People take counterstrike too seriously


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanna play counterstrike..and it pisses me off when people think I should follow them and when I die they lecture me. It may be the number one action game in the world but some of the people need to get outside sometimes. I want to have a good experience playing counterstrike but these people ruin the experience for me.
Th@Tz (@UZ3 U R t3H cal-o pub nub!@!>ONE!!!!!!!1111.....jk

I know what you mean, most people who play cs bring this retarded "if your not good at this game you don't deserve to live" attitude, but thats the price you pay for mabye the best MP game ever IMO.

Wrong forum by the way:)
Man, I hate hearing "ur such a n00b" all the time on counterstrike. It seems like its only that game, too... for some reason. And then the frequent 'ur a hacker" when someone else is doing really well.

Ruins a pretty good game for me.
You know....this reminds me of Gym class in grade 7. We played soccer alot and even though it was GYM CLASS and it wasn't a TOURNAMENT...they still took it like "IF I DON'T WIN...I'M GONNA KILL MY SELF OMG!!!11!!!1!!ONEEE1!!!! Attitude. That pissed me off. And now the same attitude goes to counterstrike. The next time someone pisses me off on counterstrike and friendly fire is know.
Nothing you can do but try to find another server where the people are friendlier. Its those people that prevent so many potential new players from joining up and expanding CS, its just too bad they are too occupied insulting new players to realize that they are hurting their beloved game.
It's all about finding the right servers (Yes, it can be very hard). 90% of the CS servers are filled with assholes like you mentioned.
Do you have to pay for CS nowadays? Or can it still be downloaded and played for free like the good old days before it went commercialed? I'm thinking of possibly playing it again <ponders>
Welcome to CS, home to the worst online gaming community of all time.
man i hear ya! lol im so laid back in life it makes me laugh... so when i hear assholes in cs trying to be all macho or some dumb shit like that... i just tell emm to take a chill pill. I also like to ask them this..

On a scal of one to a billion... is playing THAT seriously, important?



Mike :smoking:
Just now I got off of CS, I haven't heard so many people call me a fag when I killed them in ages.. (of course, alltalk being on didn't help lol)
Wow I have *GOT* to go back to CS. I ruled in that game, or at least was far better than average. Hearing the people complain and call me a cheater cause i'm killing them so well doesn't make me mad... it actually encourages me to do it better next time :sniper:
Raziaar said:
Do you have to pay for CS nowadays? Or can it still be downloaded and played for free like the good old days before it went commercialed? I'm thinking of possibly playing it again <ponders>
1.6 is free with steam but CZ you'll have to buy.
Condition Zero is singleplayer isn't it? What about the counterstrike that came with the halflife platinum collection edition? I own that.
thehunter1320 said:
someone called me a fag for saying CS:S looks cool :|

didn't you know? thats a homosexual male acronym. they felt you said you were attracted to it. You best get a good woman acronym, like NOW or something, lest people get wise to you.
i understand the sentiments of this thread.. its sad when insults get thrown around over a stupid game.

hmm...u know what? it might be an un-popular belief but i feel gaming leagues like CPL/UGC have ruined gaming in general.. its like a new player gets a kill on one of these CPL players and "omg u haxxoring n00b!! ban him!11!!" pathetic i tell ya.. :angry: :flame:
Raziaar said:
Condition Zero is singleplayer isn't it? What about the counterstrike that came with the halflife platinum collection edition? I own that.
CZ has bots and various SP missions that I hear suck major nards, but its main attraction( besides the css beta) is that they updated all the maps for MP.

The cs you got in the HL platinum pack works off of WON which will be gone by the end of the summer. Just use one of the cd keys you got in PlantimP and download steam, it comes with free cs 1.6:)

You'll find a lot of changes have taken place since the last time you've played though.
oh.. and when this guy a killed said "this is to laggy" i told him "you're the reason us non-whining CS players get a stereo type"... and the admin played the god-like sound and flashed my name up in white to everyone :D
the highlight of my night!! ... which is sad :(
CS is fun

fun = kids play it

kids = immature

Do I have to use steam? Ugh, I don't like using steam or WON. Steam I don't like because it seems to want to download INSANELY large cache files or something onto my comp, when I don't ask it to?
You don't like using Steam OR WON? So you want to play CS through.. direct IP? lol
Counter strike used to be able to be played via Allseeing eye and/or gamespy. Is it not possible anymore i'm assuming you're saying now, then?
When's the last time you've used Steam? It's much better than it used to be. It doesn't go download happy, and you can tell it which files you want (ie. CS).. furthermore, the server browser on it is awesome.

