People on this site you just hate part 2

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May 25, 2003
Reaction score
since the last one was closed (I dont agree with the closing at all) lets continue the old thread here.

post people on this site you hate/dislike
Quick! Everyone in before Comrade Badger closes this. I think the other thread was closed prematurely, people werent spamming that much.

Come to think of it, I dont like all those newbie people whose username consists of 2 letters plus 3 numbers. They're taking over!
I hate it when people do this, lol.... heres my mandatory..

i hope this one doesnt get closed too.

its a good topic CB :D
Back on topic please, we're not looking to get this thing closed a second time. :| :|
Skaadi said:
Back on topic please, we're not looking to get this thing closed a second time. :| :|
It's already doomed cause you can't repost closed threads.
Skaadi said:
Back on topic please, we're not looking to get this thing closed a second time. :| :|

back on topic, like I said in the other thread a lot of the mods I don't like, also a couple of attention whores (no names will be mentioned at the moment though). Also, while sometimes it may seem like I hate solaris, I just disagree with his political views alot but we still play CS and gmod, ect
to be completely honest, i hate the people that come in here and try to act badass, its funny at first, then it gets sad, then it just pisses me off
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