PC Gameplay Magazine to Review Half-Life 2

Im dutch, so i could also buy it and translate it, if nobody wants to do it. But this is good news, but why the dutch/belgium magazine first? Oh well, i think its cool. :P

And yeah as it says, Half-Life 2, full review, finished playing.
And 50 screenshots, although i doubt that they will all be new. That isnt being said anywhere, its possible.
-TaNaKa- said:
Im dutch, so i could also buy it and translate it, if nobody wants to do it. But this is good news, but why the dutch/belgium magazine first? Oh well, i think its cool. :P

I think PC Gamer also has a review for Half-Life 2 in their next issue, remember how they stated that it had to be postponed from their latest issue
And somewhere out there, PC Gamer is crying their hearts out. ^_^
if this magazine issue comes out october 5th, then wouldn't halflife 2 have to come out before or very soon afterwards? I mean, who would want to read some d00ds huge review spoiler about his experiences of the game? I want to play it first and yea, PAYCE
In the last page of the lastest Pc-Gamer magazine they hint at a review bigger then doom 3. Maybe they will also have a review of half-life 2.
"In the last page of the lastest Pc-Gamer magazine they hint at a review bigger then doom 3. Maybe they will also have a review of half-life 2."

Are you talking about the US or UK PC Gamer. The US PC Gamer makes no mention of any sort of "big review" in the latest issue (the Quake IV one).
The U.S. Version. It just hints but doesn't give us any name, but half-life is about the only big game left that anyone cares about. The last issues i saw was the D&D issues.
iicehawk15 said:
if this magazine issue comes out october 5th, then wouldn't halflife 2 have to come out before or very soon afterwards? I mean, who would want to read some d00ds huge review spoiler about his experiences of the game? I want to play it first and yea, PAYCE

The idea of magazine reviews is you read the review first and decide if you wish to purchase the game.
I am going to cry of happiness. Finally, the magazine I have been faithfully since the beginning. (really, the beginning). A magazine that I read every month, will review a game that I've been waiting for every month. This is something that is swelling my eyes up.
oh man, i can't wait.. (how often did i write that? :) )

i think my expectations are.. are... are not from this world. ;)
It's about time. 1 year too late. Hmph. I really, really wish I had the money for an upgrade right now...
The game might be coming out sooner then we think and that would be cool. :borg:
All this signifies is that this time Valve saying that the game is coming out soon does not mean another years delay. Weather we're gonna see the gold within this month or october or novermber is still uncertain, although if there were a god, we would have the game by september 30.
Just got this mail:
Uiteraard is dat al 100% zeker, anders zouden we onze cover niet
online zetten.

Wij hebben het spel van voor tot achter doorgespeeld en de review
is ondertussen ook al afgewerkt: 8 pagina's met een 40-tal
(uiteraard unieke, want we hebben ze zelf genomen) screenshots...

Voor meer info moet ik je naar het oktober nummer zelf verwijzen...
It will have 8 pages, it's 100% sure they have it, and it also has 40 unique screenshots!
brink's said:
I'm not going to read the review or look at the screens, I want the entire game to be as fresh as can be on the big day.
Then what the hell are you doing here.
Complete translation:

After I saw that PC Gameplay would have a review of Half-Life 2, I decided to mail them right away with the question if it was 100% certain.
This morning I've got a mail back, with very good news!
Of course it is 100% certain, or we wouldn't put our coveronline.
We have played the game from the beginning to the end and the review is in meanwhile also done: 8 pages with around 40 (ofcourse unique because we took them ourselves) screenshots...
For more info I have to point you to the october number...
An 8 page counting Half-Life 2 review which is 100% certain! And if it's not enough we get also around 40 unique screenshots! Come on with that magazine!
8 pages! That's insane! And it could also be a sign of a high score, who would waste that much paper for a crappy review
Well 40 pics take up a lot of space, so 8 pages are filled quite easily.

But this game just can't go wrong, no way in hell.

damn this waiting! the review is finished and just laying there besides the HL2 copy in some small Belgian town only a couple of hundred miles away from me.... :O
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Well 40 pics take up a lot of space, so 8 pages are filled quite easily.

Oh yeah, I forgot that. I think that's the most screenshots in a magazine review, ever.

What do you guys think, when will gaming sites like IGN.com and Gamespot.com have Half-Life 2 reviews up? I wish they also received pre-release versions from Vivendi, so they can have the reviews up a few days before the release date
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Well 40 pics take up a lot of space, so 8 pages are filled quite easily.
Not all the screenshots are in the article. If you check the site you see: "New: Screenshot Gallery, with 50 Half-Life 2 screenshots and others.
Seppo said:
8 pages! That's insane! And it could also be a sign of a high score, who would waste that much paper for a crappy review

maybe they just needed 8 pages to list all flaws :P
Okay, maybe the screens are on the DVD or the gallery, but the mail you got is not really clear on it : 8 pages with around 40 (ofcourse unique because we took them ourselves) screenshots...

Anyway, great job PCGamePlay, this might tip me over to become a subscriber :cheers:

Somehow this little voice tells me that they're the first to mention their review in the next issue. I assume more magazines have gotten a review copy...
I'm sick of screenshots, I just want to play the game dammit! I personally don't want to hear any of what this review has to say, I'm going to find out for myself when the game is released, hopefully very soon...
I'm Subscribed to the UK PCGamer, and there was no hint as to whether there will or won't be a review for HL2. But it says there WILL be review's for Rome : Total War, Call of Duty : United Offensive, Full Spectrum Warrior, Armies of Exigo, Medal of Honour Pacific Assault and Colin McRae 05. Now i consider 3 of these games to be very big titles, so the chances of another big "8-page" review would make the magazine rather large. That would also mean there would be four or five "Game of the Month" awards lol. Now course i hope that there is going to be a HL2 review, but i doubt it. Although i might be wrong.

Anyway in the meanwhile im just waiting for the translated version of that dutch review :P

Hl2 Releasing Date

Hmmmm... the other day I was surfing and found out that NVidia is making a new Video Card (Geforce 6600), which I can assure you that it's going to be more powerfull than all Ati's cards that have already been made... BUT! ATi's actually going to release another Video Card with same specifications than NVidia's video card. It's going to be released by October so ... I guess hl2 is being released by the time Ati's card is released :) :devil: :cheese: well... thats what I think :S
OcTAByo said:
Hmmmm... the other day I was surfing and found out that NVidia is making a new Video Card (Geforce 6600), which I can assure you that it's going to be more powerfull than all Ati's cards that have already been made... BUT! ATi's actually going to release another Video Card with same specifications than NVidia's video card. It's going to be released by October so ... I guess hl2 is being released by the time Ati's card is released :) :devil: :cheese: well... thats what I think :S

that's a load of crap :sleep:
yes, the 6800 has been released and ati,s x800 to.
damnit with al the ati cards u get a coupon but i (x800 pro) didnt get 1.
i did get CZ so i could play the source beta :D got it just on the right moment (my friends hate me now :(:p)
so wasup is the contract with ati and valve dead?
there is one way to find out if this is true, when will other magazines release there october number, if it's all october 5th it's true for sure and it means they're under an NDA from valve/vivendi
Corn said:
there is one way to find out if this is true, when will other magazines release there october number, if it's all october 5th it's true for sure and it means they're under an NDA from valve/vivendi

The Pc Gameplay review is allready confirmed 100% true. Read a few posts back and there's an email from some PC Gameplay employee confirming this