PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming

guys, this is PC and console GAMING meaning the games and the act of playing the games. that takes into account the controller vs. Mouse + Keyboard, their games etc.

Things like being able to get to the internet from a PC are not valid reasons.

If you were to do PCs vs. consoles then yes PCs would win by a long shot. They are designed to do different things.
StardogChampion said:
It's nothing to do with fanboyism. I have a PS2, a GC and most almost all big consoles that came before those.

The consoles are the ones sitting on my shelf gathering dust for over 6 months, not my PC or my PC games.

Be gone all you "ur all jus fnaboyz!!!11" preachers!

True, it's not fanboyism in all cases...

BUT, just because it collects dust on your shelf, that doesn't mean that there aren't outstandingly great games on those consoles that people play constantly. Vast majority of people take advantage of their resources and use their consoles.....it's your choice not to play them and disregard a large amount of quality titles that have come out over the last six months.
Console gaming is much more appealing to me in a social aspect. Nothing like getting a bunch of the guys together for a night of Halo, pizza, and mountain dew.

But for a more engrossing gaming experience, PC is the way to go. Plus, online gaming is still owned by the PC, no matter how sweet Xbox Live currently is.

The great thing is, all this may change once we get into the next gen stuff, this is a pretty exciting time for gamers.
Ive been a hardcore pcgamer for 16 years, the last console i owned was a SNES. but im really considering getting the new xbox 360 around the holidays. besides all the cool features it will have i find important like AA/AF, VGA hookup, free limited xbox live etc. I was really convinced when I was hearing a developer for the new elder scrolls: oblivion game talk about the pc and xbox360 version.

PICS: http://www.elderscrolls.com/art/obliv_pc_screens_01.htm

now he said when it comes out if you want to run it at full detail and high resolution, you'll need the BEST card out at the time. so we aren't talking geforce 7800gtx here, but whatever dwarfs that card by the holiday season. so you're looking at $500 for video card alone. but then he said, or you can run it on xbox360 and have the same amount of detail. so im thinking, well id have to get a new Motherboard, CPU, and video card to run these new games(i dont have a PCI-E m/b), so around $700+ for an upgrade. or $300 for an xbox360 that i can plug into my monitor.

if i was well-off, id go with PC like i always have, but this time around, its only logical for me to go with a console. my only is gripe is that we still won't have mouse/keyboard support, but that con is very insignificant compared to the rest of the pros.
if i was well-off, id go with PC like i always have, but this time around, its only logical for me to go with a console. my only is gripe is that we still won't have mouse/keyboard support, but that con is very insignificant compared to the rest of the pros.
And no mods...don't forget mods with Consoles.
I mean compare Morrowind Xbox vs Pc. Pc pwns the Xbox version. Simply because...With a Pc you can use a controller and all the ****ing mods.
This is what's gonna happen. My friend is gonna bring home a new ps3 or x-box 360. "OMFG, the graphics are amazing on this. Look at the pictures on the box. This is gonna make your Comp suck man." Hooks it up to his TV and begins playing.... on his POS TV. "Congrats my friend, your console looks the same due to your crappy TV, time to spend some more mula on an HDTV." I walk over to my comp and begin playing 64 player BF2 game, followed by CS:S and ends with some time spent on WoW. My PC has a wider variety of games, doesnt need auto aim for FPS, and i can type a helluva lot faster. Oh yah, i have the almight Mouse, makes games easy.

And yes, you can cheat on Consoles.
Uriel said:
This is what's gonna happen. My friend is gonna bring home a new ps3 or x-box 360. "OMFG, the graphics are amazing on this. Look at the pictures on the box. This is gonna make your Comp suck man." Hooks it up to his TV and begins playing.... on his POS TV. "Congrats my friend, your console looks the same due to your crappy TV, time to spend some more mula on an HDTV." I walk over to my comp and begin playing 64 player BF2 game, followed by CS:S and ends with some time spent on WoW. My PC has a wider variety of games, doesnt need auto aim for FPS, and i can type a helluva lot faster. Oh yah, i have the almight Mouse, makes games easy.

