PC Gamer UK Score

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I believe this. As for the score...very nice! Very few PC games nowadays can reach that high.

And by the way, when GameSpot reviews Half-Life 2, and lets say it scored 9.1. I bet many of you would be dissapointed, but remember GameSpot are strict in their reviews. This is from GameSpot's review system:

"Games that score in this range (9.0-9.9) are highly uncommon and automatically earn GameSpot's Editors' Choice Award. In practice, these games are the best of the best, so we only dole out a relatively small handful of such scores in a given year."
Daiceman9 said:
LOL! the PC gamer fourms, barely anyone is on those, plus, any information reveling about it would most likely be deleated as they would want people to buy their mag.

No they wouldn't. They regularly have discussions about mag content. Especially subscribers.

They'd delete threads in which people typed out entire articles but they wouldn't delete threads saying "I've got the magazine".
I believe you scorps, but can you please give some more info i.e. any new screenshots, any new info on enemies, does it say a release date and can you tell us the 'It's' and 'It's Not'
Looks very legit. Especially the Half-Life demo.
I dunno about the HL2 score, but the Rome score is correct.

It's printed on the case "Pc Gamer Must Buy - 95%".
This thread is comedy gold.

Regardless of whether he's telling the truth or not, why is Scrops having a hard time understanding why people are calling bullshit when his summation of the entire review is "They say it's good".

Anyone with any sense would call bullshit at that. Those review scores he doled out are also meaningless - I could pull believable scores like that out of my ass like a magic trick.

Why not actually, you know, describe the interview? No one is expecting a full scan or transcription but you can do better than "It's good".

What's good? What bits did like they? Is it immersive? In what ways is it revolutionary, if at all? All these things MUST have been touched upon in the review.
Daiceman9 said:
LOL! the PC gamer fourms, barely anyone is on those, plus, any information reveling about it would most likely be deleated as they would want people to buy their mag.

There's around 50 people online at the moment (bear in mind that it's a UK site so most people are at work/school at the moment), and the mods aren't the despotic type. Of course they wouldn't allow scans, but they never stop anything that isn't actually illegal.

Again, I'm willling to apologise to Scorps if he's telling the truth. I just find his story hard to believe.
arent there some interesting details in the review AT ALL ?!
i dont fully believe you untill i see some scans.

(no im not saying post them here but a pm would be nice)
Nice. Did they write any special comments on the score (under the score?).
Iconoclast said:
This thread is comedy gold.

Regardless of whether he's telling the truth or not, why is Scrops having a hard time understanding why people are calling bullshit when his summation of the entire review is "They say it's good".

Anyone with any sense would call bullshit at that. Those review scores he doled out are also meaningless - I could pull believable scores like that out of my ass like a magic trick.

Why not actually, you know, describe the interview? No one is expecting a full scan or transcription but you can do better than "It's good".

What's good? What bits did like they? Is it immersive? In what ways is it revolutionary, if at all? All these things MUST have been touched upon in the review.

One word: look one post up

PS: I know that's actually four words

PSS: I really do

Nice one Scrops,

Don't let people on here put you off posting.
Volcane said:
I believe you scorps, but can you please give some more info i.e. any new screenshots, any new info on enemies, does it say a release date and can you tell us the 'It's' and 'It's Not'

It's: Astonishing, Robits!, Revelatory
It's Not: Ever stupid, Corridors, The end of the story
FluffyERug said:
Nice one Scrops,

Don't let people on here put you off posting.

Why? Because we don't automatically believe everyone or we wanted more information?

On another note? 45 exclusive screenshots? Hmm.

EDIT: Why do I keep on asking so many questions? Shouldn't I have another sentence that isn't a question?
Seppo said:
One word: look one post up

PS: I know that's actually four words

PSS: I really do

Look at the time I posted, and when the "evidence" was posted.

I was writing at the time this post was made.

Also, please try and learn how to read. I mentioned Scorps, or whatever his name is, came along with a particularly lame description of the review and no proof, and what he needed was detail if anyone was to seriously believe him.

While I was writing this, he provided such. Hooray for him evolving a brain at last.
cenmocay said:
HAAAA wat infos,only crap

Cenmocay why are you being so negative? he gave us the review score and some of the pros and cons. What more do you want?
sorry to be harsh but ur summaries of the review are shit.
Ok, guess what people? He didn't have to tell you anything. You got the score, the "it's" and "it's not." He doesn't have to sit there and type you up a f*cking report. Buy the magazine for yourself when it comes out or shut the hell up.
Feath said:
Not from PC Gamer UK, this is the second 96% they've given out. The first was Half-Life.

(And they gave Doom 3 90%, which was a lot lower than some of the scores it got).

Quake II got 96% and I believe Civ II also.
SMT said:
You guys are assholes. Thanks for the info, Scorps.

Yeah seriously. You guys are lunatics. He can't post scans, and he obviously doens't spend his whole life on the HL2.net forums just so he can post a little quote for you guys to justify his revealing of the score. You can tell buy how he words his sentences, and how he is modest, that he's telling the truth. He's not bs'ing, your all just paranoid (which can be kinda of understandable), but you don't need to tear him apart with the bashing. You have the score. 3 days ago, you guys were saying "oh , just post the score, we only want the score". So the first guy who gets the mag posts the score and you bitch him out for not being an in-depth david? Jesus Christ. GROW UP. It's real.
who cares, he gave the score and pretty good evidence. Or hes been planning it for a long time and been using some good photoshop skills lol (only kidding) :p
personally, i'd rather wait to see the PCGAMER US score. those saps over in the UK are always getting rained on, so they're pissy all of the time, i'd equate that to a 2 or 3% deduction on every game score. ;)
Iconoclast said:
While I was writing this, he provided such. Hooray for him evolving a brain at last.

Don't say that dude, you're only making yourself look like an ass.

anyway HURRAH
kaellinn18 said:
Ok, guess what people? He didn't have to tell you anything. You got the score, the "it's" and "it's not." He doesn't have to sit there and type you up a f*cking report. Buy the magazine for yourself when it comes out or shut the hell up.

Exactly! a.k.a. QFE!
Scorps said:
It's: Astonishing, Robits!, Revelatory
It's Not: Ever stupid, Corridors, The end of the story

Robits! :rolling:

Quake 2, Civilistion 2 and Grand Prix 2 also received 96%
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