PC Gamer UK Score

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I’ve just received my PC Gamer 141 with the HL2 review.
Basically they say its astonishing and it scored 96%, plus on the DVD version they include all the seen movies as well as one called "Magnet" that I am just about to watch. I don’t have a scanner so don’t even try asking...got to go now.

Edit: Rome: Total War gets 95%

Edit2: The Magnet movie is just the coast bink with a different name.
Thanks Scorps. Won't be long before the review starts popping up all over the net.
Scorps said:
I’ve just received my PC Gamer 141 with the HL2 review.
Basically they say its astonishing and it scored 96%, plus on the DVD version they include all the seen movies as well as one called "Magnet" that I am just about to watch. I don’t have a scanner so don’t even try asking...got to go now.
could you upload the new video :p
if you did we will believe you :p

EDIT : If you want a server to upload , contact me on messenger
Good, 96 ok, good, could you mention the good and cons ?
96% man that's so low!
I'm not getting this game with this crappy score
96% is very good IMO. Could you provide some info about the review (half-life source, cs: source, hl2 and no spoilers) or is that forbidden?
mbrithoms said:
hang on hl2 got 96 and rome TW got 95, LMAO

What's so hilariously funny about that? do you realize they're two different games? those scores simply imply that in their respective genres these two games are in the top 10.
The only con I saw was that the flash light and sprint used energy from a recharging energy bank.
Good good, but its what we all expected right?

Now i need to find a forum that lets you post scans arf arf!
CB | Para said:
What's so hilariously funny about that? do you realize they're two different genres? those scores simply imply that in their respective genres these two games are in the top 10.

to be honest I just expected hl2 to have like a pc gamer exclusive score of 99.9 or something, 1% infront of RTW, makes me chuckle
mbrithoms said:
to be honest I just expected hl2 to have like a pc gamer exclusive score of 99.9 or something, 1% infront of RTW, makes me chuckle

I bet there are many people out there who prefer Rome: TW instead of HL2..
Scorps said:
The only con I saw was that the flash light and sprint used energy from a recharging energy bank.

gameplay score ?

Graphic score ?

wats the suprise in CSS ?
Oh yeah, without saying what they are, does the review have much in the way of spoilers?

Edit: oh and what an appropriate date for the reviews to come out on? ;)
mbrithoms said:
to be honest I just expected hl2 to have like a pc gamer exclusive score of 99.9 or something, 1% infront of RTW, makes me chuckle
Than you do understand that 96% is the highest score pc gamer has ever given a game right? That being given to hl1. Now if this is true, hl2.
Maybe they're being as honest as they can reviewing the game. No game is perfect. If they gave RTW 95% that just means that it's also a good game in its genre. Do you expect HL2 to be the only good game coming up?
Comon, don't keep us like that, give us info !
Any of the elder suscribed yet ?
NeLi said:
I bet there are many people out there who prefer Rome: TW instead of HL2..

I want the girl in your avatar....... NOW

and yea im eagerly awaiting Rome: Total War more so than Half-life 2 :p
i think 96% is a great scroe, i thought HL2 will get lower scores with all the delays that happend.
*wonders if this is true :|*

Just sus that he comes to post then leaves straight away :-|.
96% is a awsome score! Clearly we are not going 2 be disappointed. I would like to know some more info it had to say about hl2.....
killahsin-[CE] said:
Than you do understand that 96% is the highest score pc gamer has ever given a game right? That being given to hl1. Now if this is true, hl2.

I was just about to type the same thing. Good god.
HL(1) got 96% too...i think its the highest score PCG ever gave a game...
cenmocay said:
gameplay score ?

Graphic score ?

wats the suprise in CSS ?

There was only one score, there was no talk of CS:S or HL:S or any other in that review but there is a preview of CS:S in the mag too and they don’t score previews before you ask.
96%?! It's good to hear the game didn't disappoint, I was having some doubts after PC Gameplay gave it what..90%?
96% is more like it. Thats a very good score.

Rome TW is a strategy what do you know maybe the best strategy game out there right now?
He, for some reason I was expecting a 99 %
Let's see what Gamespot says.
jaguar_987 said:
I want the girl in your avatar....... NOW

The girl in his avatar is actually from a joke. It starts off with that close-up, then zooms out. She is riding a buckeroo-thingy.

96%. Cool.
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