PC Beta Sept. 29th, 27th with Origin pre-order

I don't believe you've played Caspian Border, because every single person I know who played that has had their negative opinion of the game completely reverse :p But if you did, and still hated it, you should know that it's been confirmed that in-game BF2-style squad management will be in retail (source), as will using the escape menu while dead (source). There is still hope!

I have. I didn't even need to look for the ever changing password. You could access all of the passworded servers just by making an adjustment in Chrome. Anyway. It's going to take a lot more than a Conquest map to rekindle my interest in this game.
The only problem I have so far with Origin is that it is EA's.

Other than that it's fine.

And I wish people would stop moaning about the browser method of joining games. It works. It gives you MORE info on one screen instead of flicking around screens. It loads games super fast. It updates your stats as-near-as-makes-no-difference instantly. Your friends are listed. You drag and drop to invite as a squad. You play MP, Co-op and Campaign with a single click instead of muddling around going back and forth in menus.

Sheesh. It's just different. I cant stand waiting for logos to play when I load up a game. I dont care if EA Sports is in the game. I dont care if nVidia is the way it's meant to be played. I dont care that you use Blinx videos. I dont care that you hired someone to create a video to show your logo off. ***k off with all that and reduce my loading times.

Ever tried loading Shogun 2? ***k me, I have to go make a coffee every time. That's just to get into the damn menu, then the game's loading time to battles is an excellent cure for the will to live aswell. All regardless of your PC's stats.

Atleast with Battlelog you skip ALL that shit.
The only problem I have so far with Origin is that it is EA's.

Other than that it's fine.

And I wish people would stop moaning about the browser method of joining games. It works. It gives you MORE info on one screen instead of flicking around screens. It loads games super fast. It updates your stats as-near-as-makes-no-difference instantly. Your friends are listed. You drag and drop to invite as a squad. You play MP, Co-op and Campaign with a single click instead of muddling around going back and forth in menus.

Sheesh. It's just different. I cant stand waiting for logos to play when I load up a game. I dont care if EA Sports is in the game. I dont care if nVidia is the way it's meant to be played. I dont care that you use Blinx videos. I dont care that you hired someone to create a video to show your logo off. ***k off with all that and reduce my loading times.

Ever tried loading Shogun 2? ***k me, I have to go make a coffee every time. That's just to get into the damn menu, then the game's loading time to battles is an excellent cure for the will to live aswell. All regardless of your PC's stats.

Atleast with Battlelog you skip ALL that shit.

In Battlelog you can't even make coffee while waiting for a server slot because the lack of queues requiring you to spam 'join' all the time.
Ever tried loading Shogun 2? ***k me, I have to go make a coffee every time. That's just to get into the damn menu, then the game's loading time to battles is an excellent cure for the will to live aswell. All regardless of your PC's stats.

Atleast with Battlelog you skip ALL that shit.

That's not a fair comparison. Creative Assembly has never been good at loading anything very quickly. It's also a strategy game, and what is being loaded is far different than an FPS.

Instead, something like BC2 or CoD4.

Install game.
Play game.
Adjust graphics options, map joystick if I feel like it.
Click multiplayer or equivalent.
Open server list.
Hit the ping filter.
Pick map with plenty of people and low ping.

Otherwise it's battlelog.
Install Origin.
Install BF3.
Click play battlefield 3.
It opens your browser.
Then you need to install another plug-in which I'm convinced is tracking my browser history like google.
Then you need to click quick match, as for the beta.
Then you need to try and find an open game, which is near impossible at the moment.
Then it opens your game.
Then you need to spawn and change graphics options while being useless to your team(at least this is getting changed. But the point stays that for the first time you're being completely useless anytime you want to change anything since you can't do it from a central menu.)

And since it's in a browser you can't play single player offline.
Have you not looked at the Server Browser yet? I almost always use that rather than Quick Match.
Quick match takes me to the server browser, oddly enough. So I never actually used the 'quick match' function.
Using the server browser is like playing whack-a-mole. Ooh, a server with 2 spots free! Nope, it's full. Ooh, a server with 1 spot free! Nope, it's full. Ooh, a server with 3 spots free! Nope, it's full.

