People in the ARK-LA-TEX: Want a puppy?


Oct 14, 2003
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If you're in the ARK-LA-TEX (Arkansas/Louisiana/Texas), I've got a 10-11 week old or so lab mix puppy that was dropped off on my street that I need someone to give a good home to. We've had her for 2 weeks, but we really don't have the time or energy to raise a puppy right now, especially with our horde of animals that we already have :) She's very smart, very close to being completely house trained, and we've been crate training her as well.

If anyone wants to take her, I'll be willing to meet halfway or maybe even drive all the way to drop her off, depending on where you are.

Here's a pic:
dude thats so cute and nice of you. but i'm 10000km away
Im in missouri, that's a cute dog. :( Too bad I can't have it.
Hate people who dump dogs. >:[
Nice of you to look after it till you've found a new home for it. Good luck.
a little closer to canada and I'd take her off your hands wife would kill me ..but the kids would love it current dog probably wouldnt be happy either ... but she's freakin adorable

That sucks about her being dumped, what happened? Did you just find her randomly or was she dumped on your door stop?
She's so damn cute! :D

I'd take her in a heartbeat if I weren't miles and miles away.

Also, Dream has hairy arms. D:
what happened? Did you just find her randomly or was she dumped on your door stop?

My wife and I were out walking our big dogs at like 10:30 at night, and we found her and her sister sitting by the side of the road on our way back. There was someone on the porch of the house they were in front of, but they said that the puppies didn't belong to them, so we took them home and gave them food and flea baths. We found a home for her sister the weekend after we found them, but we've been busy (family emergency) since then and haven't had much time to look for another home.

Also, Dream has hairy arms. D:

Those arms actually belong to my father-in-law, but mine are fairly hairy as well :D
See this sucks, I've got like a dozen people that want her that are too far away, and nobody near me wants her. All joking aside, I'd totally ship her to you Evo, except it would cost like $300-$400 and I think you'd have to quarantine her for a month at customs, which means paying boarding costs for a month D: No fun there.
Is there a local animal shelter anywhere near you? I know its no competition to a real home with loving owners, but given that you can't keep her permanently it may be your only viable option.
See this sucks, I've got like a dozen people that want her that are too far away, and nobody near me wants her. All joking aside, I'd totally ship her to you Evo, except it would cost like $300-$400 and I think you'd have to quarantine her for a month at customs, which means paying boarding costs for a month D: No fun there.

Yeah i know man, it sucks

Is there a local animal shelter anywhere near you? I know its no competition to a real home with loving owners, but given that you can't keep her permanently it may be your only viable option.

Yeah, there are a few shelters around here, including the NWLA humane society and another no-kill shelter, but they are always ridiculously full. Waiting lists, etc. :\