insulting' was going to be his featured nightly routine.

air is free
water is wet
fire is hot
comics insult people

There's no warning necessary. You are EXACTLY the reason it says, "Caution flammable" at gas pumps, "do not use in shower" on hairdryers, "may cause drowsiness" on sleeping pills, "warning: may contain nuts" on airline peanut packages, and "product will be hot after heating" on frozen dinners.

Stop acting like it's everybody else's responsibility to make sure your life is as comfortable as possible. I bet if you slipped in the parking lot of a grocery store you'd sue them for not keeping it dry. If they didn't know stand up comics instult people and things, they should have watched comedy central before they went.
Oh, and Uriel is right, you are wrong. The hick was the one that went to voilence. What anyone else did up untill that point is irrelivent.

Everyone hear that? I was right
*makes note in journal