Penny-Arcade's Child's Play (this is important)

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So far they've accumulated $64,000 worth of cash and donations.:cheers:
Originally posted by Direwolf
So far they've accumulated $64,000 worth of cash and donations.:cheers:

Shiznat! I hope the donation keep comming!
I posted this in the comments, rofl, I owned his face.

Don't you love being baselessy generalized? Here is some for you. You see I believe this guy "Bill France" was of course targetting this at mothers in their late 40's who are not proficient with any modernized electronics, who are so steadfastly stuck in their strict Christian concepts due to their realization of approaching death that they believe all technology is evil. This ideal seems to be where this article stems from as well. Here is a generalization of mine, "My dog is more intelligent than every member of Mothers Against Violence in America". You see the difference in these generalizations, mine and yours Bill, are that mine are true. You see mine are based on the fact that unlike gamers, participants of Mothers Against Violence in America are agreed in their beliefs and are focusing on one aspect of life. Gamers are a very diverse group, just as video games are very diverse, and who they are what they believe are just as diverse. You see in order to be a part of Mothers Against Violence in America you would have to be ignorant enough to put the word "against" which involves opposition, which is then a stimulus of violence within people, you see if their is two groups and one is against another it invokes violence, either verbal, or physical, or unexpressed mentally the violence is still their. Against violence, can I even begin to express how ignorant it sounds to be against violence? You are against base human and animal actions which I suppose you categorize into "violence", well lets define that as does and see what it says, "Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing: crimes of violence" is the definition I suppose you are looking for. So since the media garners attention to a weak-willed and mentally inept few teenagers, who commit crimes of violence against other people, and the parents are exactly as weak-willed as them and incapable of simply admitting that their children are stupid fools. They point the finger, like you, at any possible source that they could have derived that from, oh it must be Video Games then correct? How about no, you see for anyone to do something, yes they have to derive it from something else, but do you honestly believe that someone would be incapable of noticing that a gun or knife can harm another person without the assistance of a video game? If you think your child is incapable of that then you already believe your child is stupid, and thus stupid enough to be influenced by a game cause they are that weak willed. It is a primal instinct of every creature (including humans) to know what inflicts harm to others as its a basic part of survival in nature. Lets just go and ignore the fact that the majority of gamers do not do these things, do not want to do these things, and aren't as stupid as you few unfortunate parents who see people committing violent video-game influenced acts on TV and are afraid of your own children enough to believe this articles and this organizations blatant lies. You see you all get scared by these things, you don't even trust yourself enough to evaluate your own child's mental capacity then your a rather unfit parent. And because you believe you are an unfit parent you go to organizations like this to make yourself believe that you are a responsible and mature parent, when everyone else knows that in order to join an organization like this it must be the exact opposite since you are too cowardly to invoke any morals on your children and bring them up correctly that instead you have to go after all the "violence" in the world, instead of just your own child. You see it's the individual nutcase you see on tv that causes violence, who might be your child, because your too busy going out to pointless organizations like the one your involved in. You see you all are worse than dogs in my eyes, and I do honestly believe my dog is more clever than you if you are a part of this organization, because all you all are is Parrots, parrots are not as clever as dogs, and all you do is parrot monotonous lies to hide the fact that you are inept, and afraid.
Very nice thing to do for the children, I will see how much I can afford and will make a donation.
64..... thousend.... $.

HOLY ****

That is awesome!
I mean come on, it can't ALL go to that one hospital!
They will be able to help many people with that sorta cash surely!!

I think its an organization, not just a single hospital. Good either way.
Thought I'd offer an update: They have now raised in excess of $90, sign of it stopping soon.
If anyone emails the guy can you think your emails through first otherwise you just make us look like total morons.

You see in order to be a part of Mothers Against Violence in America you would have to be ignorant enough to put the word "against" which involves opposition, which is then a stimulus of violence within people, you see if their is two groups and one is against another it invokes violence, either verbal, or physical, or unexpressed mentally the violence is still their.

Please tell me that wasn't the final draft... Of course, I can't say I haven't done just as silly things.

Trying to keep this as constructive as possible...

On another note, I have added the paypal cash donation page to my favourites. Come on payday...