Pauly Shore getting KO'ed [Not funny]

apparently it was a hoax (of course the source could be lying):

The chief of police of Odessa Texas has issued a press release saying that the incident with Pauly Shore getting punched out at a Odessa comedy club was a hoax. He says it was a skit that went as planned and no one was ever in any danger and no one was hurt. An off-duty Odessa police officer was working at the club that night and was involved from the beginning. The statement says in part:

After viewing the video, the officer who was employed at the club in an off duty capacity, was contacted by investigators. The officer reported he had met with Mr. Shore prior to his set, and was asked top participate in the skit. The officer stated that the skit went as designed and that Shore was not injured in the designed skit.

Um, I thought the reason to set up fake fights like this was so you can look cool. Does Shore think this made him look cool. Does he think this is gonna help him get laid. "She cant help but be impressed with the way I begged for mercy and cowered on stage, pleading with the cowboy not to hurt me as I panicked and wet myself…“
If it was indeed a hoax, it was probably in the same vein of Richard's controversy.
I suppose. You can kind of see him going down before the actual punch. Now that Michael Richards did that crazy stunt with the "N" word everyone is trying to do something stupid to attract publicity.
Well the first thought that came to mind when I saw that video was "copy cat," so I support the Hoax theory..
Wait, so it was a fake? I bet a lot of people feel stupid now.
Jeez, we all got worked up for nothing.
Damn, thats a lotta wasted writing kerb :P
Haha, im jk
Wonder what happened to the rest of the show.
I'm glad is was fake though, I'm still trying to get over Jimmy Kimmel being bit by that snake. ;)

The officer should've given it away. You assault someone in presence of police, they're not just going to casually walk up to you and escort you away.
I think it's hilarious that you guys got so defensive over Pauly Shore. I mean ... have you seen a single thing that man has ever done? Pauly Shore getting his face punched in is about the best goddamn thing that could possibly happen to him.

It's too bad it wasn't real and just another one of his shitty, unfunny publicity stunts.

Seriously ... I've never seen a group of people being so whiny over a dude getting hit in the face. Especially considering that dude is Pauly Shore.
Deserved it. He should know better than to speak when anyone can kick his puny ass. That's how the world works. If you're not strong , get some manners.

That and he's a complete bigot against his own race.

Do you live in the ghetto or something?

In the real world, with people who can think properly, your social abilities are not measured by your ability to fight.
Kerberos are you writing an essay on this or something? Give it a rest dude. Damn.
How is that messed up? He decided to mouth of to a guy bigger than him and got hit. I'm not saying that was the best course of action for the guy to take, but really, since when do you mouth off to a bigger guys face like that and expect not to get hit? not to mention he made racial remarks to the guy (and also the entire audience at the end). I'm almost glad to see him get knocked out
You mouth off to a guy bigger than you when he's consciously being a douchebag. And I'd think that in this day and age, one could expect another to just shut the **** up while one does a comedy routine.
I don't think you people realize that hitting people because they "hurt your feelings" is not appropriate or mature...

If you can't handle being MADE FUN OF, then don't go to an event where the main attraction is to MAKE FUN OF EVERYTHING!
"I swear to god, if one more comedian comes here and calls us rednecks... Hey, there's a comedy show tonight? Awesome!"

Guy was probably drunk... or just a dumb ass.

BTW: That wasnt a "KO", Pauly got up right away...
Lewis Black made fun of Connecticut at a show I went to when I lived in Connecticut...

He never got punched.
I think it's hilarious that you guys got so defensive over Pauly Shore. I mean ... have you seen a single thing that man has ever done? Pauly Shore getting his face punched in is about the best goddamn thing that could possibly happen to him.

It's too bad it wasn't real and just another one of his shitty, unfunny publicity stunts.

Seriously ... I've never seen a group of people being so whiny over a dude getting hit in the face. Especially considering that dude is Pauly Shore.

Yeah sure I hate Pauly Shore, after I saw Biodome I wanted to gouge my eyes out. But see the thing is, even the whole think was faked supposedly let's say for argument's sake that it wasn't, he's a comedian on stage delivering his material: in other words, he's WORKING. Now, it's common courtesy not to bother people when they're working. You can't go inside a best buy and start yelling and punching the cashier because you feel that the tv you bought last week wasn't a good deal. Do j00 understand?
You can't go inside a best buy and start yelling and punching the cashier because you feel that the tv you bought last week wasn't a good deal. Do j00 understand?

If such Best Buy exists, if you can get there, if you can go inside, if you can yell, and if you are physically capable to punch somebody, then you can do it.
If this was fake, then I hope some redneck punches him for real... :)
Yeah sure I hate Pauly Shore, after I saw Biodome I wanted to gouge my eyes out. But see the thing is, even the whole think was faked supposedly let's say for argument's sake that it wasn't, he's a comedian on stage delivering his material: in other words, he's WORKING. Now, it's common courtesy not to bother people when they're working. You can't go inside a best buy and start yelling and punching the cashier because you feel that the tv you bought last week wasn't a good deal. Do j00 understand?

Of course I understand. I would agree that it's not right ... I personally wouldn't do it.

That doesn't mean it's not funny/gratifying to see Pauly Shore get punched in the face.
Pauly Shore is Dead is an American comedy motion picture released in 2003 starring comedian Pauly Shore. It is a cameo-filled movie in which Shore (playing himself) fakes his own death in order to revitalize his fading career.

Of course I understand. I would agree that it's not right ... I personally wouldn't do it.

That doesn't mean it's not funny/gratifying to see Pauly Shore get punched in the face.

Ah ok I understood something else, and to be perfectly honest I kinda laughed when he got punched.
oh well then i guess he deserved the not-real punch
poor guy, oh wait it was a fake. well i don't really care, it just makes me uninterested in the topic alltogether. too bad there isn't a delete post button in advanced edit.