PC Powerplay article info: CS:S, HL: S and even CN:G

Sep 27, 2003
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Got the most recent PC Powerplay, here's the gist:

The cover calls CS: S "Half-Life 2 Multiplayer", though this is said nowhere in the article inside, and indeed, the entire context of the discussion of CS: S is it being a way of testing Source's multiplayer capabilities that grew into something they'd actually consider releasing.

I think the guy who actually wrote the article believes it's NOT HL2's multiplayer, as he thinks it'll be a free download over Steam for those who have HL2.

Doug Lombardi says that porting HL to Source was actually less painful than they thought it would be, though they found a few ways to make it easier for mod authors wanting to port their games...

He also says that they decided that HL: S would be worth releasing (it was just an experiment to begin with) when people at the office started playing it. Then they decided to test Source with a multiplayer port, and Counter-Strike was the obvious choice.

HL: S makes use of Source's shaders, enhanced lighting, shadows, etc...

More work (in terms of texture and model stuff) has been done on CS: S than HL: S.

Both HL: S and CS: S will be made available on the same day as HL2 (PC Powerplay guesses sometime in late August...).

CS: S textures are roughly twice the resolution of CS textures.

"A single room in de_aztec now has more polygons than all of aztec as played under the old engine" - Jess Cliffe

Physics definately adds to the gameplay of CS: S. Cover can be blown away or constructed from nearby objects.

Vehicle-based gameplay and larger scale battles with higher player counts are two things being experimented with by the Counterstrike designers...

There are several pics, bu the most interesting ones are:

A. A pair of pics comparing an area in CS to CS: S... they're obviously the same area, but the detail (both polygonal and texture-wise) in CS: S is much higher...

B. A pair of pictures doing the same... but for HL: S. It shows the difference between the Icthyosaur/cage area in HL and HL: S... Colours in HL: S are better, shadows are more realistic, the Icthyosaur seems to have some specularity on it (I can't be sure, though), and the water is reflective, just like HL2's...

The next page has a little box about Codename: Gordon. Apparently, 600,000 people had downloaded it within three weeks...

Mods, if this contravenes the rules in any way, feel free to do whatever you have to, though you didn't seem to mind when I posted a magazine article summary before...

Any questions?
Thanks, good write up. I'm more interested in the HL to HL:S differences since not much info has come out about it. Hopefully there'll be some scans of that comparision pic on the net before long.
would be interesting to see the difference between HL & HL:S
Brian Damage said:
B. A pair of pictures doing the same... but for HL: S. It shows the difference between the Icthyosaur/cage area in HL and HL: S... Colours in HL: S are better, shadows are more realistic, the Icthyosaur seems to have some specularity on it (I can't be sure, though), and the water is reflective, just like HL2's...

Those shots will prolly be in the next screenshot bunch they are going to release to the public =] They did this in the past shots too. First in mags and then internet. (but they should hurry up already pfft)
damn screenshots of HL:S? this i gotta see :S
yeah same here. I should play HL:S first, then HL2, just to get the full thing :)
I wonder if Half-Life: Source will be part of the regular edition, or will it be a special edition only deal?
I hope they release it free through Steam or something.

I would still buy it if they put it on retail sales. :)
From the mag, Mountain Man:

PC Powerplay said:
Again, we would predict that HL Source will either be a budget priced stand-alone release or included in some kind of Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition...

That's what they think, anyway.
Brian Damage said:
The next page has a little box about Codename: Gordon. Apparently, 600,000 people had downloaded it within three weeks...

Hehe, seems like gamers are in a serious need of Half-Life 2.
Brian Damage said:
From the mag, Mountain Man:

That's what they think, anyway.
I'm getting the Collector's Edition anyway so I don't care about that :p
The HL:S screenshot is extremely small, but you can clearly see the lovely reflective water. The texturing on the walls looks identical in comparison to the regular HL1 screenshot. The lighting is a little different which could be attributed to many things like the contrast settings this page was printed etc. But i wouldn't be surprised if the lightning does look noticably different to HL1 in the final game. I can't tell for sure if the itchyosaur model has been updated, but it certainly looks like it. Since that same monster is in HL2, they've probably just used the same model.

Um yes.
I can't think of anything more fugly than HL1 with all the fancy-pantsy doodads of Source but the underlying textures and models the same as before. Talk about polishing a turd.
Lets hope the other source ports are free when there finished, i cant see many people repaying for HL1 when its only got a few lighting and water updates, and it would make HL2 amazing value for money if they released DOD etc the same as CSS
From that info....Im starting to have more faith that HL2 has its own MP casue they said that CSS was only started as a test more than an actual game they wanted to ship!! :smoking:
CS:S I believe was developed to be the "example mod" for porting a mod to the Source engine.