You can still use GameSpy/AllSeeingEye, AFAIK
To much idiotic 13 year olds play it.
How do I know? I hung out with them once. Some of them even go to my same school! Ruining my shit and learning experience, except one guy who uses it in French class...but come's French class.
Raziaar said:
Do I have to use steam? Ugh, I don't like using steam or WON. Steam I don't like because it seems to want to download INSANELY large cache files or something onto my comp, when I don't ask it to?
Well you could just buy some crack and a silenced M4, get high and go shoot terrorists those dessert streets by your house, but besides that you'll have to use WON or steam.
Shuzer said:
When's the last time you've used Steam? It's much better than it used to be. It doesn't go download happy, and you can tell it which files you want (ie. CS).. furthermore, the server browser on it is awesome.

You can still use GameSpy/AllSeeingEye, AFAIK

Actually... the only time i've ever used steam was once to download a half-life 2 video :-/

I was playing half-life and TFC and CS on gamespy years before I even heard of steam.
Tredoslop said:
To much idiotic 13 year olds play it.
How do I know? I hung out with them once. Some of them even go to my same school! Ruining my shit and learning experience, except one guy who uses it in French class...but come's French class.
aren't you an idiotic thirteen year old? :|
CyberSh33p said:
aren't you an idiotic thirteen year old? :|
I'm not idiotic.
Does any of my post say that I like Counter-Strike?

And I'm only interested in the Counter-Strike source beta just to get a taste of the Source engine.
Raziaar said:
Actually... the only time i've ever used steam was once to download a half-life 2 video :-/

I was playing half-life and TFC and CS on gamespy years before I even heard of steam.

You used Steam in the beta days. It's MUCH better than it was then. Give it a try,
Shuzer said:
You used Steam in the beta days. It's MUCH better than it was then. Give it a try,

i agree with what Shuzer is saying.. its greatly improved.
personally i haven't had any problems with Steam since October 2003
Yeah, I hate the people on counter-strike that take it so dammed seriously, Someone needs to remind them they're playing a game.

Which is why I'm going to buy a server, and give out bans like cookies to people that decide to be all knowing assholes.

That is, once my job starts giving me hours. :dozey:
Calling you a noob because you ****ed up and got people killed is normal, people who take counterstrike seriously will stab you in the back or shoot you. We've all heard the stories, those are the people you need to be afraid of.
dream431ca said:
I just wanna play counterstrike..and it pisses me off when people think I should follow them and when I die they lecture me. It may be the number one action game in the world but some of the people need to get outside sometimes. I want to have a good experience playing counterstrike but these people ruin the experience for me.
I know how you feel. There are tons of idiots in CS. But, there are a lot of cool people too. Just play the game and have fun with it. :afro:
dream431ca said:
I just wanna play counterstrike..and it pisses me off when people think I should follow them and when I die they lecture me. It may be the number one action game in the world but some of the people need to get outside sometimes. I want to have a good experience playing counterstrike but these people ruin the experience for me.

OMG NUB joo c4nt be serious with that sc0r3!!!!

actually I aagree with you.. its disgusting how seriously some people take cs.. its a game ffs.. chill out especially in pubbies
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
OMG NUB joo c4nt be serious with that sc0r3!!!!

actually I aagree with you.. its disgusting how seriously some people take cs.. its a game ffs.. chill out especially in pubbies

t c l
Want to hear something that will shake the foundations of this planet?

I've never played counterstrike.

I played Half-Life when it came out and then I stopped gaming for a long time. I bought a new computer last year and replayed Half-Life again. I've tried to learn how to play CS online, but everytime I do, I get flamed to a crisp for being a n00b. So I've given up on it. There are tons of other games that are more fun and friendly than CS.
dream431ca said:
The next time someone pisses me off on counterstrike and friendly fire is know.

The next time someone pisses me off in life, and friendly fire is know
Become a regular player on a server and people can be quite friendly after a while.