Seriously, queues please.
The only problem I have so far with Origin is that it is EA's.

Other than that it's fine.

And I wish people would stop moaning about the browser method of joining games. It works. It gives you MORE info on one screen instead of flicking around screens. It loads games super fast. It updates your stats as-near-as-makes-no-difference instantly. Your friends are listed. You drag and drop to invite as a squad. You play MP, Co-op and Campaign with a single click instead of muddling around going back and forth in menus.

Except it requires me to install a plugin, which I absolutely hate having to do. I don't even use plugins in firefox and now EA is forcing me to install one just to play their game because their too ****ing lazy to create an in game server browser.

Then I have to load origin, but if battlelog handles everything THEN WHY THE **** DO I NEED ORIGIN? So now I have to have an extra program running, chrome, (technically 2, since the plugin) just to play a game, compared to how many processes I need for steam (1, just steam).

Imagine installing Microsoft Office, then when you click the microsoft word icon, internet explorer launches and takes you to a website where you install a plugin that makes your browser look like MS word (think office 365 or google docs). That's what origin is.
I suppose that if this plugin has tracking capabilities it will be found out soon enough, if it hasn't already. It makes me suspicious and to me it's not a question of laziness because it takes as much work to create a browser based matchmaking and game finder as it would to make one in game. But if this plugin were to send EA information about your web habits they would be mightily pleased to know what kind of games their clients are interested in. That's just the conspiracy theorist inside of me. I haven't found the plugin listed in Firefox to remove it, but I might not be looking close enough.
It really is a dodgy system though and doesn't work half as well as it would if it were in game.
Except it requires me to install a plugin, which I absolutely hate having to do. I don't even use plugins in firefox and now EA is forcing me to install one just to play their game because their too ****ing lazy to create an in game server browser.

They're too lazy to create an in-game server browser but they're not lazy enough to create a full fledged online social network for one game with real time stats and the other stuff that Battlelog has? Granted I don't see why they didn't just port the server browser over from BC2, change a few things, then ship it. I'm no programmer by any means at all but it seems like a hell of lot more effort to create Battlelog than it would to create a server browser, which I would rather have.

If they fix the damned issue with games rarely loading then I really don't have a problem with Battlelog. I seem to get one of three errors every damn time I try to join a game and it takes about 20 attempts to finally join a game.
I said lazy to be insulting, because really what they are is stupid. EA looked at gamers and said, yea that's what they want! Battleblog 2.0: facebook edition!

Right now, I literally can't think of a single thing that origin does better than steam. Just because Origin *works* doesn't make it good enough; anybody can do something that somebody else has already done. If EA can't going to bring something significantly better to the table, then they need to **** off until they can. I'm talking about ps2 to ps3 levels of improvement, realplayer to vlc, batman to dark knight, core 2 quad to i5. Ya know why nobody cares about the blackberry playbook or the hp tablet? Because they do the same shit the others do and people already like the other tablets!

I'm really not trying to take anything out on you, I'm just pissed off at EA for creating something that was actually worse than I imagined, and I really wanted to like it, because I really wanted to buy BF3.
I actually thought the Battlelog to be amazing. Just add queues and it's perfect.
Huh. Last weekend I had zero issues trying to join servers. There was the headache of convincing the Nvidia beta drivers to let me install them. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong but I finally got it. The only thing that got me really, REALLY annoyed was the inability to change my controls in the game. Then I thought, "good, I died. Now I can dick around on the controls screen as long as I want." Nope. UI locks you out of doing anything besides watching your corpse get teabagged by the guy who killed you. "YOU MUST WATCH YOUR CORPSE RECEIVE BALLSACK. IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" Other than that, I love the game and don't regret my Origin pre-order.
Neat, I'll have to give it a try.

Edit: Looks like they're up already, joining now.~
I wasnt having a great time with the beta, until I loaded up Caspian Border that is. Much more fun than Operation Metro, and leaves me very excited for the full game.