And yes, you can cheat on Consoles.

this is what I mean many people dont know nothing
there is a wider veriety in consoles too,ahv you ever a fighting gme on PC

autoaim can be turned off,this is what I was saying ,sure they all just played like 3 seconds in a console and they go "OMFG DO HARD TO CONTROL KEYBOARD AND MOUSE RULEs!!!" and they use it like some fact

"I dont like so nobody like that fact!!"
poseyjmac said:
Ive been a hardcore pcgamer for 16 years, the last console i owned was a SNES. but im really considering getting the new xbox 360 around the holidays. besides all the cool features it will have i find important like AA/AF, VGA hookup, free limited xbox live etc. I was really convinced when I was hearing a developer for the new elder scrolls: oblivion game talk about the pc and xbox360 version.

PICS: http://www.elderscrolls.com/art/obliv_pc_screens_01.htm

now he said when it comes out if you want to run it at full detail and high resolution, you'll need the BEST card out at the time. so we aren't talking geforce 7800gtx here, but whatever dwarfs that card by the holiday season. so you're looking at $500 for video card alone. but then he said, or you can run it on xbox360 and have the same amount of detail. so im thinking, well id have to get a new Motherboard, CPU, and video card to run these new games(i dont have a PCI-E m/b), so around $700+ for an upgrade. or $300 for an xbox360 that i can plug into my monitor.

if i was well-off, id go with PC like i always have, but this time around, its only logical for me to go with a console. my only is gripe is that we still won't have mouse/keyboard support, but that con is very insignificant compared to the rest of the pros.

Uh then your certaintly going to miss alot of good computer games, if you don't bother to upgrade and keep with the times. You mentioned best detail and high resolution, heck with modern budget ware you'd be able to play the game fine on decent settings and still have it look mind boggling good.

I do belive you can get mouse and keyboard arrangments for consoles, someway or another. I think all your really need is a proper converter.

Consoles - good games - $$$,
PC's - good games - $$$.

jmjneary said:
more pc cons:
you have to upgrade at least every 3 years and that will usually cost you upwards of 500 $ - New console every few years whats your point?

console pros:
price inexpensive -Bah
no viruses/spyware/worms/trojans -New consoles have internet access, good bye clean consoles.
games usually ship almost glich free -Well duh!
no moniter needed -Just an expensive TV
you can play multiplayer without having the internet -Have you ever been to a LAN party?
you can get patches to fix the game on xbl at least -OMG patches we've had those for years.
no hax -Hehehe you havn't seen anything yet. (btw VAC sucks, Punkbuster owns.)
no cheeting in online games -Spell it right and it will happen.
fast boot -And no multipurpose OS yet! Xbox 360 will be different though.
no game installation -Games may copy data onto the HDD for faster access, a form of installation if you will.
every console by the same company comes with the exact same chip set -We are all individuals. You'll tend to find this the same with PC's

console cons:
you cannot upgrade processors or gfx cards -Not yet anyway.
you cannot mod a game -Not without a mod chip atleast.
there are no free console sdk's other than commador 64 -Hehehe
Kyo said:
Uh then your certaintly going to miss alot of good computer games, if you don't bother to upgrade and keep with the times. You mentioned best detail and high resolution, heck with modern budget ware you'd be able to play the game fine on decent settings and still have it look mind boggling good.

I do belive you can get mouse and keyboard arrangments for consoles, someway or another. I think all your really need is a proper converter.

Consoles - good games - $$$,
PC's - good games - $$$.

the amount of pc exclusive games is far less than the amount of console exclusive games. and, i dont want it to just look 'decent', I want each game in its full glory. and you didn't define 'modern budget'. but one thing you need to realize is not everyone has lots of $ to burn on whatever they want.

and no. they have a mouse/keyboard thing for xbox, but the way xbox receives input, your speed with the mouse is limited. so it basically defeats the purpose.
DigiQ8 said:
Next Gen console can access the internet and you can download demos , movies .. hell maybe even patches ..... the PC Gaming end is coming :(

By then, we will be able to share processor and video-card speed over the internet (true story).

