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Oct 24, 2004
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I dont normally post here but I have to spread this knowledge as far and wide as possible. Its vital to every one of us and our way of life is set to change drastically in slightly more than 3 years.

This is not some crackpot prophecy or delusional babbling it comes from leading economists, geologists and politicians.

We're heading for the Post-Modern Stone Age.

Dont believe and dont trust this link? I dont blame you, its terrified me too and I wish it wasnt true but it is. Google the term "Peak Oil" and have a read and note who's doing the talking. Its not dudes with tin-foil hats its Big Oil, Bush, Cheney, finanical analysts, investment firms etc.

Peak Oi: Life After The Oil Crash

Please spread the word, we need to wake up to our future and we all need to be prepared.
I'm soon to turn 20 & I haven't started with the driver's license yet. This is one of the reasons that I haven't bothered. I'm not really interested in going bankrupt just so I can drive my car :) That & I do not have a job so no income :E Our future will rock :thumbs: :rolleyes:
alot of people are aware of this but i don;t think people have realised that its not as far away as they think
You're an idiot to believe everything these liberal politicians shove down your throat is true.

Sure, we may be running out of oil, but we won't fully run out for atleast another 100 years I'd say, probably even longer.

Don't worry about it...even if it were to happen today, electricity would take oil's place, sure we wouldn't be able to use cars or whatever but that would be the only problem.

And people have woken up...they just have'nt done anything about it.
Thing is, that until the oil is completely finito, the petrol prices etc will rise sky high. And higher than that. People will probably stash up in the bomb shelters for future needs. Heck I'm already thinking about doing that :E
Vorac1ous all I ask is that you read the article, call me an idiot if it makes you feel better but its going to happen whether you believe it or not. 100 years is fantasy talk, this is going to hit us all in around 3 years time.
I was actually tempted to laugh at this but I won’t. You are correct and your link is not crackpot.

I work in the oil industry but I know it not permanent

We should maybe pin our future energy needs on, wind ,solar, nuclear power? I really don’t know but your link is not only eye opening it is so close to happening
Read the second page. Wind, solar, boiofuel, hydrogen and nuclear are not going to help us a single bit.

We have to face that our way of life is just unsustainable.

Ya know those Indians in the Amazon? Well their way of life is sustainable. After all the Bible does say "The meek will inheirit the Earth".
I'm on your side here but do us a favour don't quote the bible :D
lol baxter, if you knew me you'd know I put no stock in what the Bible says. I just find it ironic that the only thing the Bible has got right is that the end of the Modern age will favour those that we not touched by it :)

No religious person here
Oh, you must have missed my point. In ten years, we'll have technology that you can't even comprehend or fathom. In 50 years, we'll have set up a colony in space or on the moon that sustains life millions.

I don't exactly know what you're trying to motivate us to do, as this problem you so enthusiastically present to us is most notably unavoidable. Either you're an attention whore trying to look even slightly intelligent, you're trying to feel better about yourself when the time comes that this "economic crash" actually occurs or if you have a solution on mind and want us to spread the "word". Humanity survived an ice age, that's about 50x worse than an "economic downfall".
subz- said:
Vorac1ous all I ask is that you read the article, call me an idiot if it makes you feel better but its going to happen whether you believe it or not. 100 years is fantasy talk, this is going to hit us all in around 3 years time.
I read the whole article, & I doubt all of that b\s.
Hell yeah down with oil. Seriously, it would rock to have to build fires and ride my bike everywhere.
The sole reason I posted this is so that people who read it will think about the long term decisions they make. Should people embark on a 3 year university degree when electricity will have risen in price by 6400% by the time the course is finished? Or should you consider taking courses in primitive culture and survival? The course that might have a chance of saving your life would be the better option.

I dont mean to sound like a drama queen but burying your head in the sand will not save you. I'll gladly take your verbal abuse, its the least of my worries. If atleast a couple of readers understand the gravity of the situation we are facing and go on to tell a few of their family and friends about it, its potentially a few lives saved.

Just read the article and judge for yourself.
Oh, you must have missed my point. In ten years, we'll have technology that you can't even comprehend or fathom. In 50 years, we'll have set up a colony in space or on the moon that sustains life millions

Really ?

And it's somebody like yourself that will come up with all this wonderful save humanity innovations?
In 10 years time the price of oil will have reached the $200 per barel mark and it wont matter a fudge what we've discovered as there will be no economy left to exploit it.

The cost of manufacture and transport of this miracle innovation will prohibit its even slight impact on the energy requirements of the planet.

