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MarcoPollo said:
so if we just keep oil use to a minimum oil wont be gone for a while and by then we should have alternatives.

Well that's never going to happen. Ever. Unless the death penalty was coupled with going over your ration of oil consumption, nothing will stop people from using as much as possible.

Oil is such a valuable commodity, and I don't think many people realise this. It generate electricity, powers transport, contains things, literally everything you look at now around you has has used oil to get to your field of vision.

This will be quite probably the biggest kick up the arse anyone has ever experienced, but it will be a kick which comes too late. Even if the whole world survived this, I don't think it would change it. Resources would still be consumed without a thought of the consequences.

And the moon colonation? What does that have to do with this? You fly to the moon and eat moon dust? Burn moon dust in your fires and put moon dust in your buggy to travel down to the local shop (made of moon dust) and buy moon dust deoderant and moon dust toilet paper?
Zeus said:
This reminds me of agent smith's quote in the matrix about how every lifeform develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but humans do not. We suck all the resources out of an area then spread to another why does it have to happen in my lifetime? grr..
It isn't going to happen in your lifetime, that site is complete shit.
Foxtrot said:
It isn't going to happen in your lifetime, that site is complete shit.

If it is complete shit, it is complete shit with more sources than you.

What it makes me want to do is laugh heartily at the arrogance and hubris of the human race. I hope we all degenerate into a howling seething mess. 6 billion people just existing and consuming, consuming and existing, reproducing and consuming and existing...why is it so hard for some people to believe that this would cause us to hit the limit of sustainability one day?

We might not completely run out of resources, but we may damn near destroy ourselves in the panic which ensues when we start to come close. Hopefully I'd survive such a scenario, but I'm not especially bothered. It'd just be the same shit over again.
Well we did survive the ice age...I guess we should get some credit for that
I stopped reading where it was trying to tell me how to best barter with gold and silver...

Even better, get back to me in 5 years. While you are eating your bugs and tree leaves wishing you could die, I will be in my AC cooled house playing Half-Life 3.
Bear in mind..this is just stats and math...and are they counting the off shore oil too?? I live in Alberta so we have no shortage of oil here...yet. The truth is it will run out sooner or an alternate powersource is needed of course...but it is human nature to let a disaster happen first then fix the one will be losing sleep over this until it really happens..all we can do is just sit and wait.

EDIT!!: Also don't forget that if we do find an alternate powersource that will also run out. So it is a losing situation even if we do find another powersource it will also eventually run out. If you wanna think REALLY far into the future...eventually every resource on earth will be we either die...come up with something very clever..or we move to another planet and do the same thing all over again (assuming humans have not destroyed themselves yet).
StardogChampion said:
I'll just close my eyes and let other people sort it out. Amen.

And so what if we run out of oil... it's not like we're all going to die. Who cares?

Same here, we rock.

10 years...? 10 years ago Take That broke up (british boy band), we've done barely anything since then :p.

Pleas shut up before you make a fool of yourself.
Just take one second and look around you; most of the things you are seing are made of plastic, plastic is made of oil, so no oil no plastic, and as you may know, plastic is the most used material in the world. Now, imagine, when people will feel the oil runing low, the prices will go up creating a market crash and an oil cirisis, wich leads to an world economic crisis wich means everithing will go wrong. So next time you post, think twice.

BTW, my mod is basd about the oil shortage/wars :
Yeah I knew some people would have a hard time accepting this and would stare facts clearly in the face and deny them. It was inevitable that people would call it a joke when really they are just hoping it wasnt going to happen. Thats human nature.

Like I said, dont believe that site? Great, scepticism is nothing to worry about. Google the term "Peak Oil" and read the IMF and Morgan Stanley's reports about the same thing. Bush and Cheney have expressed that they know exactly whats happening and agree with the reports. They dont make things up, especially things of this magnatude. The reason this isnt on the news 24/7 is because of the panic that would arise which could potentially accelerate the impending crash as panic buying of oil and fuel would skyrocket due to the panic.

I think the panic would allow more people to be saved as they can take advantage of their moneys wealth before it litterally evapourates. They can buy things that can potentially save their lives now but if they went blindly into the crash, which is what the politicians are praying for, we wouldnt be able to do a single thing for ourselves (more for them)

Just look at Bush and Cheneys own homes. They are both off the grid, meaning they are 100% self-sufficient when it comes to electricity and water. Bush lives on a ranch capable of growing food and livestock. Now it might be a tradition going back to Roosevelt to have a ranch but to making it completely off the grid doesnt show much faith in the system does it?

Dont believe me about their homes being "off the grid"? Look it up for yourself, you shouldnt just have to take my word for it with something of this magnatude. Fire up google and check it for yourself.