-Graphics a bajillion times better than current consoles (this will stop soon, but only for a year or two, then PCs will take over again)
-Mods :D.
-The mouse.
-Most people who have a console also have a PC anyways, just not for gaming, so it's not really much more expensive.
-In-Game Chat.
-Gets all the next-gen games.


-Less installing/booting.
-No cheaters(?)
-Easier to maintain.

-Graphics quickly become dated as the console can't be tweaked.

Winner: None. It's all up to preference. I prefer PC. Whatever.
TheSomeone said:
-Graphics quickly become dated as the console can't be tweaked.

That's not a valid con really. the next-gen consoles are going to first release games that are nowhere near the potential of what the hardware is capable of, moreso than previous generations. then as time goes on, they have the room to make more and more detailed games.
poseyjmac said:
That's not a valid con really. the next-gen consoles are going to first release games that are nowhere near the potential of what the hardware is capable of, moreso than previous generations. then as time goes on, they have the room to make more and more detailed games.

Well shit, have you played any console ports recently?
TheSomeone said:
Well shit, have you played any console ports recently?

no i haven't. is there a point you're trying to make?

remember, we can't safely say what will be quickly outdated based on information of previous consoles because the hardware evolution is always different, and we dont know what strides video cards will take in the coming years. thats why i said your con is not valid.
poseyjmac said:
the amount of pc exclusive games is far less than the amount of console exclusive games.
Was that a joke? There a a gazillion more PC exclusive games than all consoles combined.
StardogChampion said:
Was that a joke? There a a gazillion more PC exclusive games than all consoles combined.

well we both have no evidence. but if you want to start naming titles, maybe i will too.
poseyjmac said:
no i haven't. is there a point you're trying to make?

Yes, they look like mounds of dog-poo. Even the latest games like Brothers-in-Arms look like crap.

remember, we can't safely say what will be quickly outdated based on information of previous consoles because the hardware evolution is always different, and we dont know what strides video cards will take in the coming years. thats why i said your con is not valid.

My guess is it'll follow the same trend. I think it's pretty much guaranteed video cards are going to continue evolvign at their current rate. Even if the evolution slows down, at least there _will_ be one, while the consoles will be stuck with the same specs for a couple of years.

Plus, you're talking next-gen, months, maybe years ahead. I'm talking now-gen consoles. They're outdate, they've been outdated for some time now. You can't deny that if you play a console port.
TheSomeone said:
Yes, they look like mounds of dog-poo. Even the latest games like Brothers-in-Arms look like crap.

My guess is it'll follow the same trend. I think it's pretty much guaranteed video cards are going to continue evolvign at their current rate. Even if the evolution slows down, at least there _will_ be one, while the consoles will be stuck with the same specs for a couple of years.

Plus, you're talking next-gen, months, maybe years ahead. I'm talking now-gen consoles. They're outdate, they've been outdated for some time now. You can't deny that if you play a console port.

when you say things like 'this game looks like crap' about games that obviously do not(especially on a good HDTV), you just come off as biased toward pc gaming, and theres no point in taking you seriously again.

anyway, I don't really care for anyones 'guess' on how its going to be. lets stick with the facts that are released.
I'd say PC, but I look for a different experience with consoles. That's why I'm not a big fan of the 360, It's trying to make a console that's as PC like as possible.
All current/near future games look like crap imo. Give it 5 years and we might reach an acceptable standard.
The problem with PCs is that they're rubbish. By that I mean badly optimised, stupid, unruly, unreliable, irritating, shaky, messy, badly-designed. They go wrong all the time. But we put up with them because of all the cool stuff they can do.
Wha what wha!??!! My PC never fails, only the software it's designed for :|
When I say 'PC' I also mean all the software. A PC without software would suck.

Pfft, macs are better. :p
****ing ads

Software is only buggy because good software needs to be written for several platforms and OS's. Imagine if Microsoft wasn't as gargantuan as it is now, you'd have 5 different choices, which would mean 5 different versions of the software to write, which means less software, which means less PC goodness.
Pointless thread!

They're totally different and both have strength and weaknesses.

Just do 'em both to be safe!
What, like nicotine and alcohol?

