People I don't like

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A thread for talking about how much I hate x hokey pokey? HELL YES

This thread now covers general concepts that you hate.

-Shows based on following celebrity's around and judging their every action.

Seriously, you suck society.
How? The music you like is completely by opinion. People don't all think the same.
If you've really never heard any talentless tone deaf wannabe bands/DJs/singers then I envy you.
I'm not saying there are bad genres, but there is certainly bad music.
I hate - People who think they are better and others, SAY they are better then others, and are general pricks to those around them
I hate people who use the entirely wrong word when trying to use 'than' and then proceed to use 'then' in place of 'than' in the same sentence.
I just don't see how you could not take the five seconds (maximum) to look at your post and fix the blatantly obvious punctuation and spelling errors.
Why did Spielburg leave an old guy being eaten out?
I don't want to know which Jurassic Park you saw.

people who dont watch where they are walking. Is it so ****ing hard to walk and talk at the same time?

I always seem to be the one politely moving out of the way so i dont ****ing walk into people.

Funny thing about that: Other people don't move out of the way precisely because you are the person who moves out of the way and is polite. If you walk with purpose and intent, everyone moves the f*ck out of the way. Businessmen, gangstas, fat people, groups of gangstas - you name 'em, I've displaced 'em. Been displaced by, too, but only when I walk like a polite person such as myself.

Fixed, there's no such thing as shitty music.
There clearly is.

The more you post, the more I dislike you. You never have anything good to say. I don't like to not like someone. ;-; You're breaking my heart Eejit.
I decided to resurrect this thread because of my experience this morning and would like to add a demographic to hate, and creating a new thread would have been wasteful.

Youtube commenters.

Say you have a 20-second video where halfway through a guy falls on his ass.
The video will be then populated with three types of Youtube comments:
The first group state the obvious: "lol he fell down"
The second group will needlessly cite the only highlight in the video: "0:10 was the best part LOL!!!"
The third group will be calling the other two groups f**gots.


Also I can't stand it when people write "Gordan" instead of "Gordon" and "definately" instead of "definitely." Doesn't anyone pay attention to the red dotted line that appears under their words? D:

In before "people who resurrect old threads."
Females that dont want to have sex with me.


Oh, and people who think porn is immoral and that anyone watching it is a perv...**** you.
People who take out their frustrations on others. Especially if they're my boss. ****
I think it's safe to say that I only dislike one type of person:

People who like Family Guy.
People who are businessmen first and friends second.

He doesn't go here but he knows who he is :|
Oh, and people who think porn is immoral and that anyone watching it is a perv...**** you.
Spoken like a pervert, pervert.

(personally responsible for about 200+ gb total download over four years on a particular torrent site)
People who never actually think before they do/say and people who take credit for something that wasn't theirs in the first place.

~mario jackson avatar by thirnova (deviant art)
Dare I say it?


Not in a total sense, but there's much rage.

Also, prissy girls.

They can die in a fiery pit.
I don't like user above me.
Well this will do wonders for the overall mood of the lounge.
I've got another one.


I just encountered this group yesterday when coming back from a mall. Stupid 16ish french girls were talking like a nuclear bomb exploded beside them.
Funny thing about that: Other people don't move out of the way precisely because you are the person who moves out of the way and is polite. If you walk with purpose and intent, everyone moves the f*ck out of the way. Businessmen, gangstas, fat people, groups of gangstas - you name 'em, I've displaced 'em. Been displaced by, too, but only when I walk like a polite person such as myself.

I usually move out of the way, just from habitually moving out of the way all the time. But I do it less often now especially when I'm pissed off in general, or if there's four people walking together in the same direction and taking up the entire sidewalk so nobody going the other direction can use it.

Even then, sometimes people still don't move out of the way so I actually end up bumping into them.
-People who resurrect old threads.

-That Mac guy on Apple's PC & Mac commercials. Buy a PC if you want a real computer dammit.
People who fiddle with mobile phones
People who are afraid to go out in the rain
Bad drivers
Coffee enthusiasts
People who dont pick up their dog crap
People who listen to music excessively loud
Money lovers
People who complain about resurrecting old threads
People who drink fizzy vimto
People who dont flush the toilet
Halo fanboys
People who are fans of the Beatles
People who play football in the middle of the streets
Guardian readers
Alpha male wannabes
Small,skinny people who are aggresive(ankle-bitters)
People who dont pick up their dog crap
Money lovers
People who complain about resurrecting old threads
Small,skinny people who are aggresive(ankle-bitters)

Love you too Bishop.
Youtube commenters.

This! Oh God this. People has a tendency to start an argument wherever there is possible to comment on something on the web. I cringe everytime someone posts their goddamn thesis on why x happened to y on YT-comment. This is why I have comments disabled on my YT videos. :D I mean it's a frickin bunny humping a turtle ffs (or something similar). Just watch the video and STFU.

IMDB is no exception, actually it's worse. Say it's a drama movie with a vague connection to WW2, I could easily start a topic with the sentence "Hitler was cool" and madness would ensue. :p

Oh and communists. :P
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