To those that have understood the gravity of the situation, well done and good luck.
whats the big deal? theres other sources of energy other than oil :rolling:
Nice article. Don't worry to much. People have lived for thousands of years without oil. Think of great economic depressions in countries like Russia. It's true they've had it rough. But it didn't trigger a giant armageddon.

What I'm saying is don't color it all in black and white.

Also, I think the author of the article didn't provide enough in-depth information about new potential energy sources. Even though it would require a massive amount of energy, international coöperation, and many other factors to work together, he didn't say anything about projects currently being held at CERN, or other places around the globe. Projects like those investigating the use of antimatter energy (random google link: ) and other projects much alike that aim at solving the energy problem (just try typing "energy" in google.

Although other energy sources may offer some hope, it seems obvious (at least to me) that a permanent oil shortage will have a desastrous effect on the current way of life in western civilization. This theory, "peak oil", feels so obvious it seems hard for me to understand how anyone could deny it or dismiss it as a joke.

Nevertheless, don't despair, don't panic, it won't do you any good. I don't believe this imminent oil crisis is bound to bring down our society, it's only a possibility. But there are other plausible outcomes, involving other energy sources, enough oil to allow us to switch to those new energies, and the will to get there.

And of course, a good luck is in order.
Jangle said:
whats the big deal? theres other sources of energy other than oil :rolling:

the article tries to explain that the alternatives cannot replace oil.

I'm partially sceptical. you can't argue with some of the statistics in the article. one thing i have noticed is that it seems to attribute the rising oil prices to shortages at the moment, rather then OPEC restricting supply(whether releasing supply will lower prices is unknown).

3 years? i doubt a total collapse

no oil = no life? the changes to our economies are not so deep routed as to cause massive death. we survived without oil beforehand.
Element Alpha, I wish you were right. And in parts you are. It wont cause armageddon at all, it will just result in massive die offs as the world population readjusts to our new situation. It would be conservative to assume that atleast half of the worlds population will die directly because of the initial crash.

The oil will still be there, thats what I think gives people some false sense of security. But what good is it if the cost to get it from the land goes up by 6400% in a few years? Or what good is oil if only the likes of Bill Gates and Donald Trump can afford it?

You worry about the price of petrol now? Now times that by a factor of 10. The fuel will still be there but you wont be able to afford it. Neither will 98% of the population in 3 years time.

Now what happens when trucking companies cant afford the fuel to bring food to our supermarkets? They increase their prices to compensate for the 6400% increase in fuel prices which gets passed on to the supermarket companies. Who then pass on the increase to their food prices. What would happen if they raised their prices to compensate by less than a tenth of what fuel has risen by? A £60 ($US120+) rump steak? £4.20 ($US9.0+) 500ml bottle Coca Cola? You got that much cash to survive? Maybe for a little bit but what about your electricity bill? What about your fuel to get to work or to the supermarket?

The oils still there, granted, but you and 98% of the rest of us cant afford it.

I too wouldnt mind a return to simpler times before the industrial revolution but there will be fights for resources as our population has gone from around 1 billion (before industrialisation) to 6 billion.

We've lost the knowledge, by and large, of how to feed ourselves without the aid of supermarkets. Having 1/6th of the food producable with pre-industrial age means is not going to sustain life for very long.

Our economies are that deep rooted in oil that it will crash well before we run out of oil completely. Take it out of the economy and try and imagine it functioning. Hey just even double the price of petrol now and consider its implications.

3 years is the crash, 12 months and you'll struggle to keep your car on the road.
subz- said:
The sole reason I posted this is so that people who read it will think about the long term decisions they make. Should people embark on a 3 year university degree when electricity will have risen in price by 6400% by the time the course is finished? Or should you consider taking courses in primitive culture and survival? The course that might have a chance of saving your life would be the better option.

I dont mean to sound like a drama queen but burying your head in the sand will not save you. I'll gladly take your verbal abuse, its the least of my worries. If atleast a couple of readers understand the gravity of the situation we are facing and go on to tell a few of their family and friends about it, its potentially a few lives saved.

Just read the article and judge for yourself.
Yeah I'm going to do that. Oh by the way, if you'd rather play games than read an article that long ( I read it all), then check out - Half-life 2 based mod revolving around this.

It's not something you can actively ignore, because you'll end up in panic just like everyone else.
I dont mind living off sun and Water.
I hope they use cold fusion or something like that
but still this aritcle scares me
All these suggestions of using alternative energy sources - what do you think we'll need to set them up on a grand scale? Oil, and a shitload of it. Transport, materials, it all boils down to oil (or boiled from oil, if you know your fractional distillation ;))

I see what some of you mean by sensationalism, but this is going to happen. It may not happen as soon as in the article, but it will happen eventually. We may have readily available alternative energy sources, but just be ready if we don't.

