PC Gamer Sweden-no review

PCG Swe had after many what ifs and buts managed to get em to agree to give em a review and then said no once Nylund got there. That's what I got from the editors leader in the last issue.
Sounds like a whiney rant coming from the magazine because they didn't get things their way. What, you guys think they'll pretend to "understand" why Valve had to send them off without a review? That doesn't sell, pretending that you're "on the same side as the gamers" sells.

Whine whine whine, sounds like a rant written by a little immature brats who didn't get to play with the newest toy.

Just saying it like I see it... I don't really read or care about reviews too much because they're nothing but opinion anyways, someone just telling you "I liked or disliked this game".

I'll make up my own mind when the game is in my hands, who cares about scores other than the game developers themselves?
Rico said:
Sounds like a whiney rant coming from the magazine because they didn't get things their way. What, you guys think they'll pretend to "understand" why Valve had to send them off without a review? That doesn't sell, pretending that you're "on the same side as the gamers" sells.

Whine whine whine, sounds like a rant written by a little immature brats who didn't get to play with the newest toy.

Just saying it like I see it... I don't really read or care about reviews too much because they're nothing but opinion anyways, someone just telling you "I liked or disliked this game".

I'll make up my own mind when the game is in my hands, who cares about scores other than the game developers themselves?
You... had... better... not... be talkin' trash... about Swedish PCGamer... :angry: :sniper:
I'm bashing them, Valve and everyone else who thinks reviews are important to the readers (which would include casual readers like me). So they think they can speak for me and the many other people with my mindset? Go right ahead but don't expect *us* to belelieve their crap when all this stupid magazine posted is their spinned version of the facts, just like Valve will if they think this might turn into some sort of big deal.

You think ANY of these people care about you, the reader? This is all business for them, drama sells, this thread is living and breathing proof of it. The same can be said about Valve, a mod team may care about their fans but a game developing company does not. They care about staying afloat and making money so they can make more games, it's business, learn to deal with it or just don't follow it.

It's all drama and hype, you'll get the real scores when actual gamers review the game and that will only happen after the game is released.
Acert93 said:
Another possibility is that Edge is more console oriented and because of such was given a consession.

Edge is a multi-format mag that, as pointed out earlier, usually does *not* put artwork related to reviewed games on the cover.

I think it's unwise to use the mag as an 'anti-PCGS' argument though, because it's more an object of prestige than a commercially interesting entity and as such the ommission of a mandatory HL2 cover won't 'hurt' Valve and Vivendi at all.

As the review only being two pages, that's standard practice - Edge's reviews are always concise.

As for PCGS' article; I don't think it's very chique to expose their predicament the way they did, but on the other hand I'm not surprised about their story at all, nor do I have many illusions about the public relations policies and ethics of Valve as a corporate entity after all that's happened over the past 19 months.
I guess the case between SWE PCGamer and Valve/Vivendi will have to rest - a lot of emotion in the court room. :P

