PC Gamer UK Score

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Adrien C said:
He, for some reason I was expecting a 99 %
Let's see what Gamespot says.

Not from PC Gamer UK, this is the second 96% they've given out. The first was Half-Life.

(And they gave Doom 3 90%, which was a lot lower than some of the scores it got).
those rating-criterias suck. they should establish sort of relational gaming currency.

for example:
doom 1=1fps(1 graphics, 1 audio, 1 gameplay,1 story)
dune 1=1rts(...)

now each game should be rated in their appobiate "genre-currency".

for example:
doom2=1g-fps, 1a-fps, 1.3gp-fps, 1s-fps

so every game will be rated in relation to its genre ancestor(or wanna be anc). problematic is the inflation, so how many g-fps has hl2?
venturon said:
The girl in his avatar is actually from a joke. It starts off with that close-up, then zooms out. She is riding a buckeroo-thingy.

96%. Cool.

But she's still so lovely lol I wouldn'y say no :p

Oh and it makes me laugh how some people have moaned about Hl2 being only 1% higher than R:TW. R:TW is a damn awesome game from what i've seen.

Which bodes well for Hl2
Nop, I think they are fair, and tey don't get carried away, doom 3 review was amazing.
hm if scorps got his issue today, maybe others get it too... others with scanners :D

btw. 96% is very good!
Can someone else confirm this? I mean, someone else must have read the god damned magazine as well...
This is not a fake, why would the poster edit his message twice and even say what Rome TW got?
Dude, this must be the badest poster I know, we are all waiting here like morons, he diden't give us any info !
Adrien C said:
Dude, this must be the badest poster I know, we are all waiting here like morons, he diden't give us any info !

You got the score didn't you? :p
Adrien C said:
Dude, this must be the badest poster I know, we are all waiting here like morons, he diden't give us any info !
true ^
Dude hes not our slave, typing shit out takes time and hes prob drooling over the new screenshots right now anyway :p
hey scorps, do you got a digital cam? we would pleased to see some snapshots
Nex321 said:
This is not a fake, why would the poster edit his message twice and even say what Rome TW got?

Let's not take it as gospel though, Let's wait for more confirmation. *looks over at Axyon*.
You're lucky he showed the courtesy of coming online and telling you the score at all. I wouldn't have even bothered to do that :p
I DO wonder why HL2 didn´t get 100% ;)
Hope theý´ll explain the tiny weenie flaws there are..
Oh mine, I'll have to stay up then, and catch the first scans before they get delete it.

Forget it, I'm staying.
Adrien C said:
Dude, this must be the badest poster I know, we are all waiting here like morons, he diden't give us any info !

Don't start slagging me off, and I did give you info. There was nothing new, they just went on about how good it is, there was only the flashlight/sprint energy to moan about. I'm not going to write the whole damn thing out so just wait till u get the mag or someone with nothing better to do posts on a site where it is allowed.
This is PC Gamer UK isn't it?? What happened about the US version?? Thought they had the exclusive or something...
this is even more horribble than before - when didnt know nothing...
i wonder what made Pc gamer give HL2 a 96% instead of 100%, or even 98%. I wish a UK guy that has a scanner would wost the entire review up on here.
Scorps said:
There was only one score, there was no talk of CS:S or HL:S or any other in that review but there is a preview of CS:S in the mag too and they don’t score previews before you ask.

no more infos ? then delete this useless thread
Scorps said:
Don't start slagging me off, and I did give you info. There was nothing new, they just went on about how good it is, there was only the flashlight/sprint energy to moan about. I'm not going to write the whole damn thing out so just wait till u get the mag or someone with nothing better to do posts on a site where it is allowed.
please...can you write something about HL: S and CSS - the surprises and stuff

edit - oh, nothing then...
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