2 quotes for this:

On the alternative energy sources: "Assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups"

On foresight: "Chance favours the prepared mind"

Pretentious, but I think they are appropriate.
Well the glancing over of biofuels and other alternatives to me shows that thier is more of an agenda then just a statement. Research in biodeasel using algea (and not rapeseed oil) produces a Huge return I think its like 600% more. Plus biodeasel plants can be set up by individual cities using thier own waste managements systems to generate the biodeasel.

Biodeasel is the future, and if people would over look the social stigma of Nuclear energy that too.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that we could greatly extend the worlds oil supply by moving from heating oil to an alternative fuel, as this is a major drain on the worlds oil supply. blam the petroleum industry for this.
I have now read through Page 1 of the oil site. I'm about to cry ;( This is so ****ed up. I hate Mankind atm :angry: Looks like there's no point in making any doomsday devices now. We **** ourselves up pretty damn good anyway...

Edit: I still see a lot of people in this thread who do not worry about this because they have clearly not read the article at all. Other sources of energy? Which? Name one. ALL of them rely on oil before they get operational (getting the construction material, actually building them, getting them to start working, repairs etc). Not to mention that it takes time that we do not have to build these machines. Getting oil from Alaska? Fat chance. Alaska according to the article has a reserve of oil that equals what the U.S. use up in a year... Then what? The prices won't drop more than 50 cents either according to some Government thingie (Department Of Energy). Keep dreaming :)

Once the oil has peaked, we're screwed. For real. Going to the moon won't help. We need oil to get there in the first place :E But I doubt Mankind will die out because of this. Like some said, we have survived the Ice Age & lived perfectly happy before we discovered oil in the first place. And most of Africa (gross overstatement) do not use oil since they are the 3rd World. And there are tribes of people in the jungles :) Someone even mentioned Russia & their depression (yeah they have it rough in Siberia). But would you like to live like that? I wouldn't. I think my life sucks enough as it is now :p
I know I want to do something, but it looks like there is nothing to do but hope...
One good thing might come out of this at least :) The U.S. & the rest of the industrialized world will most likely stop polluting the air thus slowing down the rate of Global Warming to well practically 0 (I have no idea if that's true though) ;) You never hear people talking about the positive effects of this crisis :D
everone knows this anyway, but even us sensible ones don't really do much about it, there isn't much we can do about it in this society it's too hard to break out of the habit. We can't do much about it unless there is a way of forcing people to change or to just find a new power source.
Some good posts going on in here.

I'd disagree that everyone knows about Peak Oil. Even if they did there is nothing any one can do about it. We have no chance of avoiding this and our current modern way of life will not survive this crash.

What we can do is try and increase our likelyhood of surving the "post-modern stoneage" by simple means. For example, buy a fishing rod and lures. Buy some kind of rainwater storage system. If you can afford it, buy a personal photovoltaic cell. Hell even buy a solar panel for your iPod, atleast you can listen to music when modern civilisation goes to hell in in a handbasket.

Spread the word guys, tell your family about this. Protect your family from this. Im not saying we can all make it im just trying to give you a chance, something our politicians dont want us to have.
CREMATOR666 said:
I never drive cars to places much, anyways. :|
Lol we use buses to get to school everyday. No oil? No buses! NO SCHOOL!! WOO :E
dek: stop posting & get to playing :E

*didn't get the pictures either*

The site practically tells you that you are ****ed no matter what you do & conserving oil & not wasting as much money will only make the situation worse so the only thing you can do is sit tight or just jump up & down because it doesn't really matter what you do. So I'll just forget all this & go on with my crappy life. Now I'm gonna play CS. There's nothing I can do to stop this from happening or to fix it anyway. And CS is funnier than thinking about this :E
wow every day you hear another doom and gloom story about how the world will end
For some reason part of me wants this to happen
Wake me up when it all goes to shit...

until then, I'll continue to pretend there's nothing wrong and go about my normal daily life.
Farrowlesparrow said:

Very nice kaf11. What would we do without genius like yours?
thanks, its people like us who have got all of the answers. after we run out of oil we'll be the ones to restart civilization. and laivasse, all you need to do is modify your car to design 8 and your all set.
I wouldn't be too concerned. Yes we will run out of oil, yes oil companies are with-holdling new energy technology , but they will only unleash it when the time is right. These huge companies are not idiots, they have long term business strategies to stay alive and to stay profitable. If oil runs out then they have no power and companies as big as Shell etc will not easily relinquish their power. They want to hold onto it which is why i'm not worried at all.

From a consumer perspectvie. Petrol is too ****ing expensive, i'd like a cheaper way to power a personal transpot vehicle.
I'm pretty sure that Foxtrot wanted to say this here:

Foxtrot said:
I am suprised how so many people give up so easily. Oh noes! Teh oil is gone, lets all kill ourselves! There are many other things to use in place of oil, but there is such in incredible abundance of oil and it is so cheap there is no need to use anything else until that runs out. When oil starts to run low and gas pirces skyrocket, people will switch to electric.
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