Unfortunately I still seem to be having trouble with running the game though. I have a Core2Duo T990 (3.0 GHz), a 260M GTX, and 6 Gb of RAM, which I had hoped would be enough to scrape by on low settings. Other places record the 260M as getting 30 fps at 1680x1050 on low, but I havent managed to hit that at all. I've also had problems with me suddenly dying or getting shot from places that I should have been protected from, and I'm not sure whether this is a netcode problem or a performance issue. Hopefully the former.
Having played some more now my major issue is the general clunkyness of the controls. It's seems to never quite do as I want or expect. For example if I double tap Sprint gp run then press duck I expect to stop sprinting, duck and be moving forwards ducked. But instead nothing happens, I need to let go of cowards, then press duck and forwards again.

Also not being able to bind to mouse is super annoying, I can't set up my controls like I want :(
Battlefield controls have always been awkward like that, you have to stop before you crouch/sprint etc. Quite annoying.
Finally got around to playing Caspian and it's such a better experience! Loving it!

The armoured vehicles feel a bit "slidey" to me though. Loving the chopper gameplay, the cannon feels really powerful and can actually damage tanks and such. The flight controls are better than BC2 but not as good as BF2. I like how you can save your vehicle before it explodes too!
Battlefield controls have always been awkward like that, you have to stop before you crouch/sprint etc. Quite annoying.

Since when have you had to stop to crouch?

If anything, the new BF3 controls need tweaking. Prone to sprinting is too quick for, I dunno, anyone human. You're crawling forward, then hold shift and you're running in less than a second. Good for sniper dodging though and diving between cover in Metro's 2nd floor.
The destruction has really been toned down from BC2. You can't drive through the wooden telegraph poles outside of E (The Antenna) or even shoot them down. Kinda annoying since I'm so used to being able to drive through wooden structures!
The destruction has really been toned down from BC2. You can't drive through the wooden telegraph poles outside of E (The Antenna) or even shoot them down. Kinda annoying since I'm so used to being able to drive through wooden structures!

Still, you can break a lot of stuff. I saw an entire forest being shit to pieces by an attack helo. Basically all the buildings destructible.
But you can't knock over a wooden post. :P I also encountered a small metal post I couldn't through. It's just kind of annoying when I can drive through a tree and such but these smaller obstacles are immovable forces.

Don't get me wrong the destruction looks great! Especially when you're chipping bits off of a wall! But it could be better in some places. The physics seem messed up on trees too when they fall over, plus they have no hitbox!

It looks great when all the trees sway though when a rocket goes soaring by! :D
Tried Caspian Border for the first time today. God, it's so good. Still going to wait for a Steam release, though. It'll be rough.
Tried Caspian Border for the first time today. God, it's so good. Still going to wait for a Steam release, though. It'll be rough.

You'll still have to run Origin and use Battlelog regardless of where you buy it.
What would be the point of putting it on Steam, then?
That makes me curious. Does Origin allow you to make a backup file for easy re-installs like Steam does?
That makes me curious. Does Origin allow you to make a backup file for easy re-installs like Steam does?
Don't think so, currently. Origin is really lacking in the features department, tbh.
I have no clue. Ask the Steam fanboys.

I just don't like having a seperate client for a single game, but if Origin is really unavoidable...

I just don't like having a seperate client for a single game, but if Origin is really unavoidable...


Neither do i but dems their rules. I'd prefer to run just two programs to play the game instead of three.
Im not as excited as I was a month ago.I think I'll actually wait a day or two before purchasing this to see what you guys have to say.


this is probably a good thing for me - i'm level 25, have unlocked quite a fair bit and have 13 hours of game time, which for one single map isn't really that healthy. it was on my mind to put the game down anyway, this is now a good reason to.
Neither do i but dems their rules. I'd prefer to run just two programs to play the game instead of three.

I would really like to think they're going to do something like movie company's do. They'll release it on Origin first, then in a month or two they'll release it on Steam. They'll get more sales and they'll bring some people over to origin.