But it surprises me that so few are bothered by the fact that it becomes harder and harder to read good unbiased reviews. The marriage beteen distributors/developers and magazines is getting tighter and tighter. It surely does not help us as gamers.
PvtRyan said:
But the bad part about that article is that it implies that every review was bought and biased, and they, the o so great swedish PC Gamer, are the righteous ones and will bring you a FAIR and a NOT sold out review. Yeah, I'm sure PC Gameplay and Edge both sold out, like they always do...
The article does not imply that EDGE sold out. EDGE didn't, after all, feature a full-blown picture of Gordon bashing a Combine's noggin, while announcing a 24-page special all about Half-Life "Jesus" 2, including how to build your own headcrab pinãta. Neither does it imply that all magazines that had an, or will feature, a HL2 cover makes deals with the devil. All he says is that there are editors who are willing to compromise on integrity and creative control of their product, in order to get a review before release, and that he strongly disagrees with this practise.
Acert93 said:
That is what I was saying--PCG Sweeden is implying that others were bought and were directly questioning the integrity of the other mags. The thing is--they too had agreed in principle to review the game on the same terms as other mags. I cosider this hypocritcal.
I don't know what was included in the agreement of the now-cancelled timeslot, and I won't pretend to know. However, I do not think that the agreement involved any cover-selling.
Acert93 said:
Basically I see it as thus: they did not get the early scoop they wanted. It hurts a PC Game Mag to NOT have the biggest exclusve of the year FIRST. Since they do not have the HL2 scoop, the next best thing is controversy and creating hot saucy news about the the issue.
He wrote it in his editorial to inform the readership why they didn't get the review they expected. He did not do a 24-page cover story about bashing your own Lombardi-pinãta. This won't make any big news at all, merely inform/disappoint readers.
Acert93 said:
It seems mags under the Future umbrella got exclusive early access. Other mags may have it NOW (the exclusive period may, or may not, be over) or they may have to wait until it hits the streets. I know some game companies do not give mags early access to certain titles--many do, but not always. Mags do not have some special "right" to get early access to games before release. If a game has substantial hype and will have massive early presales (e.g. Halo 2) early reviews are pointless. Actually, early reviews can be bad if they are negative in any way, shape, or form.
No magazine has it, as far as I know, they all went to Valve to play. Valve wouldn't want to risk any leak at this hour, understandably. Otherwise, it seems lie you're saying what I said, except 'many' is a poor choice of word. 'Most' would be far more fitting, seeing as, as plenty of posters have stated, it's simply good, symbiotic buisness to have reviews and buzz in tandem with the release of the game itself. Especially if said reviews can be bought... (by the way, an EXCLUSIVE OMG SO HOT U'LL CUM review of Halo 2 is already out. Who got it? Why, Official XBOX Magazine, ofcourse!)
Acert93 said:
As for Edge not having HL2 on the cover it can mean a couple things. First it could mean what PCG Sweeden stated is not completely true. Another possibility is that Edge is more console oriented and because of such was given a consession.
Or, it's because they are EDGE.
C'mon, developers send them christmas cards for cryin' out loud!
Zerox said:
Just because they say they flew to Valve doesn't mean that they actually did that.
I can't figure out whether you're sarcastic or not.
So I won't attempt.
Well I've sent an e-mail to Gabe to see if he has any information to offer us about this subject matter. After all this is still a very one sided argument. But Gabe is a very busy man.
Crocz said:
I can't figure out whether you're sarcastic or not.
So I won't attempt.

I know... it's a hard one to crack. :monkee:
The_Monkey said:
Why can't I edit? Maybe some mod could put in Dead-Inside's translation insteed of mine?

Hey the_monkey - Don't sweat it, at least you translated the word "hubris" correctly without the typo "hybris" ;)
Dont know if its been said before but i just wanna clear up something: PCG Swe was required to put HL2 on the cover if they wanted to release the interview in October (when the first round of interviews poped up). Thats why Edge got the game but not on the cover.
Majestic XII said:
Dont know if its been said before but i just wanna clear up something: PCG Swe was required to put HL2 on the cover if they wanted to release the interview in October (when the first round of interviews poped up). Thats why Edge got the game but not on the cover.

It's been said approximately one hundred and thirty-seven times.
EDGE is EDGE, so they don't need to put crap on the cover, simply because they are... EDGE!
That valve isn't that player sided is something i figured myself already after seeing how they want to rip more money with crap as cs:cz :P

Well if putting HL2 on the cover was the only requirement for getting the review that isn't that bad because most probebly did anyway for more sales :).
Nev said:
It's been said approximately one hundred and thirty-seven times.
EDGE is EDGE, so they don't need to put crap on the cover, simply because they are... EDGE!

Thats not what i said :)
Im swedish, and I read the magazine today.. I got really angry at the guy who spoke about Valve and HL2.

He obviously just heard that it was rescheduled from 2003 to late 2004 and snapped since he wanted the game so badly.
Even though Im Swedish, I think that guy deserves a punch in the belly for talking so much crap about Valve.

He said something like this: Valve wont let any magazine review the game yet.

If he was right, the 10 reviews we already got, is fake :) and we know they arent..

18 days left!!! HOLD ON!

Zerox said:
Nothing but a bunch of whiners.


And personally I dont care if some swedish mag gets to review it or not - Ive read the UK reviews, consider me happy.
I think they would put HL2 on the front page, if Valve told them to do. But they had promised PCG a review and let them down. This isn't that obvious in the text in the first post, due to my crappy translation.
I just want to say this to everybody that has been talking trash about PCG SWE, without having read anything else but that rant: Please, eat shit and die.
Floopie said:
I just want to say this to everybody that has been talking trash about PCG SWE, without having read anything else but that rant: Please, eat shit and die.

Great first post. I hope you get banned. :thumbs:
Floopie said:
I just want to say this to everybody that has been talking trash about PCG SWE, without having read anything else but that rant: Please, eat shit and die.

PCG Swe = bunch of shit
Floopie said:
I just want to say this to everybody that has been talking trash about PCG SWE, without having read anything else but that rant: Please, eat shit and die.

