Perfect Dark (N64)


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
Was this the greatest game on the N64 or what?

what's your fave weapon? memory? acheivement?
MagSec 4s were pretty cool, as was the default pistol. Dragons were awesome and the CMP150s were badass.

The whole game was just fantastic, it was really fun to play. MP was awesome, like Goldeneye, but a lot better.

So yes, I would agree with it being the best game on the N64
I just got it for $20 a few months ago and haven't beaten it yet.
Favorite weapon has got to be th reaper.
you DO realise that there is a sequel in the making, only they havent released any info about it except its existence.... there is a god....

i find it funny wen the ol goldeneye peeps say GE was better... they should have played PD :)
oh god I used to love that game... don't remember the weapons though. Certainly superior to Goldeneye, which was also awesome.

/me goes to play it.
Yes. The best multiplayer game ever made.
My fave shooter :)

Best weapons of any fps - bar none.

The laptop gun was pure genius
i preferred Goldeneye :eek:

didn't really like the 'vibe' or Perfect Dark.
I gave up my N64 before Perfect Dark was released. Bugger. :eek:
Nah, Slayer rules! You could keep someone hostage from a distance with it :LOL:

Yup, PD is definitely the best console shooter ever, followed by GE, also by the same developer.
Warbie said:
My fave shooter :)

Best weapons of any fps - bar none.

The laptop gun was pure genius

when its not a sentry gun.... or used as a handheld weapon...

you can play solitaire!!! pure class!
liked the crossbow alot........

but what was really awsome, without being cheap or anything in mp, were double pheonixes.

one thing though, the slow down on mp really hurt the game.
I felt so bad-ass when I first got to use the RCP120. Perfect Dark is still one of my favorite games.
I used to play this round my mates house, i thought it was great... although i prefered Goldeneye because i wasnt big on aliens then :) We didnt play MP too often cuz im rubbish at consoles, but it was allot of fun.
Yeah, I remember my friend and I going into this little room in the middle of a big room in one of the levels. It had one door and like 8 little openable windows; we'd set up a few laptop guns and camp there to see how many of the Perfect bots we could kill.
I used to play a specialized multiplayer scenario with my friend.

We would make it so we could have the Dragon (Proximity), Laptop Gun, and Avenger all in the top room in Grid.

Man we had fun because we would just have it always set up so we didn't do the killing.

It was a real job to keep it all together. Fun as hell though...believe me, it's more fun than it sounds.

As for weapon...I liked the...Falcon Silencer.
hehe ^ me and a m8 did that, top fun.

While the Laptop gun reigns supreme, honourable mention must be made of the CMP150, Cyclone, Dragon, K7 Avenger, and FarSight XR-20.

Don't make em like that any more :'(

//edit - the little flying spy and needle bots were very cool too :)

and the fly it yourself rocket launcher that UT so blatantly ripped off.
Perfect Dark was alright. I have a few games that, in my opinion, are superior to Perfect Dark (not in any order).

Star Fox- Awesome graphics and enjoyable not-so-linear storyline. I enjoyed putting my skills to the test in order to go a different path.

Goldeneye- Probably the best Movie-to-game conversion ever. Fun (except on the latter difficulty levels .. you know what I'm talking about) playing all the levels from the movie.

Mario 64- SWEET. No further explanation

Road Rash- Very fun... its better than the Sega Genesis version. Spent lots of time on this baby.
Star Fox was excellent on the N64 :)

I tend to think of Golden Eye and Perfect Dark as one game now - having played both to death. The hardest difficulty settings could be frustrating - but offered the most reward/satisfaction (and were needed to unlock the cheats :))

Weirdly enough I actually prefered the single player mode of PD and the multiplayer of GE - the majority of ppl who played both games tend to feel the opposite.
thehunter1320 said:
finding all of the cheese was my greatest feat!
OMG I hated that cheese. I thought after finding two of them that it must be some secret and finding them all would unlock something really cool. I was wrong and dissapointed. ;(
Road Rash rocks... :D </off topic>

Perfect bots were so hard to kill, iirc
perfect dark kicks so much ass. before that though, me and a few of my friends would play goldeneye everyday, all day.

my charecter in pdark is level 3, i still need to walk more distance to bring him down to lvl 1.

if you could sys link the n64, it would be the best game ever, imagine playing 8 person perfect dark.
Perfect Dark is, well... perfect. A fantastic sci-fi action adventure with great big bastard aliens thrown in for good measure. The music is ace, too.
just started playin through it again on my saitek p880 pad and my n64 emulator. memories. :cheers: definately one of the sweetest games ever.
Ryjalon5k said:
perfect dark kicks so much ass. before that though, me and a few of my friends would play goldeneye everyday, all day.

my charecter in pdark is level 3, i still need to walk more distance to bring him down to lvl 1.

if you could sys link the n64, it would be the best game ever, imagine playing 8 person perfect dark.

omgomgomgomg if the next was on the PC it would be TOO SWEET
Naw - it'd be nothing like Perfect Dark.

It's a console game, and needs to stay there.


i'm kinda hoping the next PD keeps the oringals controls i.e. not duel analogue - but think there's little chance of that (it'll end up run and gun like Time Splitters/Halo)
do you think it will be out for Xbox or Xbox 2?

its just, online play on consoles is just plain awkward and money grabbin
Xbox 2

Live isn't that expensive either.
neptuneuk said:
you DO realise that there is a sequel in the making, only they havent released any info about it except its existence.... there is a god....

i find it funny wen the ol goldeneye peeps say GE was better... they should have played PD :)

If there is a God he has a wicked sense of humor

The sequel will be cel-shaded :(
PD sequel?

Anyways anyone remember the cheapness of the farsight?
Noy only did it shoot through walls,it tracks you down too. Once me or one of my friends got one, the game was pretty much over
The cell shaded PD2 was a rumour (at least I've read that on a no. of sites)
PD on the pc would be ideal warbie. Think about it, just give it a source graphics/physics overhaul, and keep the game the same. It'd probably sell better than hl2 or h2.
i have faith in these guys, theyre not making an interactive comic book lol
guinny said:
PD on the pc would be ideal warbie. Think about it, just give it a source graphics/physics overhaul, and keep the game the same. It'd probably sell better than hl2 or h2.

It'd be good, but in a very different way.

I like the way you have to stop to aim precisely in GE/PD. Analogue aiming allows a slow paced game (a mouse would make it either too easy, or result in an uber quick version of PD) and analogue movement really adds the immersion.
That's just to relive PD's sp. PD's mp would REALLY shine though.
guinny said:
PD on the pc would be ideal warbie. Think about it, just give it a source graphics/physics overhaul, and keep the game the same. It'd probably sell better than hl2 or h2.

PD is a console game PERIOD