Perfect diet :D


May 27, 2004
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Taken from the work out thread.

I work out but i have no idea what I should be eating or drinking.

I don't care if i eat the same thing everyday for the next 3 years so variety dosen't have to be counted into the equasion.

So what is the perfect balanced daily intake of everything?

Current diet = bad :)
In the words of Lewis Black, we are all unique, there is no perfect diet that is good for everyone.
no idea what the 'perfect' diet is. just eat what makes you feel healthier.

have a bit of fruit, a bit of bread, a bit of meat, a bit of cheese, a bit of veg, a bit of pasta/rice...mix it up. do the junk food thing once in a while too, because you need balance.

although if you're gonna be at the gym pumping iron, you need to stock up on protein. good meals include pasta with mushroom sauce and chunks of tuna, chicken salade, and some other stuff i can't think of..
Eat whatever keeps you alive, the oldest man in Brooklyn ate toast cooked in lard because bacon was too lean....
So this shows there is no definite "perfect diet"
Eat what you damn want. (Just don't be stupid about it... surely you know basic health stuff...)
cut down on the fatty foods and fried foods. if you like cereal, get some mueslix, its expensive(here anyway), but its really good for you. eat chicken and fish for protein. try to include vegetables with meals, and fruit. milk and juices are good drinks. ive grown to like milk more than any other drink. if you are hopelessly addicted to sodas, get diet ones at least.

if you are into pizza, get really thin crust vegetarian pizzas, maybe some chicken on there extra. they are really good and much healthier than fat pizzas loaded with pepperoni. or make your own light pizza.

those are a few things. green tea is very healthy, if you can get in the habit of drinking that daily, its REALLY healthy for you.

someone might elaborate on multivitamins and power drinks, i generally stick to more natural things.
So there are no budding nutritionists(SP?) on this board :p
Nutritionists are full shit anyway. They change their minds all the time, sometimes to something completely opposite of what they said before.
Dalamari said:
Eat whatever keeps you alive, the oldest man in Brooklyn ate toast cooked in lard because bacon was too lean....
So this shows there is no definite "perfect diet"

if you put junk in, you will get junk out, regardless of how long you live. if you want to feel healthy and be generally capable of more physical things, you will want to eat healthy.
poseyjmac said:
if you put junk in, you will get junk out, regardless of how long you live. if you want to feel healthy and be generally capable of more physical things, you will want to eat healthy.

He also had no health problems, they did a column in some paper about it 2 years ago, I'll try and find it.
eat ice cubes and drink water, also 3 times per day, every day of the week you need to eat 15 grams of pure cardboard
Dalamari said:
He also had no health problems, they did a column in some paper about it 2 years ago, I'll try and find it.

i believe you. but what did he do in his life? its a fact that if he ate a better diet, he would be more capable of atheltic feats, IF he was into that kind of thing. he would generally feel better.

the point is, he got lucky with his genetics. others that aren't so lucky, WOULD have to eat well to live longer, perhaps if they don't one of them might get a heart attack. so hes not a good reason for someone to be unhealthy for his/her life if you are just relying on your genetics for long life.

You can't really go wrong by following the realtive amounts on that pyramid, couple it with water, vitamins, and fibre and you have got a healthy diet. Do regular exercise (running/cycling/swimming) and you've got quite a healthy lifestyle.

It's basic common knowledge really. You know what's full of shit (junk food etc), steer clear of it and you'll be fine
I wouldn't exactly recommend this diet for everyone, but it has worked great for me.

For breakfast, if anything, I just have a peice of fruit. For lunch, I normally cut have a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, sprouts, and a slice of Tofu. That will normaly hold me over until around 6 or 7pm, and when I get hungry, I'll just grab any bit of fruit I can find. The next day, it's the same thing, and it has been the same for about 4 months.
WhiteBoy said:
I wouldn't exactly recommend this diet for everyone, but it has worked great for me.

For breakfast, if anything, I just have a peice of fruit. For lunch, I normally cut have a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, sprouts, and a slice of Tofu. That will normaly hold me over until around 6 or 7pm, and when I get hungry, I'll just grab any bit of fruit I can find. The next day, it's the same thing, and it has been the same for about 4 months.

if that's all you eat, you can't be getting all the minerals etc that your body needs. you might want to reconsider that diet. although it seems to be working for you, i doubt it's healthy in the long run. although this is assuming that's been your diet everyday for four months.
Dedalus said:
if that's all you eat, you can't be getting all the minerals etc that your body needs. you might want to reconsider that diet. although it seems to be working for you, i doubt it's healthy in the long run. although this is assuming that's been your diet everyday for four months.

