PC Gameplay Magazine to Review Half-Life 2

I'm a lucky PC Gameplay subscriber and I always get it on the 25th or 26th (that's less than a week!). So hopefully the PC Gameplay isn't delayed this time :D

-edit: yes even if I get it on the 26th it's less than a week because I always already have it in the afternoon and now it's evening (so it's not more than 6 1/2 day :P)
i read this news on half-life2.net two days ago, thanks for the nice translation
I've read this 2 days ago too, but unfortunaly it's still the newest news :P
The German mag Gamestar announced a HL2 Test/Review to come for the November Issue too. Since I am not at home for the next few weeks I will not be able to read it and cannot tell you when it's due to come out but I thought It would be October 12th... Could be earlier.
One of the reviewers of PCGP has stated on a belgium forum that this is 100% true, and that all magazines are under an NDA from valve until october 5th
Corn said:
One of the reviewers of PCGP has stated on a belgium forum that this is 100% true, and that all magazines are under an NDA from valve until october 5th

So doesn't that mean, that technically they're breaking the NDA if you get the mag on the 26th? :cheese:
RoyaleWithCheese said:
that's a load of crap :sleep:

Sorry, a bit off subject here but where the hell is this from? "What the f** does gunigugu mean... " :laugh:

Eddie Murphy just remembered. :monkee:

Why 5th?
"full review Met schokkend nieuws"

what shocking news has PC Gameplay got to tell us about Half Life 2?
GWalker said:
"full review Met schokkend nieuws"

what shocking news has PC Gameplay got to tell us about Half Life 2?

wich issue (i have em all and im dutch) :)

edit: i just saw on the pc gameplay site that new issue is placed i will get him soon ^^ AND WILL READ THE HL2 REVIEW :P

second edit: er... i cant see what stands under shockend nieuws its to small ;(
Yeah, but they have 40 new screenshots in the mag, Valve dont want parts of the story to get out. So in total they have 90 images, but they can only use 40 of them.
they had 50 xtra screeny,s on the dvd but tehy had to cancel that now there only 40 :p in the review
I just realized 40 screenshots in an 8 page review makes an average of 5 screenshots/page. That's not so much after all, although it still is a lot
Seppo said:
I just realized 40 screenshots in an 8 page review makes an average of 5 screenshots/page. That's not so much after all, although it still is a lot
Perhaps, but an 8 page review is certainly alot larger than a normal review so I guess it evens out.
Does no one fear spoilers? I'm ignoring all reviews until I can compare them to my own ...

.... a virgin mind is a beautiful thing to waste ...​
no pc gamelay is very cool in that sort of things they dont tell endings or shit or all the weapons etc.
Yeah, I don't think they'll give away any major spoilers. I don't know about the screenshots though, you may want to avoid them
I read the magazine for quite some years by now, and they never spoiled anything for me (damn, even the starting of morrowind they didn't want to tell :p)
my self control is too underdeveloped to read a review and not look at the pictures.... it would be like trying to find the literary value in Penthouse Mag.
Seppo said:
So doesn't that mean, that technically they're breaking the NDA if you get the mag on the 26th? :cheese:

jep but that won't happen, except if scans appear on the internet, but its 99% sure that won't happen with pcgp because its a small country and the magazine itself is printed somewhere else where they probably don't give a **** about this so no chance.
kurly said:
Does no one fear spoilers? I'm ignoring all reviews until I can compare them to my own ...

.... a virgin mind is a beautiful thing to waste ...​
actually pcgp is very carefull with spoilers, exept if its a multiplayer game ffcourse
weeell.... OK. If you guys are so sure. I'll be buying the mag
its only availeble in holland en belgium (lucky me :bounce: )

we could give u a translate ^^ :cheers:
LAYP said:
They cancled the 50 new screenshots on the DVD. Valve doesn't want them to give away to much information. Dutch post is here http://www.pcgameplay.com/berichten.html

valve know what they doing.

I agree with them they should keep the game and not give anything out.

I would want valve to give info about the MP. that would be nice.
omfg are u ^%^%& its a full review ofcourse they are gonna discribe mp + there still 40 screeny,s in the review
full translation:

After the contents of the October issue was made public (hl2 review) and has caused some commotion on the Internet Valve has requested that we do not release our 50 planned extra photo's on our DVD as in fear that people would see too much of the game before it hits the stores. Even though we would be very careful not to release any critical moments of the game on the screenshots we understand their worry. This means that you dear reader will have to do with the 40 screenshots that are already together with the review en no extra 50 as planned that would've been on the DVD. Our apologies but our screenshot gallery will still be held with screenshots of Rome Total War, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, Call of Duty United Offensive, Warhammer Dawn of War etc.
N@Sc said:
its only availeble in holland en belgium (lucky me :bounce: )

we could give u a translate ^^ :cheers:
hmmm... should have seen that coming!

Guess I got no worries... Capt. Kurly, dropping out *click*
kurly said:
hmmm... should have seen that coming!

Guess I got no worries... Capt. Kurly, dropping out *click*

see my full review trnslated about a couple of days im a subscriber to the magazine so i get it a little earlyer :E
READ IT PEOPLE :bounce: :imu:
i was jsut wondering , i havent baught a games magazine in age cause i jsut realised ive wasted a few hundred punds on pc gamer's. but dont gaves ususally come out like a week or so after its review? hopefully this is the case
The PCGamer review is scanned on the net already, read it today I can't wait for this game now :D