PC Format goodness!!!


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I got my pcformat like before the weekened (aint had time to post, work and college and well the missus) and in the **next issue** page, it says they'll have played the game and will be reviewing it. Now i know mags get sent early code and the such likes so they can have a taster, but PCformat NORMALLY comes out on the 15-20th of every month. I dont think ValvE would have a non gold piece of software going to a mag....seeming as they will be reviewing it. This also ties in with another thread about the releas of the game on source (what is is Vampire bloodlines or something?) well..thats ""SUPPOSED"" to be out around 26th October....me thinks everything is stating to fall in to place :devil:

P.S:- This is only speculation. Please dont flame me, its just what i've noticed on my daily treks :cheese:
PC gameplay has a review coming out on the 5th of October ...
the pc gameplay is "old" news, but the Pc format is ´new news =) atleast for me :imu:
Never heard of pc format. Is it a european mag?
Magazines often get sent the RC's. I remember it happened with a game in PC Zone. They were promised the bugs would be gone in the final but they remained. I think it was Driv3er but I can't be sure.
i dont know if this is relavent in this thread but what the hey..

the coming pc gamer "exclusive" that people were thinking was going to be HL2 turns out to be quake 4.