PC Gamer UK Score

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I only posted on here to tell you all the score and I wish I had stayed away now, there are so many people on these forums that go over the top on insults.

You guys are unbelievable :(
#1 - No scans allowed... So stop asking
#2 - Scorps has stated that there was nothing NEW... I REPEAT, NOTHING NEW discussed in the review. Except for what appears to be Sprint/Flash Light using energy from some sort of bank. This to me seems weird as sprint would use endurance and the flash light as in HL1, a battery. Maybe the reviewer didn't see it has a big thing to make a paragraph on it. Get over it.

I would not be at all surprised if Gabe himself sent out like 100 emails to websites stating that HL2 has gone gold and you all were like "OMG, haxed, fake. We want real proof! Gabe, email me!!!" - You can see the irony :|

I can understand that trust has been broken before, in regards to false posting. And we have all heard the don't cry wolf thing when there isn't one coz you will get eaten crap.

Take it as honest information that he has graciously provided us and go on about your daily activities... Remember, he didn't have to post to let us know.

On my part, a big thanks goes out to Scorps!
Cheers buddy.
Iconoclast said:
Look at the time I posted, and when the "evidence" was posted.

I was writing at the time this post was made.

Also, please try and learn how to read. I mentioned Scorps, or whatever his name is, came along with a particularly lame description of the review and no proof, and what he needed was detail if anyone was to seriously believe him.

While I was writing this, he provided such. Hooray for him evolving a brain at last.

Just registered to say you are a wanker. Someone please ban me :cheese:
Iconoclast said:
Also, please try and learn how to read. I mentioned Scorps, or whatever his name is, came along with a particularly lame description of the review and no proof, and what he needed was detail if anyone was to seriously believe him.

While I was writing this, he provided such. Hooray for him evolving a brain at last.

Yeah I got your point. I just thought that the screenshot of the DVD menu would be enough to prove his story instead of posting a summary of the review
nothingman97 said:
personally, i'd rather wait to see the PCGAMER US score. those saps over in the UK are always getting rained on, so they're pissy all of the time, i'd equate that to a 2 or 3% deduction on every game score. ;)

Hey hey, not ALL the time! Besides, I'll love to hear you yanks say
"Norwich" - How do you pronounce it? NOR-WHICH? lol. But I want to see the PCZone score, as all their scores are tough, but fair.
This to me seems weird as sprint would use endurance and the flash light as in HL1, a battery.
Gordon is wearing a powered suit. Powered by batteries.
razorblade kiss said:
Yeah seriously. You guys are lunatics. He can't post scans, and he obviously doens't spend his whole life on the HL2.net forums just so he can post a little quote for you guys to justify his revealing of the score. You can tell buy how he words his sentences, and how he is modest, that he's telling the truth. He's not bs'ing, your all just paranoid (which can be kinda of understandable), but you don't need to tear him apart with the bashing. You have the score. 3 days ago, you guys were saying "oh , just post the score, we only want the score". So the first guy who gets the mag posts the score and you bitch him out for not being an in-depth david? Jesus Christ. GROW UP. It's real.

Apparently asking for proof makes us a lunatic then. That's told us.

George W. Bush: "Iraq has weapons
Public: "Have you any proof?"
George: "Shut up, you ungratful lunatic assholes"
now let us just wait for someone to scan it
muahahahah !!
Dagobert said:
Gordon is wearing a powered suit. Powered by batteries.
I am aware of this :p
That is why I said it was weird that in HL2 they would be used from the same source...
To my knowledge, the suit Gordon wore in HL1 never impeded his movement if he ran out of battery power for his torch :|

Either way, if there is indeed a meter that subtracts when he sprints. That means no more bunny hopping :(
Yombi said:
subscribers get it eairly than stores....

He was expressing his excitement at getting to buy it at the newsstand, not doubt that Scorps has the mag.
Feath said:
Apparently asking for proof makes us a lunatic then. That's told us.

George W. Bush: "Iraq has weapons
Public: "Have you any proof?"
George: "Shut up, you ungratful lunatic assholes"

lmao, well comon we're talking about a god damn game review not a f**king war lol, but I see your point. (Directed at the majority of people in this thread) But I don't understand why you all "need" proof if this is legit - If it's not - so what? Will it help you sleep at night? Will you not rest until you hear the truth? Either way, the game's not gonna come any quicker and bitching doesn't help anyone.
In any case, the magazine is out tommorow, so it won't exactly be a long wait to proof it yourselves.
Feath said:
Apparently asking for proof makes us a lunatic then. That's told us.

razorblade kiss said:
He's not bs'ing, your all just paranoid (which can be kinda of understandable), but you don't need to tear him apart with the bashing

He's just saying that it's understandable that you're suspicious but there's no need to go insane and insult the guy like that. By the way his post was directed specifically at you but others who directly proceeded to flame the guy. ;)
Scorps said:
I only posted on here to tell you all the score and I wish I had stayed away now, there are so many people on these forums that go over the top on insults.

I for one say thank you.

I understand the people who don't believe because of the stretch of fakes all over the place. But I do think some people take it a bit far...I'm not even so sure if you drove to their house and showed them they might say, "Wow...good photoshop print out!" ;)

No worries scorps; we appreciate the info.
Oct 1st was the original release date for the mag but they put it back to the 5th to get the HL2 review in.
Scorps said:
I only posted on here to tell you all the score and I wish I had stayed away now, there are so many people on these forums that go over the top on insults.

We haven't insulted you. You show a profound lack of empathy for us. You seem to think that two numbers without anything else is all we wanted.

We want to know about the game, as well as the score. Hopefully someone else with more understanding will post a summary, and not just talk about how they're being picked on.

You must've known that you would've needed to show proof?
Scorps, can you at least write up the last paragraph of the review?
thx again scorps!! :)

let's face it, HL2 did get a 96% :D :D

You should stray away from reproduction if you thought that was going to be valid.
apologies for my outburst. got a bug in my code and cant seem to fix it and its pissin me off :(

cheers scorps :D
mosquave said:
FIFA got 89%????

How can people take these scores seriously?

Oh I dunno... maybe because it's one of the biggest PC magazines worldwide? ;)
Xcellere said:
Scorps, can you at least write up the last paragraph of the review?

I think he would have if he actually had the mag. I reckon Rome will get 94 or under.
Fifa got 89%?
Boy, they must have changed the passing system again :p
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