PCGamer UK editor on HL2 Mag previews!!!

Ah well, look at the bright side: at least Valve sorted out those scripting issues. Because when someone plays it, they're not so predictable anymore as in the E3 vids.

Yes, I wish my recordings of the Sopranos weren't so predictable. Everytime I watch the same episode, the same darn stuff happens in the same order! What gives?!

I don't think the beta tells us very much at all about the "whole scripting issue." It was likely hacked together probably partially out of demo playback files, and is a total mess in that regard.
Check my last post in the sticky (info from valve only). He clearly sais that there WILL be NEW media in the magazines! (Or am I wrong?)
agreed apos, but still, these new screenshots are gonna be from the latest playable build, thats defintly worth seeing to tide us over till E3 :)
Forgive me if this was asked earlier in the thread, but I can't be bothered to wade through it all, yes, my time is that important, but anyway, does someone know when the US Pc Gamer comes out? I think that I pick it up on the newstand around the first week of the month, but my concept of time isn't too strong. Also, subscribers probably get it earlier. The reason I ask is if that mag will print after the 29th so they can do a no-holds-barred preview.
The release date was the 16th, I suspect they're holding it back until the 29th so they can show the new shots (I hope so, anyway..)

No one's seen the magazine yet, so.. hm. I'll be checking out a news stand in a few hours, maybe they'll have it
i doubt u will see it before the 29th unless its a subscription pre release thingy.
So wait, is the idea that:

UK PCGamer came out already, but did a Part1/Part2 thing.
US PCGamer is going to postpone their normal ship date until the 29th so that they can just do the Part2 part.
PCZone is coming out on the 29th?

Or is USPCGamer going to come out with a Part 1 early, and not do the Part 2 till may, like UK PCGamer?
...................the same levels we have seen............................the same FREAKING LEVELS, valve are officially 'gay'
Apos said:
Or is USPCGamer going to come out with a Part 1 early, and not do the Part 2 till may, like UK PCGamer?

No one knows for sure.. I guess this is pretty much the assumption at this point
It would be pretty unusual for a mag to delay almost 2 weeks for a mere preview. If they do do the split then won't the second part come out after E3? And then won't it be old news? Why the hell did valve insist on the 29th?? It seems to be inconvenient to everyone. If they're so accomodating to print mags, as they seem to give them the first crack at screenshots all the time, then why the hassle? Dammit.
Nah, I don't mind seeing the same levels I think. Well, if the game is coming soon, that is. Why spoil myself jsut a few months ahead of the release?
I wouldnt mind seeing some Movies / Screenshots of the Same levels playing in a different way, just to see how open the levels are. New stuff would be very nice, and I'm still hoping.
If the second part with the new information
(New to us and everyone, Pt 1 being a synopsis of Info from Valve thread and articles we've been gargling down)
**And it makes sense to try and put that issue out along with E3 coverage,
rather than do
-an e3 issue early, and have to hold the HL2 info off because the NDA date hadn't been met.
-an HL2 issue only , but e3 issue comes out after other publications because of late-in-the-month NDA date.

EDIT: Also, coverage of e3 for most publications comes late because they can't get it out soon as its done, because they have to write the articles and put them together first. The net gets stuff faster because it doesn't have to be printed+shipped.

So all e3 info in mags are technically pretty old news.
but i do wonder why they chose 29th. perhaps to force it into e3 issue and get more coverage from readers.

If you were to buy one magazine a year, the holiday issue and the e3 issue would be the first that come to my mind. cheers :)
////EDIT done==1
I am getting sick of this, when e3 hits we will finnaly get the truth about whats going on.
we didn't get the truth last time : (
but let's hope they have a better idea (or are more forthcoming) with their progress.
Wonder how much the PR slows them down? All the BS they have to deal with (or put out).
lets try not to let our crushing cyniscism cloud the fact we don't now.
Let's not have optimism get our hopes high based on shaky grounds.
yes yes yes i know the emails. But who says they can't make mistakes again?
Not villianous deceptions, but just undershooting finishing the project or whatever?

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."