Perfect Dark (N64)

Perfect Dark, the first game I ever pre-ordered :)

A friend would always put a small head on Elvis the alien's body, making the git even smaller than Oddjob. I on the other hand was Mr. White with a masked doctor's face and as such scraped the ceiling most of the time. I'd quite forgotten how much we used to play that game after Goldeneye, but I only ever reached multiplayer ranking 8.
Favourite weapon: the Dragon rifle you could throw away as a proximity mine.

As for music, I'd say Jet Force Gemini takes it. It was made by the same developer but, as with many games on the Nintendo, it was limited by how easy it was. The music was sublime though. If anyone knows how I can get it (my brother lost the cartridge :/), I'd be grateful for any info :thumbs:
neptuneuk said:
do you think it will be out for Xbox or Xbox 2?

its just, online play on consoles is just plain awkward and money grabbin
No, the developer, Rare, broke up.

Free Radical Design has most of their old people, and they made Timesplitters and Timesplitters 2, the best first person shooters for PS2. Feels like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with different guns and story and whatnot.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:

PD is a console game PERIOD

That's very close minded and ignorant. Perfect dark: source would be the most orgasmic creation gaming has ever seen.
I liked PD but never got into it like I did with GE, both in MP and Single. /drools

I think I thought PD was a little too wierd and I it was too easy for me (in MP).
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
PD sequel?

Anyways anyone remember the cheapness of the farsight?
Noy only did it shoot through walls,it tracks you down too. Once me or one of my friends got one, the game was pretty much over

it isnt cheap, i move so fast that my friends couldnt even hit me with it. even in the facility i was on you like pig in shit if u had the farsight.
Anyone remember this level? My personal favorite.

Now i remember how crappy those games look....hideous!
what the **** is all of your problems lol? The best gun by far is the crossbow, oh my God did i have so much endless hours of fun with that thing. I loved how the bows stayed in the people, oh man was that the greatest gun. And my favorite gun in goldeneye was the DD4 Distovel, coolest awesomest gun. Also the DMC was cool.
hehe the throwing knives were hilarious, and the sounds form the guards were just too much, i always remember the "yeah baby" comments xD
Minerel said:
Now i remember how crappy those games look....hideous!

It only looks that bad when played with an emulator on a monitor ;) - a high res makes it look awful.

(sure, PD doesn't look great by today's standards - but it looks alot better than that on a tv)
I beat that game like a redheaded stepchild.
Even the bonus "War" mission on perfect agent difficulty :p
It's soooo good.

The most fun way to play is definitely rocket launchers + slow-mo pills.
No game has better weapons.
My only disappointment was that you couldn't get IR vison for multiplayer. Only Night Vision and X-Ray Vision
Aw man PD rocked. Someone should make a Source Mod of it. Thatd be fantastic!! The slayer might even be possible with cameras and some clever coding. Loved the trippy farsight view, and to date i have yet to finish it on all difficultys. :o Hmmm might dust it off and play it again...Only thing i hate, is bots with rocket launchers...that and the fact my N64 used to freeze after too much intensive play.
In my opinion, Mario Bros 64 was better. Perfect Dark was cool, but I've never had it so I can't tell.
I always ended up using the scoped pistol, you could kill a skedar warrior very quickly with one of them - just point at him and empty the clip.
My fav level was when you were in the mansion. That kicked so much royal ass.
Perfect Dark was ahead of its time.

The weapons were so diverse and fun to use! The level design was great!

It was one of the only games that made me wake up extra early on a school day just so I could play an extra little bit more.

One entire summer was dedicated to collecting every level in the firing range (well over 100 stars and three difficulties).

But what amazed me the most, is that it didn't feel repetative in the slightest. You could play this game for "literally" days and not get bored.

One time my dad, my brother, and myself pulled an all-nighter playing this game. :D

Co-Operative gave the game an even longer lasting appeal. This was the first FPS console game to include co-op and do it well. The graphics only declined slightly, but you could still do things together like drive vehicles and set up traps, etc., etc.

One of my favorite levels was trying to escape from the DataDyne skyscraper with Dr. Caroll, while blasting through enemy barricades, all the while trying to avoid the attack helicopter circling around the building trying to blow you to bits!! :D :D

There just aren't enough adjectives out there to properly describe the awsomeness of Perfect Dark.
All this talk of PD is making me wnt the sequal even more.

The thought of PD with next gen technology gives me a semi \o/
(we know it's coming - just a matter of time :))

Best FPS ever (along with GE of course ;))
I liked GE but I couldn't stand PD and I have no idea why:(
Whats wrong with my screenshot? :( The emulator renders the game perfectly. I just played PD at a friends house its the exact same graphics.
Perfect Dark was ssooooo good. Goldeneye + Perfect Dark kicks Halo's arse.

You *could* dodge the farsight, I mastered in dodging the farsight :D

Doing little circles to piss them off whilst looking at their screen and laughing at how your character moved - hearing them get angry with you :P (the best thing about consoles imo)

Still if it was on PC you couldn't have a gun that basically Wallhacks AND aimbots (albiet slowly)

Funnnn, I hope Perfect Dark 2 doesn't go the cartoony route. I'm not sure if it would suit it - neither would toooo much grit though, I mean I love the silly things like Elvis! "I haaeev a Headache, and with a head zis big that's no joke!"
ShinRa said:
Whats wrong with my screenshot? :( The emulator renders the game perfectly. I just played PD at a friends house its the exact same graphics.

heh - nothing's wrong with it, just that at at a high res the game looks worse (all straight edges) A monitor makes it's imperfections stand out more.

(some games just look better with a lower res on a tv imo - GTA, PoP etc. A high res makes everything look like a tiny model, imo)