People who are worried about physics in MP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr.Magnetichead
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You really shouldnt worry so much, Valve know what they are doing and its not like they are the first people to ever do physics online.

UT2003 does it fine (if a little unrealisitc) and im sure its not much difference for all the little things.

All the actual physics stuff will be done client side, all the data that needs to be saved is where people are and where hits are made.

Be they on people or on objects.
And what If i shoot a guy and he falls down the building and he hits some barrels and the barrels move?

I want people to see that and say "nice kill there" not "the guy didnt fall off the building for me, this sucks"

This is what i'm most worried with physics in multiplayer.
that would be so sweet to get a head shot on someone and make they fall off the edge and move stuff. Would make the game that much better
Apparently it'll only be a little worse than those in SP because of certain things being worked out and sent to all the other players and other things being worked out individually by each particpiant's machine.
I think I also may have read that this would result in people seeing slightly differeing results...
They said major things like barrels and characters would be server side, but small things like coke cans and rocks would be client side.
Offcourse the guy will fall for everyone, and hit the barrels, it will not look exactly for everyone in the game,
yeah right valve know what they are doing, i don t understand people whose worried for this, look hl multiplayer it rocks so hl 2 multiplayer will be more cool
Snowball put it more eloquently and coherently than I ever could...
I suppose it might be like this

- player gets shot
- angle of shots get's sent to server
- server decides that player dies
- server decides simple coordinates of how he should fall, based on fire-angle
- client renders the fall

although I admit I know nothing of these sorts of things... but this is how I'd imagine things would work.
I think it said somewhere that you can have a deterministic physics engine with the source(its up to the mapper or something). I mean If I hit the box from y point and apply x ammount of pressure it should move the same way the first time I do it and the second time.
IF the absoloutly horrible game devastation could do it, then Half life 2 can do it infinitly better.

For those who don't know devastation promised a environment somewhat like hl2's where everything was interactive and responded to physics....but their programmers were in way to far over their heads and they ruined a good thing...HL2 will do it right.
Originally posted by zdub
IF the absoloutly horrible game devastation could do it, then Half life 2 can do it infinitly better.

For those who don't know devastation promised a environment somewhat like hl2's where everything was interactive and responded to physics....but their programmers were in way to far over their heads and they ruined a good thing...HL2 will do it right.

Yeah, I was just about to mention Devastation.
what happened in devastation, i never played it. All i know is the main character looks like eminem
what do you mean what happened? in what respect?

if you mean like how they ****ed up the physics...well they applied physics to everything but they were to stupid to add momentum and weight to objects. so throw a bottle at a oil drum and watch the oil drum go flying. that and it had lots of errors in it. small touch to a barrel or a tire or something and it would move spasmatically (is that a word? lol)

my point is. it was very badly done.
a bottle against a barrel sends the barrel flying? what the hell, that sounds pretty dumb to me
Physics in MP to me doesn't matter, in SoF II's MP didn't have physics and Return To Castle Wolfenstein.
but you gota admit, if your the only player left, and your WHOLE TEAM is lookin at you and then you snipe that guy on top of the hill, watch him fall down the rocks, his arms flaring everywhere, and then finally stops in the water and drowns, and everyones lke wowo nice kill :cool:
Yeah... BWMASTER's got the same worry as me. If I grab a shotgun and gun down some other player, it's infinitely preferrable that he spirals into the air and through a window (or whatever) to everyone rather than kinda pathetically falling over for some.

'Course, as everyone's just said, this is Valve we're talking about... so a good sign already :afro:
Originally posted by Edcrab
Yeah... BWMASTER's got the same worry as me. If I grab a shotgun and gun down some other player, it's infinitely preferrable that he spirals into the air and through a window (or whatever) to everyone rather than kinda pathetically falling over for some.

'Course, as everyone's just said, this is Valve we're talking about... so a good sign already :afro:

Good sign for the game, but not the release date.:cheese: And, yeah it was hilarious in Devastation to tap a barrel and it go flying. Anyways, I think Valve has something up there sleeve in the MP section. I think they could pull the physics off. But, that's my opinion.
death animation is client side, not body placement, I believe. As has been said before, the only difference between comps would be whether the guy fell on his face or his back and whether his arm flopped or didn't flop. The placement of his body (i.e. on the floor or out the window) is server side.
well wouldnt it be cool to come around a corner facing a long hall way, where there was an enemy at the end, looking out of a window thats also at the end. You charge the enemy with a spas and when your 2 feet away you place a double burst into his chest, and he gets blown out through the window down to the ground:eek:
no, my mp dream is the best....check it. Ok, a level that is pretty big, a huge junkyard with a couple of sniper towers, gravity guns, and about 8 cars that are completly destructable and new ones spawn every minute. Imagine picking up the gravity gun, picking up a barrel and launching it full speed into a truck or something and just watch it roll or blow up, except this would be awesome having 8-10 trucks, little cars, with machine guns on them, and etc....this would totally kick ass.