Baxter what oil company do you work for? Just out of interest? Isnt it suprising how many oil corporations have merged since 1998?
Wouldnt a world of like 5 million people be just great?

edit: eh? no more post count name thingys
everyones just member now
Baxter what oil company do you work for? Just out of interest

I work for BP and yes it is amazing how many oil companies have merged. Before we know it there will be one massive oil company to execise total control over all oil production
I'll just close my eyes and let other people sort it out. Amen.

And so what if we run out of oil... it's not like we're all going to die. Who cares?

Alec_85 said:
I'm soon to turn 20 & I haven't started with the driver's license yet. This is one of the reasons that I haven't bothered. I'm not really interested in going bankrupt just so I can drive my car :) That & I do not have a job so no income :E Our future will rock :thumbs: :rolleyes:
Same here, we rock.

Pesmerga said:
Oh, you must have missed my point. In ten years, we'll have technology that you can't even comprehend or fathom. In 50 years, we'll have set up a colony in space or on the moon that sustains life millions.
10 years...? 10 years ago Take That broke up (british boy band), we've done barely anything since then :p.
I didnt read what you said subz- I was too busy clubbing seals and puting hazardous materials down the drain all the while leaving my deisel engine running.
StardogChampion said:
And so what if we run out of oil... it's not like we're all going to die. Who cares?
From Life After The Oil Crash said:
approximately 10 calories of fossil fuels are required to produce every 1 calorie of food eaten in the US.

The size of this ratio stems from the fact that every step of modern food production is fossil fuel and petrochemical powered:

1. Pesticides are made from oil;

2. Commercial fertilizers are made from ammonia, which is made from
natural gas, which is also about to peak.

3. Farming implements such as tractors and trailers are constructed
and powered using oil;

4. Food distribution networks are entirely dependant on oil. In the US,
the average piece of food is transported 1,500 miles before it gets to
your plate;

In short, people gobble oil like two-legged SUVs.

In short, no oil = no food = no life

This will start in under 3 years from now.

Unless you can become self sufficient with food i.e. growing vegetables and maintaining livestock you will die from this. Note you'll also have to protect your crops and livestock from the 99% of the population who didnt plan for this.

Scared yet?
Well, feel free to come back and say "I told you so" in 3-10 years time, but I don't think it'll happen.
I'll just close my eyes and let other people sort it out.
Superb solution.
And so what if we run out of oil... it's not like we're all going to die. Who cares?
If we run out of a reusable energy source we will actually die.
The oil is not just going to disappear. Prices are just going to keep going up and up and up, and the higher they go the more economic pressure there is for alternative fuel sources. This pressure will stimulate development.

Besides, we can always fall back on electric batteries. It'll be more expensive, but the world won't end. :)
StardogChampion said:
Well, feel free to come back and say "I told you so" in 3-10 years time, but I don't think it'll happen.
Theres nothing I'd love more than to prostrate myself infront of you all if this turns out to not happen. Im not even hoping it wont happen because its already started.

The price of oil has risen 400% since the start of 1999.
LittleB said:
The oil is not just going to disappear. Prices are just going to keep going up and up and up, and the higher they go the more economic pressure there is for alternative fuel sources. This pressure will stimulate development.

Besides, we can always fall back on electric batteries. It'll be more expensive, but the world won't end. :)
From Life After The Oil Crash said:
To illustrate, as of November 2004, a barrel of oil costs about $45. The amount of energy contained in that barrel of oil would cost between $100-$250* dollars to derive from alternative sources of energy. Thus, the market won't signal energy companies to begin aggressively pursuing alternative sources of energy until oil reaches the $100-$250 mark.

*This does not even account for the amount of money it would take to locate and refine the raw materials necessary for a large scale conversion, the construction and deployment of the alternatives, and finally the retrofitting of the world's $45 trillion dollar infrastructure to run on these alternative sources.

Once they do begin aggressively pursuing these alternatives, there will be a 25-to-50 year lag time between the initial heavy-duty research into these alternatives and their wide-scale industrial implementation.

However, in order to finance an aggressive implementation of alternative energies, we need a tremendous amount of investment capital - in addition to affordable energy and raw materials - that we absolutely will not have once oil prices are permanently lodged in the $200 per barrel neighborhood.

While we need 25-to-50 years to retrofit our economy to run on alternative sources of energy, we may only get 25-to-50 days once oil production peaks.
Within a few months of global oil production hitting its peak, it will become impossible to dismiss the decline in supply as a merely transitory event. Once this occurs, you can expect traders on Wall Street to quickly bid the price up to the $200 per barrel range as they realize the world is now in a state of permanent oil scarcity.