Seriously though. Look at a console - look at the raw processing power. A PS2 has less raw power than a computer I bought late in 1999. But it can manage infinitely better graphics. I mean, a 300mhz mac is actually the equivalent of like a 1ghz PC.

Yes, I know this is a by-product of the amazing versitality and third-party variety...but it still doesn't change the fact that Darwinia refuses to run of my PC.
The computer is never to blame, it's allways the User.
Kyo said:
The computer is never to blame, it's allways the User.

that can be proven wrong easily. for instance a friend of mine bought a motherboard with onboard NIC. the onboard NIC was giving him problems, it would disconnect from the internet randomly. newly formatted. turned out to be a hardware problem that was out of his control. so we got a new NIC and everything was fine.
poseyjmac said:
when you say things like 'this game looks like crap' about games that obviously do not(especially on a good HDTV), you just come off as biased toward pc gaming, and theres no point in taking you seriously again.

You haven't even played it on PC so f ck off. The game looks like shit on a high resolution PC screen and I know it because I've played it. I don't care if it looks good on an HDTV, i'm talking about PCs here. I've played Half-Life 2(duh) I've played Doom III and BF2, I know what good looks like. The textures on BiA are extremely low qual compared to the above. Plus, I said it was up to preference, I never said I prefered PCs. You're the biased on saying games that look good on console don't look bad on PC.

anyway, I don't really care for anyones 'guess' on how its going to be. lets stick with the facts that are released.

EDIT: Oh, and guess who STARTED with non-existent facts from the future?

poseyjmac said:
That's not a valid con really. the next-gen consoles are going to first release games that are nowhere near the potential of what the hardware is capable of, moreso than previous generations. then as time goes on, they have the room to make more and more detailed games.

Exactly, so don't go on making hypotheses that Graphic cards are going to stop evolving or shit like that. I'm talking about NOW, that NOW, PC's are graphically WAY SUPERIOR to consoles. That although they were equal to their PC counterparts BEFORE, that NOW, they suck because you can't mod them. NOW NOW NOW. Just look at a console to PC or PC to console port NOW and you will NOTICE THIS IS NOW THE OBVIOUS NOW TRUTH AT THE PRESENT NOW TIME.


TheSomeone said:
Exactly, so don't go on making hypotheses that Graphic cards are going to stop evolving or shit like that. I'm talking about NOW, that NOW, PC's are graphically WAY SUPERIOR to consoles. That although they were equal to their PC counterparts BEFORE, that NOW, they suck because you can't mod them. NOW NOW NOW. Just look at a console to PC or PC to console port NOW and you will NOTICE THIS IS NOW THE OBVIOUS NOW TRUTH AT THE PRESENT NOW TIME.

I dont understand that

also another thing that is true is that even you can upgrade the hardware of the PC is a similiar case to buy a new console cuz you hav to buy the new hardware cuz the hardware get outdated too just like buy a new console cuz the old console get oudated too

so upgrade a PC and buy a new console are not so diferent things
<RJMC> said:
I dont understand that
Basically, PCs have better graphics than consoles, more so as the console gets old. (see the screenshots)

so upgrade a PC and buy a new console are not so diferent things

Yes because new parts come out MUCH MUCH more often than new consoles.
TheSomeone said:
Basically, PCs have better graphics than consoles, more so as the console gets old. (see the screenshots)

that depends on the hardware,for example if you compare a Pc whit hardware of 1995 to a ps2 sure the ps2 games look better,cuz videocards and other Pc hardware get outdated too

TheSomeone said:
Yes because new parts come out MUCH MUCH more often than new consoles.

but is the same case

for example a PC hardware gets outdated so them you buy a new videocard
is like if a console gets outdated and you wait and buy a new console

and how new parts come more often them that meang you will hav to spend more money upgrading the PC cuz lets say one day a new videocard is releasedand you buy,them the next year a new videocard is released and you buy it,and the same continue so is not a great advantage cuz is expensive

but is the same case,the fact of buy new hardware
<RJMC> said:
that depends on the hardware,for example if you compare a Pc whit hardware of 1995 to a ps2 sure the ps2 games look better,cuz videocards and other Pc hardware get outdated too

But that's not a valid argument, you're comparing two machines from different time periods. In the same way I can compare the 95 machine to the NES, guess which one has the better graphics?

