Pelosi asks for donations to fend off potential GOP investigations

What I find interesting, being a citizen in California and regular watcher of the boobtube, is that the only advertisements are for Republicans. vote this in the republican primary, vote for meg whitman, vote for poizner, poizner is a dick, whitman is a liar, etc etc etc.

It just strikes me as childish of the Republican party to allow this kind of slander. I know it's part of politics, but the Democrats aren't even BOTHERING to try and slander ONE ANOTHER. on the tv at least

course, Ridge is trying to say that letting something that was unavoidable to begin with cause the president to be impeached. By what you're saying, every president ever should have been impeached for going off of oath.

Immigration was NOT just a problem from the '60s on. The USA is a nation FOUNDED on immigration, and 99% of our population at some point immigrated here since 1792.
Immigrated through immigration centers such as Ellis Island. I have no problem with the immigrants that came through legal means. It's the ones that refuse to learn English, come over, take jobs that pay shit wages, and send the money to their families without paying taxes and the like that pay for the legally mandated emergency medical care they use for everything.

They instead choose to pay hundreds of dollars to coyotes to sneak them across the border and risk death, instead of just walking or driving to an immigration center and start the paperwork.