PCI-E slot is...missing...


Aug 10, 2004
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Welp, my mom bought herself a prebuilt HP computer from futureshop, and I set it up for her. Of course the first thing I did was open the case to check it out, but when I looked at the spot where the PCI-E connector was supposed to be, it was...not there...(maybe it's something else entirely, iunno)
I'm pretty sure that this PC was supposed to have an open PCI-E slot, but look:
Pic 1 (distant)
Pic 2 (medium)
Pic 3 (closeup)

So like...um...hmm...why? It sort of looks like it was snapped off or never put on or something...did she get ripped off?

Looks like they soldered it right off!

Yeah, you guys got gipped. Give 'em a ring and tell 'em that some dumbass took out the PCI-E port on your mobo.
OR it's a HP and it doens't come with a PCI-E slot.

older HPs didn't come with an AGP.
never ever buy a puter from: HP, Dell, Gateway....

its always better to get stuff from newegg or go to a PC shop and tell them how much u want to spend.

btw: like somebody already said call them and ask for a new mobo.
MaxiKana said:
OR it's a HP and it doens't come with a PCI-E slot.

older HPs didn't come with an AGP.

It wasn't taken off, it was merely never attached.

If you phone up the shop and ask for another mobo, it'll be EXACTLY the same.

he ask for one with PCI-E I mean... its 2006 not 1999 jeez it should be standard
I'd ring them and ask for another motherboard, but is his mother really going to need a PCI-E slot?
it should be standard imo.... on every mobo made today
Christ - it's a pre-fab for HP mobo, PCI-e isn't an option on that machine.

At all. You could replace the motherboard yourself, but there's little point.
Ren.182 said:
But he gave you the answer :p
HP's don't come with PCI-e.

Actully your wrong. I have a HP machine, i got it last year and yes it has a PCI-E port.
Spicy Tuna said:
he ask for one with PCI-E I mean... its 2006 not 1999 jeez it should be standard

That's what people said a few years back about agp...

Jonz0r said:
Actully your wrong. I have a HP machine, i got it last year and yes it has a PCI-E port.

But yours seem to be one of the expensivest models, the affordable ones come with no PCI-E.
"HP's don't come with PCI-e."

That is stating that all HP machines do not come with PCi-E if he would of said
"The cheap HP machines dont come with PCI-E" then i wouldnt of posted >.<
Spicy Tuna said:
never ever buy a puter from: HP, Dell, Gateway....

You have no clue do you? Pre-builts are fine for everyday stuff like viewing the internet, typing essays, etc. You don't need a gaming pc to do those things at all.
Jonz0r said:
"HP's don't come with PCI-e."

That is stating that all HP machines do not come with PCi-E if he would of said
"The cheap HP machines dont come with PCI-E" then i wouldnt of posted >.<

The cheap HP machines dont come with PCI-E.
Guess i should have said "some".
My bad.
If you walk into a store about half the machines they have at the normal consumer level do not have a dedicated graphics port (agp/pci espress).
that motherboard kind of looks like mine except the heatsink on the chipset that i bought from compaq and mine came with agp so i guess hp dosent do agp on older computers you should always check that before you buy
i work at future shop in computers, what model is it? 1120? 1220? just check futureshop.ca and it will list if it's supposed to have an open PCI-E slot, but for those models I'm pretty sure they dont.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You have no clue do you? Pre-builts are fine for everyday stuff like viewing the internet, typing essays, etc. You don't need a gaming pc to do those things at all.

But that's the problem, branded computers are even sucky at doing that properly. All the branded computers I've ever used have had problems and all the custom builts, for a cheaper price, start up and run everything perfectly and faster.

So, custom FTW.
branded PC's are generally crap cos they use shite hardware, have onboard gfx, have shite memory, mite aswell just pay for the name.
Lawl. This is actually funny. I feel bad for you, but no PCI-E/AGP slot? Rofl. Talk about cost cutting... -.-
jsut type your model number in to hp.ca or hp.com and usually the first option to come up is the product specs. usually better information from the manufactuer than any retailer.

but yeah, sucks to be you
SubKamran said:
But that's the problem, branded computers are even sucky at doing that properly. All the branded computers I've ever used have had problems and all the custom builts, for a cheaper price, start up and run everything perfectly and faster.

So, custom FTW.

You obviously get the crap pre-built computers then, both of mine that are pre-built I've had no issues with browsing and doing other simple tasks.
Revisedsoul said:
but yeah, sucks to be you

No it doesn't. :| I built my own rig and it kicks ass :D

This is my mom's PC we're talking about and it doesn't really matter because she'll never need a PCI-E slot...
I was just curious because I'd never seen that before.

And I checked futureshop.ca, they don't mention any graphics features except the integrated intel graphics, so I guess it never was supposed to have one :(

Oh well, thanks for all the replies :)
What about pre-built, branded computers from Alienware or Falcon? Those are shitty too?
ailevation said:
What about pre-built, branded computers from Alienware or Falcon? Those are shitty too?
shitty, no. over priced, yes.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Welp, my mom bought herself a prebuilt HP computer from futureshop, and I set it up for her. Of course the first thing I did was open the case to check it out, but when I looked at the spot where the PCI-E connector was supposed to be, it was...not there...(maybe it's something else entirely, iunno)
I'm pretty sure that this PC was supposed to have an open PCI-E slot, but look:
Pic 1 (distant)
Pic 2 (medium)
Pic 3 (closeup)

So like...um...hmm...why? It sort of looks like it was snapped off or never put on or something...did she get ripped off?

Well, there should be a at least an AGP, yet theres none. This is 2006 afterall, not 1996

If the advertisement stated it came with an PCI-e, or even a grahics card for that matter, you can take it back if you wish

Was there an advertisement you saw the computer in, also check receipt invoice, and everything that went through the transaction

BTW, that fan on the processor looks a bit dodgy, coming from a prestigious comp shop
you guys are missing the point that I see no type of graphics bus.. at all just a few holes where there should be a pci:e slot.. like it was literally ripped off but that card in there could be a regular pci gfx card.. eww haha