PC Gamer UK Score

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older... maybe... she probably just stressed. after the source theft, and this trial between valve and vivendi... wouldn't you be?

OR perhaps, the whole combine situation has her stressed a bit.

it would be cool if the emotive characters evolved through the game so that at the end, they are far more haggard looking than at the end.
damn the characters look so ****in good, im off my tits with excitement about this game now
I think it looks great. The full emotional palette of human expression is very big and when you think about it eveyone looks a bit peculiar mid sentence if they're investing any kind of passion in to their words. Indeed, political campaigns wouldn't be anywhere near as propagandist if it wasn't relatively easy to make a public speakers look stupid.
everyone in here read the review but not me :(

PM com on people PM me :)
No one's read the review. Only seen 4 ingame shots from the DVD.
Man this looks Incredible. this is by far the best looking game I ever seen
oh my god....
This is the best thing i ever seen in my life...
Neither have I! Can't get it on the newsstands - I live on the wrong side of the pond.
Holy hell those pics are impresive man Im getting hella hyped again, no doubt in my mind that this game wont freakin rock!
didnt catch the pics :(

judging from everyones reactions though, Im looking forward to picking it up.

Im still dissapointed that people are saying it has no HLDM,

that would of added to the final score in my opinion. CS fans are happy , but in my opinion the gameplay gets awful tedious and boring after a while. thumb's down to CS:S as HL2's multiplayer. Nice one Valve ;(.

but im still semi happy about the review news :).
The new 3 were great :) Had seen the "ewww" one before.. from a picture someone took when they visited valve awhile ago
Aslong as the multiplayer option in the hl2 menu doesnt link to css then il be alright. If there is no multiplayer option il cry but aslong as cs is put in as a second game then its okay. a Hl2 dm will come long fast enough after release, its just about 10 teams will try it and i wont know which one to play.
Lobster said:
omg i just saw 3 more, one in paticular :O:O:O

3 more? if you don't mean those 4 pic that were on that site, pm me those 3 screenies! :)
That's it. You guys don't read the rules.


I've had to delete probably 50 posts in this topic. I'm done trying stop this. I'm sure no one else wants to do this either.

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