With oil at $200 per barrel, gas prices will hit about $10 per gallon virtually overnight. This will cause a rapid breakdown of trucking industries and transportation networks. Importation and distribution of food, medicine, and consumer goods will grind to a halt.
Basically put, the world economy will not survive the point at which the economy forces the switch to alternative energy sources.

But you're right, the oil will not just disappear but the demand will not just gradually decrease. It will crash and make the Great Depression look like a bad trading day. It will not be able to recover as economic growth is dependant on the growing supply of oil.
baxter said:
Really ?

And it's somebody like yourself that will come up with all this wonderful save humanity innovations?
It's only a matter of time before we colonize our moon. Look how far we've come in a hundred years. We went from nearly unindustrial, grounded folks to a society capable of transporting millions of people daily with planes, and the capability to live in orbit for months at a time.

subz- said:
Or should you consider taking courses in primitive culture and survival? The course that might have a chance of saving your life would be the better option.

I agree with you on everything up until the part where you start going off on how the entire world is going to collapse into an unfathomable economic and industrial depression when we run out of fossil fuels. See, there's this thing called wind power...
Well the pesticide problem is starting to deminish because of genetic engineering and there are other substitutes for oil that will be ready by the time all of it runs out btw it is less like 3 yrs more like 40+ years if we keep consuming oil more and more every year so if we just keep oil use to a minimum oil wont be gone for a while and by then we should have alternatives.
stigmata said:
I agree with you on everything up until the part where you start going off on how the entire world is going to collapse into an unfathomable economic and industrial depression when we run out of fossil fuels. See, there's this thing called wind power...
I thought that alternatives to oil would fix the solution coupled with decreasing our usage of energy but I was wrong. The point where that would of helped was 1977. Please read the site, it goes into great detail about how alternatives to fossil fuels will not help us any more. We past the brink and we're on the downward slope already, we'll just all notice it in a couple of years.
From Life After the Oil Crash said:
Wind is better than solar, but the essential problem - a lack of energy density - is still present. To illustrate, it takes all of California's 13,000 wind turbines to generate as much electricity as a single 555-megawatt natural gas fired power plant.

Oil provides over 90% of our transportation fuel. Solar and wind cannot be used for transportation fuels unless they are used to crack hydrogen from water via electrolysis. The electrolysis process is a simple one, but unfortunately it consumes 1.3 units of energy for every 1 unit of energy it produces. In other words, it results in a net loss of energy. You can't replace oil - which has a positive EROEI of about 30 - with an energy source that actually carries a negative EROEI.
What it means is that oil gives us 30x the amount of energy that we invest in getting to it. On the other hand the favoured method of converting wind power into a form of energy we can use for transport - hydrogen - requires 1.3x more energy to produce than it will give us.

There is literally not enough land or wind to fill the Worlds energy requirements which are staggering. 120 million barrels of oil per day is what we're using at the moment. That will reach 200+ million barrels in under 10 years (projected). Now you have to remember that the production of the literrally billions of wind turbines required to fill this need requires oil in the first place. When oil costs $200/barrel you are going to be spending billions to produce each turbine. Do the math, we cant afford it now at $50/barrel let alone when oil reaches $200/barrel.
It's only a matter of time before we colonize our moon. Look how far we've come in a hundred years. We went from nearly unindustrial, grounded folks to a society capable of transporting millions of people daily with planes, and the capability to live in orbit for months at a time

And this solves the problem of the world without oil ?
"It's only a matter of time before we colonize our moon. Look how far we've come in a hundred years. We went from nearly unindustrial, grounded folks to a society capable of transporting millions of people daily with planes, and the capability to live in orbit for months at a time "

And rocket fuel is made from? Yep , thats right , vast quantities of oil.
I power my car with Sweet Snow Pea Sprouts! :D
Danimal said:
I power my car with Sweet Snow Pea Sprouts! :D
Great but the other 20 million people in Australia havent. Do you think they'll all leave you alone and let you get on with it?

I live in Melbourne usually by the way, I might come up and ask for a ride out to the sticks so as to best have a chance of surviving :)
Long story, born in Cumbria and lived here till I was 6. Emmigrated to Melbourne with my folks but have lived back here in Cumbria for 2 out of the last 3 years.

Just south of the border now but going back to Melbourne in September. Hopefully a better place to survive when the lights (and heaters) go out :(
I read that site and I think it is a joke, literally, someone thought it would be funny to make a site about that.
This reminds me of agent smith's quote in the matrix about how every lifeform develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but humans do not. We suck all the resources out of an area then spread to another why does it have to happen in my lifetime? grr..
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