Pay money to play games with women.

I didn't think they had "real girls" in Aberdeen.
Nuri tells hl2.netters to get girlfriends, what's new.
Nuri tells hl2.netters to get girlfriends, what's new.

unless you are implying HL2.netters regularly use this game-with-girls service than I said no such thing.

How's that Chinese penpal of yours?.
unless you are implying HL2.netters regularly use this game-with-girls service than I said no such thing.

How's that Chinese penpal of yours?.
Oh no you didn't!!

Also, you're next post is number 3000!
Actually I'm pretty sure in the lnog run it is probably cheaper to just but some nice jeans and a shirt, and some shower gel, and go out once in a while. :cheers:

Yes, but this level of social interaction is probably completely beyond the people for whom GameCrush was made. Half of them probably have forgotten how to dress themselves (if they ever knew how).
While this thread has grown I've been out talking to real girls.

Just wanna illustrate the fact I get face time and it costs a lot less than this method.

Actually I'm pretty sure in the lnog run it is probably cheaper to just but some nice jeans and a shirt, and some shower gel, and go out once in a while.

Sadly for our gamegirl friends, they are perhaps necessary conditions for poontang, but not sufficient ones.
We will all pay if we let girls play with our games.


Nurizeko: "wat up"

Girl: "hi"

*Nurizeko tells*

You know I'd never leave you noobs out of the loop, got me where I am today with such spectacular advice as "rape". :D

Vegeta said:
Yeah okay.

Thanks for conceding it.
The amount of troll in this thread is reaching dangerous levels.
I would link to a facepalm pic, but my photobucket account is nearing its max bandwith usage and you guys seem to hate me hotlinking more than the sites I hotlink to.