With and language and attitude like that you could write for them.

Keep up the good work.
Yeah and dont you dare say anything bad about VALVE! and not hl2 either you SoB!!!
timech187 said:
Give me a ****ing break. This magazine journalists are the slimeballs. Valve didn't share their toys and now the magazine is crying.

If you ran a magazine you would post the HL2 review with a HL2 cover, cause you know it would sell through the roof.

Against their policy? They screwed themselves.


Obviously you didn't read the last page. They didn't do it because it was against their policy. They WOULD have put it on the frontpage, but it should have been by choise.

jamespow said:
I wonder if they really have the right to put themselves over these "other" magazines that "sell themselves" to the companies. Although I'll admit it's not impossible, I doubt that putting Sims 2 on the cover of the issue when they reviewed Sims 2 was entirely their own decision. Not to mention the marine and hellknight being on the cover for their issue with the review of Doom 3.

Don't know which magazine you're talking about. As I've said before HL2 would have been frontcover, but not by contract. As were Doom 3 and any other reviews or previews worth having on the frontpage (Q4, Doom 3, HL2, etc). They haven't sold themselves out yet and I certainly hope they don't start doing it.

"Anyway, we haven't had a good review and I was hoping for a fair HL2 review in the november issue of PCG Swe."

I bet your pardon? Haven't you noticed the plethora of "good" reviews over the last couple of weeks? Especially the one from the notoriously harsh and unbiased reviewers from Edge?

If you're going to quote me, please include my name, eh? Anyway, WE, as in WE SWEDES, haven't had a good review of HL2, still haven't. Think of that what you want.

What's so unethical about putting art on your cover? It's called BUSINESS and that's the way of the world. Either play the game or cash out but don't whine and complain about it.

Edit: that's the problem with Sweden - too many socialists, not enough capitalists (j/k Swedes - but I had to throw that in) :)

Worst joke ever.

Anyway, it's called "business" when you're an asshole and want little respect. PCG doesn't sell themselves for money, they get enough as it is. It's not like anyone's gonna stop buying PCG Swe just because they didn't have a HL2 review.

jamespow said:
Kinda weird that several of these magazines, including PCG Sweden, agreed on putting HL2 on the cover (or at least according to PCGS). Now, of all these magazines, PCG Sweden was the ONLY one that didn't get to review. Why is that so? Did Valve do something, or did PCGS do something?

Or... was it something PCG DIDN'T do? Maybe they didn't finish the review in time and, like someone else here said, are now trying to save face.

I'm sorry, but PCG *didn't* sell their frontpage, but were, eventually, informed they would be allowed to review the game anyway and thus flew to Seattle (Well, the reviewer). They've *NEVER* missed a deadline like that. Actually, I think that's rather rare. If you work in that kind of business you have deadlines all the time. If you can't make them you get fired, and the reporter send is one of the better, so that's highly unlikely. PCGS would also not have thrown shit at Valve for not making their own deadline but instead informed us that was the case. It's just not a likely senario.
ShadowFox said:
To some people, a good review is one that gives a game a bad score.


PvtRyan said:
But the bad part about that article is that it implies that every review was bought and biased, and they, the o so great swedish PC Gamer, are the righteous ones and will bring you a FAIR and a NOT sold out review. Yeah, I'm sure PC Gameplay and Edge both sold out, like they always do...

But don't worry dear friends, next month we're finally getting a fair and proper review! Huzzah! :dozey:

First of all, we're talking swedish magazines. Second of all, most gaming magazines, believe it or not, do sell out and for a little extra can throw in a few good words. There's not that many fair reviews but I've never struck wrong with PCGSwe, it's still the reason why it rules the swedish market.

Inanimate said:
Im swedish, and I read the magazine today.. I got really angry at the guy who spoke about Valve and HL2.

He obviously just heard that it was rescheduled from 2003 to late 2004 and snapped since he wanted the game so badly.
Even though Im Swedish, I think that guy deserves a punch in the belly for talking so much crap about Valve.

He said something like this: Valve wont let any magazine review the game yet.

If he was right, the 10 reviews we already got, is fake :) and we know they arent..

18 days left!!! HOLD ON!


I don't know what you're trying to say here. What he meant was that is seems like Valve doesn't want to hand out HL2 to magazines for FAIR reviews, not biased ones.
Dead-Inside said:
Don't know which magazine you're talking about. As I've said before HL2 would have been frontcover, but not by contract. As were Doom 3 and any other reviews or previews worth having on the frontpage (Q4, Doom 3, HL2, etc). They haven't sold themselves out yet and I certainly hope they don't start doing it.