I think they said something about it a while back if I recall correctly?
Gossoon said:
I can't think of anything more fugly than HL1 with all the fancy-pantsy doodads of Source but the underlying textures and models the same as before. Talk about polishing a turd.
What are you on about?
As far as I know, the textures are upgraded (not to HL2's standards because they didn't spend too long on porting it - why would they?) as are the models (again, not to tip-top amazingness but perfectly adequate, I'm sure). I'm not sure if they're using some HL2 models in HL: Source, eg: the crossbow, the magnum, G-Man, Vortigaunts, but I don't see why they wouldn't...
It's true that it could look a bit peculiar in some respects but CS:Source looks pretty good. Expect the same for HL:Source
The folks who've seen the HL:Source shot - does the Icthyosaur look like how you'd expect the HL2 version to look like?
el Chi said:
What are you on about?
As far as I know, the textures are upgraded (not to HL2's standards because they didn't spend too long on porting it - why would they?) as are the models (again, not to tip-top amazingness but perfectly adequate, I'm sure). I'm not sure if they're using some HL2 models in HL: Source, eg: the crossbow, the magnum, G-Man, Vortigaunts, but I don't see why they wouldn't...
It's true that it could look a bit peculiar in some respects but CS:Source looks pretty good. Expect the same for HL:Source
The folks who've seen the HL:Source shot - does the Icthyosaur look like how you'd expect the HL2 version to look like?

Well, as far as I know HL1 is not getting a graphical makeover, just the engine upgrade. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'd read/saw that in a Doug interview. It seems like they're hoping some modders will finish the job for them...
Mr-Fusion said:
The HL:S screenshot is extremely small, but you can clearly see the lovely reflective water. The texturing on the walls looks identical in comparison to the regular HL1 screenshot. The lighting is a little different which could be attributed to many things like the contrast settings this page was printed etc. But i wouldn't be surprised if the lightning does look noticably different to HL1 in the final game. I can't tell for sure if the itchyosaur model has been updated, but it certainly looks like it. Since that same monster is in HL2, they've probably just used the same model.

Um yes.

Mind scanning and pming me, if possible? ;)
I wonder if HL:S is just single player or multiplayer too. Can't wait to play again Halflife deathmatch at bounce or crossover :E
|_HeLL_| said:
I wonder if HL:S is just single player or multiplayer too. Can't wait to play again Halflife deathmatch at bounce or crossover :E

I am pretty sure HLDM:S has been confirmed.....heck, if they are doing ricochet, they better be doing DM.
Yes it was confirmed recently in the info thread, but I if recall correctly in a recent interview Gabe or another valve developer said HL:S Single Player will be available at the same time HL2 shit shelves, and I can remember for sure that he make specific single player.

Maybe HL:S singleplayer will be available at the same time HL2 shit shelves and HL:S multiplayer will come available later in a steam update.
Again, we would predict that HL Source will either be a budget priced stand-alone release or included in some kind of Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition...
Jeez I hope there isn't a difference in what you get for multiplayer between the Traditional package and the Collectors Edition. Either that or hope it's sold seperatly, i'm more interested in HL:S than CS:S :|
I hope the models of HL1:S will not be the same of HL1
but there say that they work more in the models of CS:S that the models of HL1:S
From what I've seen, the HL:S Sp comes out when hl2 does, but there wont be a HL:S multiplyer at release (interview info) And HL:S will have some model makeovers, just not as much as CS:S.
im pretty sure that was prolly a nice little article but you still havent told us what the **** cn:g is. kthx
acme420 said:
im pretty sure that was prolly a nice little article but you still havent told us what the **** cn:g is. kthx
Codename: Gordon :)
Cyber$nake said:
yeah same here. I should play HL:S first, then HL2, just to get the full thing :)

PenaE said:
Yeah! Totally! :D

Owww my...you guys never thougt of that before?
I would to, but I'd rather play a game thats made for Source at first though.

ow...so first now ppl are getting exited about HL:S?! about time!
Many others(including me) were like this months ago, but most people flamed us like "why would you play such an old game?!", "why whould you pay for it!?" and so on.

:sniper: THEM!
I've seen the HL:S screen, and the thing that I noticed the most was the new water!
Yes, that's what I was saying before: HL:S takes advantage of some features, but it doesn't seem like it's getting much in the way of a graphical makeover...

acme420: As has been pointed out, yes I have.