<RJMC> said:
for example a PC hardware gets outdated so them you buy a new videocard
is like if a console gets outdated and you wait and buy a new console

Which is exactly my point. You have to wait in order to get up to date hardware, while PC gamers don't. Hence, consoles gte older faster.

<RJMC> said:
and how new parts come more often them that meang you will hav to spend more money upgrading the PC cuz lets say one day a new videocard is releasedand you buy,them the next year a new videocard is released and you buy it,and the same continue so is not a great advantage cuz is expensive

But that's completely beside the point. A PC is going to be more expensive wether you upgrade or not and there is good reason for that, but my point is that you have the ability to uprade at any time so that the graphics don't get old, while the console does not have a choice. If a console comes out in 2006, they will have to deal with 2006 hardware for a couple of years, while computer can be updated all the time. Plus, No one upgrades their PC every year, just more often than consoles come out.

Let me give you an example. I bought my computer back when the three consoles came out (XBOX, PS2 and Gamecube). Back then, the console specs were about level with my machine. In between, I've upgraded the memory and bought a much more powerful video card. I can play Doom III in 1024 x 768 while the XBOX version is stuck in the TV-native 860 x 640 resolution with dated shaders.

Sulkdodds said:
Except you can't see very well because the second one is about half the size.



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TheSomeone said:
You haven't even played it on PC so f ck off.

I haven't? says who? also the last part of that makes you come off as an 8-year old, and I know you're at least 14, so you might want to watch that in the future.

TheSomeone said:
Exactly, so don't go on making hypotheses that Graphic cards are going to stop evolving or shit like that.


quote me where I made this supposed hypothesis. take your time.

again, if you are going to be in a discussion on a forum, you need to really grow up and act more mature. no one likes discussing things with a child. oh plus it can get you banned. which would be so tragic.


also, there is a slight difference between the xbox shot and the PC shot. sure the PC one looks a little sharper. but the xbox does not look like crap compared to the PC one. thats just the fanboy inside you talking.
poseyjmac said:
I haven't? says who? also the last part of that makes you come off as an 8-year old, and I know you're at least 14, so you might want to watch that in the future.

ME: Well shit, have you played any console ports recently?
YOU: no i haven't. is there a point you're trying to make?

And as far as I know, 15 is young enough to be an asshole.

poseyjmac said:
quote me where I made this supposed hypothesis. take your time.

"hardware evolution is always different, and we dont know what strides video cards will take in the coming years."

I just hyperbolized it.

poseyjmac said:
again, if you are going to be in a discussion on a forum, you need to really grow up and act more mature. no one likes discussing things with a child. oh plus it can get you banned. which would be so tragic.

Please, I don't need your pseudo-intellectual scolding. You haven't properly countered a single one of my arguments.

also, there is a slight difference between the xbox shot and the PC shot. sure the PC one looks a little sharper. but the xbox does not look like crap compared to the PC one. thats just the fanboy inside you talking.

No, it's the fanboy inside YOU not seeing the difference, If you scroll back to my last post, or pretty much every one of my answers to you, I've been saying it's up to preference (pc vs. console). However, maybe the fanboy inside YOU won't be blind to the technical aspect of things(read the whole article please): http://stageselect.com/News/NewsViewer.aspx?newsid=1158

Comparing Xbox Doom 3 to its PC-based cousin is a bit unfair. Doom 3 a game that will push any system to its limits. In the case of the Xbox, it's a near miracle that the game runs at all, when you compare the specs of the "typical" Doom 3 capable PC to the Xbox. Essentially, the Xbox contains a 733MHz processor with a GeForce 3 graphics card (and 64MB of RAM). Obviously, since Doom 3 PC won't run on a processor less than 1.5 GHz, a direct comparison isn't possible.

LOL! The XBOX is so much less capable they can't even be compared. You just pwnd yourself.
poseyjmac said:
that can be proven wrong easily. for instance a friend of mine bought a motherboard with onboard NIC. the onboard NIC was giving him problems, it would disconnect from the internet randomly. newly formatted. turned out to be a hardware problem that was out of his control. so we got a new NIC and everything was fine.

