PC Gamer Counterstrike Source screenshot

Knew that pic was not CSS once I saw it....you can get those same high poly AK'S and T skins from csnation.com I believe.
I got my recent PCG and it has a pic that looks a bit like de_aztec. I am not so sure, but it looks different than the E3 presentation. There is also a new HL2 pic in the latest issue. It is rather small, but, hey it's an HL2 pic. :p
yeah actually theres a secret message in my post, you have to hilight it to see it...
Daegon said:
really? cause it's a screen shot from a round of CS i was playing earlier today. I just have real nice skins on all my models. And i'm pretty good with photoshop. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up, but I'll take a gander and say it's pretty representative. At least I hope so.

If CS:S looks that crappy, I'll have to kill myself. I hope that's NOT representative, and from what we've seen, it's not.
I can't believe some1 actually said "looks awesome" about that fake cs:source picture, wich was actually the original counterstrike...LOL :D
Xenome said:
I can't believe some1 actually said "looks awesome" about that fake cs:source picture, wich was actually the original counterstrike...LOL :D

Check his post again and read what he says in grey ;) LOL
I think he edited it later cuz he felt embarassed.. or not ;)