A couple days a week, when I feel like it, I'll have a couple large smoothies with a long list of stuff in it, nothing out of a can, just fruits, and and almond milk, if you know know what that is. I started drasticly dieting about a year ago, July 03, since I was majorly over weight, 280lbs 6'1, and I got myself down to 170lbs, but I've put on about 5 or 6 pounds of muscle on my current diet.
Dalamari said:
In the words of Lewis Black, we are all unique, there is no perfect diet that is good for everyone.
to continue on the lewis black thing, all you gotta do to see if there is a 'correct' diet is ask a group whether milk is healthy or not.
theres no definite answer, so basically don't do a diet. be logical and eat a variety, cook for yourself instead of eating the same canned crap every day, etc.
its important to drink lots of water... it makes you feel and look much more healthy when your getting in atleast 2 litres a day.. not that i can talk much about diet but water is important !

And eat in moderation, dont over do it on just one type, mix it up allot.
My current diet = less than before.

Working so far... just very, very slowly :)
try Atkins ..
basically you eat very low carbs (carbohydrate .. sp?). I really doubt its healthiness in the long run .. but on avarage I lose a pound per day, so that's a good thing.
gogle it, they have a website and stuff ..
I plan on doing it until I reach my goal wieght, do it a little more then gradually leave it.
You can't eat fruits ... :| well you'll be able to eat a little eventually, but still no good. oh and no bread!
The good thing about it is that you don't need to worry about your fat consumption .. you can eat alot of meat.
There are some Atkins products (including low carb bread and bakery) but they are quite expensive.
280 to 170. holy shit! nice job whiteboy!
i'm scared of Atkins. basically if you're not getting enough carbs, your body converts other stuff to ketone bodies which can be quite harmful and before the Atkins phenom were only found in people malnourished. Actually you should be testing your ketone levels with strips. i think you pee on them because i think they're found in urine.

personally i say eat a balanced diet. avoid fast food. no McDonalds fries ever.
atkins sounds like suicide really, its just not biologically friendly, all you lose is water weight and such.

Exercise, i.e. run, jog, do cardio and such, for about half an hour to an hour a day. ergometers are really good workouts, and I'd say they're pretty goddamn effective if you do 2km piece every couple of days. I lost about 20 pounds in rowing, from 170 to 150 and I'm 6'2". So I wasn't heavy to begin with :p

edit: yeah, as for food, lemme emphasize a balanced diet again. eat fruits, eat vegetables, eat meat, and you're pretty much set methinks. Exercising is a pretty important part though, because it puts to work your energy and such, as well as burns some fat.

Ok, you remember when I talked about weighing 160 to 145, and my bench going up?
I was working out that whole time, but everyday for lunch I would eat 2 PIZZAS. And I still lost weight, don't ever go on a diet plan, its all bullshit, some people say you got to match calories, some people say no calories, its stupid. Just make sure you get protien, protien and some vegtibles, you can eat whatever you want pretty much. Just dont keep eating if you are full, thats the biggest thing about losing weight.
SlagOps said:
Ok, you remember when I talked about weighing 160 to 145, and my bench going up?
I was working out that whole time, but everyday for lunch I would eat 2 PIZZAS. And I still lost weight, don't ever go on a diet plan, its all bullshit, some people say you got to match calories, some people say no calories, its stupid. Just make sure you get protien, protien and some vegtibles, you can eat whatever you want pretty much. Just dont keep eating if you are full, thats the biggest thing about losing weight.

its not bullshit. you probably have high metabolism, others don't and need to watch what they eat.
When you work out your metabolism is boosted. Thats what it was.
SlagOps said:
When you work out your metabolism is boosted. Thats what it was.
Yep, I have a friend that takes FULL advantage of that. :D
SlagOps said:
When you work out your metabolism is boosted. Thats what it was.

how old were you when you did this routine of working out and pizzas? also im wondering how old that girl is that runs.

generally people get slower metabolism as they grow older and to keep weight off, working out + eating whatever you want doesn't cut it. still, both eating right and exercising at any age is a big plus if you want to achieve peak performance or lowest body fat possible.
I agree that a good balance is the key. It doesn't have to be insanely strict either, that just dooms you unless you have incredible will-power. You can still have a cheeseburger or whatever as long as you balance it out and the majority of your diet is healthy natural foods. And keep in mind that you aren't going to see results over-night. However if you stick to even a moderate diet and have a steady exercise routine you will certainly start to see results within about a month or so, depending on your metabolism.

Oh and don't forget about drinking water, which is very good for you. What I like to do (especially after work-outs) when I'm thirsty is chug a glass or two of water and then go for the pop (I'm hooked) or whatever. You'll find you won't drink it nearly as fast.
poseyjmac said:
how old were you when you did this routine of working out and pizzas? also im wondering how old that girl is that runs.

generally people get slower metabolism as they grow older and to keep weight off, working out + eating whatever you want doesn't cut it. still, both eating right and exercising at any age is a big plus if you want to achieve peak performance or lowest body fat possible.

I was 17, now im 18 started working out again bout 4 days ago and can already tell im getting my tone back. I advance quickly when I work out. Like I noticed, I was 14 and I did some push ups whatever, and I got to where i could do alot, within like 2 weeks. I advance at a fast pace when i work out.