Talking about PCG Swe. I subscribe it too.

I'm sorry, but PCG *didn't* sell their frontpage etc etc etc

I've already been corrected on this point and withdrew my statement on that.
Look, I'll agree on that there isn't much we know about PCG Swe's way of taking care of business (including whether or not they "sell out), but then again neither do you. PCG Swe haven't said they "sell out", yes, but would they really shoot themselves in the foot and admit that they do "sell out"? (assuming that they have)
the biggest german mag refused to review hl2 at valve hq, because they thought they could not rate it freely under these circumstances...they will review it when they have their own copy :P
Okay now I'm getting sick of all the bullcrap in this thread. I haven't read it all but if I've missed something I don't really care. I will try to sum up everything I know about this topic:

Firstly, they didn't have any "deal" witch Valve/VUG to put HL2 on their front cover. All magazines October issues (or what the hell you can call it. December in the US for example) with HL2 reviews had made a "deal" with Valve/VUG to put HL2 on their cover. But the November issue (in this case PCGS) that "deal" was not required to review HL2. So PCGS thought "Oh great! Now we can review the game and we can still have the front cover the way we want!".

...and then Valve/VUG simply say "no". And why is still unknown. But it's NOT about the front cover thing as many here seem to think. Drop that theory right now because it's totally wrong and only make you sound like a bunch of idiots (maybe you are, what do I know?).

Ok I hope what I said makes any sense (I'm just another Swede trying to communicate in English).

I don't blame the people who read the first post wrong since it's not 100% correctly translated. But for the people who read like 2 or 3 sentences (it seems to be many of you) you can just go away since you have nothing to say about this topic.
jamespow said:
Look, I'll agree on that there isn't much we know about PCG Swe's way of taking care of business (including whether or not they "sell out), but then again neither do you. PCG Swe haven't said they "sell out", yes, but would they really shoot themselves in the foot and admit that they do "sell out"? (assuming that they have)

I've never once had a review that wasn't fair. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Never once have I read a review and then looked at the score and gone wtf. Trying the game it's a "Ye, somewhere along those lines".

That's how I can confirm that it's true. There's been several instances in the past where they've clearly stated they don't sell out, and it can be noticed throughout the magazines just by reading it. Trust me.

One final word; If you haven't read PCGSwe, then please don't talk shit about it like you actually know what you're talking about. What ground are you basing your shittalk on? I mean really, what's the point?


Edit: Ner0, you really made an ass out of yourself. I mean... read the real translation, and what people have ACTUALLY been saying and you might be updated.
Dead-Inside said:
I don't know what you're trying to say here. What he meant was that is seems like Valve doesn't want to hand out HL2 to magazines for FAIR reviews, not biased ones.
That's exactly right. Valve do not want any negative reviews, especially at this stage. So measures seem to have been taken to avoid any bad comments (for example, handing early reviews to magazines that would be known to be sympathetic, barring online reviews where reviewers are less controllable). I don't know anything about PCGSwe, so I can't judge their reviews - but their story would seem quite believable to me. This is just how the market works.
Dead-Inside said:
Ner0, you really made an ass out of yourself. I mean... read the real translation, and what people have ACTUALLY been saying and you might be updated.

That shouldn't be necessary. Almost every post in this thread says "PCGS are just a bunch of whiners who didn't get to play with the newest toy."

But as I said I skipped a few posts here and there.
Dead-Inside said:
One final word; If you haven't read PCGSwe, then please don't talk shit about it like you actually know what you're talking about. What ground are you basing your shittalk on? I mean really, what's the point?

Calm down and remember that I do read PC Gamer Sweden. Like I said, I subscribe it, and have done so for several years now.

But alright, fine, I'll stop. It's been like trying to convince a Bush-supporter that GWB's done an awful job anyway.
jamespow said:
Calm down and remember that I do read PC Gamer Sweden. Like I said, I subscribe it, and have done so for several years now.

But alright, fine, I'll stop. It's been like trying to convince a Bush-supporter that GWB's done an awful job anyway.

You seriously think that was specifically directed at you?
The_Monkey said:
What? No Half-Life 2? No Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault? No Battle for Middle Earth? Has PCG gone mad and hidden the games between the pages? No, unfortunately these reviews are missing in action. Mrs Fortunas evil sister has done her work.

Why did they not just copy and translate the other PCGAMER mags who has the halflife review, including score :laugh: