PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

Murray_H said:
I'm off into town in about an hour, I'll have a peek in WH Smiths but don't get your hopes up

Snap. I'll check all the respectable newsagents in my area too (North West) to see if I can locate a copy.

If not that, then I'll have to pick up Edge (which is also out today) regardless. Mmm... A Half-Life 2 review and an exclusive Wanda and (the) Colossus preview would almost be too much in one day. ;)
Um guys, isnt it the US edition of gamer that gets it first, and subscribers would get it days before the shops anyway.
Well, before they announced the Half-Life 2 review, the UK version of PC Gamer was scheduled to release their next issue on October 1st.

Although I think it's been delayed until the 5th now. In any case, no harm checking to see if it's out. ;)
a lot of the reviews are out now, I've even read the PC Gamer UK one (though I wish I'd been warned that you see DOG) so I have one last thing to add...

Icarus, now it's all out... is there anything you want to tell us? Or more importantly, is there anything bed-wettingly exciting that you still CAN'T tell us?
Why is it the December issue? What happend to November?
November is sooooooooooo last month.

Basically in the war to get exclusives (its an exclusive if your mag is out before the other mags that review it) they keep pushing the publishing dates forward, so we get to the absurd situation where the magazine is out 2 months before its release. They try to say they review games that will just be being released in the month stated, but I've just been playing Rome Total war for a day, so thats a stupid arguement.
I always thought magazine were dated a month or two ahead so that the shelves don't look "dated"

Even so, it looks like the US copy of PC Gamer was pushed forward a couple of weeks to still get that exclusive label.
so, december issue comes out in october? :crazy:
and why is PC Gamer in stores after Oct 5th and not on 1st Oct like the PC GamePlay in Holland?