I wonder what brand motherboard that was hmm? Oh and that same hardware fault is known to happen with consoles. Shiest look at the X-box power cable, it was recalled. Well some where anyhow I forget which country.

<RJMC> said:
for example a PC hardware gets outdated so them you buy a new videocard
is like if a console gets outdated and you wait and buy a new console

and how new parts come more often them that meang you will hav to spend more money upgrading the PC cuz lets say one day a new videocard is releasedand you buy,them the next year a new videocard is released and you buy it,and the same continue so is not a great advantage cuz is expensive

but is the same case,the fact of buy new hardware

A new console rolls around every 2-3 years, and I buy major upgrades every two to three years. Unless your a nutcase with loads of money, you don't buy brand new tech the day it comes out.

The problem is the X-360 is only coming out just now and there have been plenty and I mean plenty of games that look better than the X-Box version of Doom 3 for example.
A new console rolls around every 2-3 years, and I buy major upgrades every two to three years. Unless your a nutcase with loads of money, you don't buy brand new tech the day it comes out
It's more like 5-6 years...
Like I pay attention to consoles. Anyhow there are 3 currently correct? Your not going to buy all three at once now are you? and yes I just happen to own those three said consoles.

Sure you can stick to one console platform but then you miss the ones that come out for the other consoles too. From a PC view I only miss out on console games rather than nintendo games when owning a x-box and PS2.
TheSomeone said:
ME: Well shit, have you played any console ports recently?
YOU: no i haven't. is there a point you're trying to make?

And as far as I know, 15 is young enough to be an asshole.

heh, you dont have to play a console port to know what they look like. my roomate has an xbox and I see what games look like all the time. what do you say to that?

TheSomeone said:
"hardware evolution is always different, and we dont know what strides video cards will take in the coming years."

I just hyperbolized it.

heh. you didn't exaggerate, you pulled something from nothing. I said we don't know what strides video cards will take in the future. and then your wise hyperbole of that was that video cards would stop evolving 'or shit like that'.

*chuckle* nice try there, guy.

TheSomeone said:
Please, I don't need your pseudo-intellectual scolding. You haven't properly countered a single one of my arguments.

none of your arguments hold any water.

TheSomeone said:
No, it's the fanboy inside YOU not seeing the difference, If you scroll back to my last post, or pretty much every one of my answers to you, I've been saying it's up to preference (pc vs. console). However, maybe the fanboy inside YOU won't be blind to the technical aspect of things(read the whole article please): http://stageselect.com/News/NewsViewer.aspx?newsid=1158

LOL! The XBOX is so much less capable they can't even be compared. You just pwnd yourself.

im not the one who says that 'C0ns0l3z Suck!'. im saying they are both good. you are saying in a doom3 screenshot comparison, that the xbox looks terrible. im saying it looks slightly worse, but not terrible(which happens to be the truth)

you are text-book fanboy, man. I can't be a console fanboy, because I don't own any consoles since SNES, and ive been a pcgamer for so long. im just looking at everything objectively. with fanboyism things tend to be black and white, IE you saying one totally sucks, and another totally rocks. pretty much everything you say just makes you and your opinion more ridiculous and laughable. but continue if you wish, its quite funny.
Kyo said:
I wonder what brand motherboard that was hmm? Oh and that same hardware fault is known to happen with consoles. Shiest look at the X-box power cable, it was recalled. Well some where anyhow I forget which country.

actually it has happened a total of 3 times in the past 8 months with 3 of my friends computers. 2 were Abit NF7-S boards, the other was a chaintech.

you were saying?

Kyo said:
A new console rolls around every 2-3 years, and I buy major upgrades every two to three years. Unless your a nutcase with loads of money, you don't buy brand new tech the day it comes out.

The problem is the X-360 is only coming out just now and there have been plenty and I mean plenty of games that look better than the X-Box version of Doom 3 for example.


buying major upgrades every 2-3 years, and you won't be running the best games at highest detail for long.

no one claimed that the xbox360 will have games that always look as good or better than pc games before the next console comes out. but that still doesn't mean the xbox360 won't be a good buy.