Personal Game of the Year for 2009

I was going to say ME but that was released in 2007 :(. Cod MW 2 would have won it hands down if it wasn't for the silly perks. So I guess the downloadable content for GTA IV wins.

Fingers crossed for 2010 x
Yeah - it looks nice alright, but it's essentially a clunky 10 year old game dressed up nicely. The last time I tried to play it the campaign was bugged to shit and didn't work properly. The mission editor's a lot of fun but isn't worth the admission price alone.

Even with its problems, it looked a lot better then COD 6. Shit, I love OPF: DR and thats not exactly a terrific game. Its clunky, looks a little outdated, has crappy textures but just the realistic feel makes it worth playing.
probably ODST, with multiplayer props going to BF1943. L4D2 and MW2 are late bloomers for me as i only got the christmas hols to play them, so when i've invested more time, one of them will go to my favourite MP title, probably L4D2.
Batman Arkham Asylum for me, with Dragon Age a very close second.

I would also like to give a special mention to Assassin's Creed 2.


You are kidding me right ?
Lots of Assassin's Creed 2 fans. Unfortunately until they decide to release the PC version, it simply doesn't exist for me :dozey:
Borderlands & Beatles Rock Band.

Though I should also note that I haven't played Dragon Age or Assassin's Creed II yet.

I don't play very many RPG's, and like even fewer of them. Borderlands was my personal favorite, as the thread title suggests what we are naming.

I think his problem with your post is that Borderlands is not really all that much of an RPG. It does have some elements, but lacks a degree of customisation found in many RPG games.
Its an FPS with stats is all. The character stats/abilities are the only element it has in common with actual RPGs.

Also, I just started playing this again since my roomate got it too. Its much more fun with someone else playing.
I think his problem with your post is that Borderlands is not really all that much of an RPG. It does have some elements, but lacks a degree of customisation found in many RPG games.

Thanks Yorick, I wasn't ripping on Borderlands, But it's not a solid RPG as far as I can tell. And my comment was initially aimed at Warped.
Whoops, wrong thread.

Oh well. My favourite of 09 was Uncharted 2. Best single-player and easily the best multiplayer game for me.
tbh most games this year sucked

I'm gonna default on Ace Combat Xi
tbh most games this year sucked
You sucked. There were some awesome games this year--it's just that the responses in this thread make it sound like we only had Borderlands, Batman, Uncharted, and Dragon Age.
Thinking about it again, I'd probably say that Assassins Creed 2 nudges out Uncharted 2 for me.

Uncharted 2 blew my mind.

AC2 gave me the best feeling inside when I got it though, and put the biggest smile on my face. First game I'd ever bought a limited edition version of as well.
Bought the Black Edition from Guess that shows how much I was looking forward to it.

Yeah, probably AC2 for me then.
You sucked. There were some awesome games this year--it's just that the responses in this thread make it sound like we only had Borderlands, Batman, Uncharted, and Dragon Age.

Enlighten us then, Lameside... fifty... gay!
Osmos. I'm not trying to be cool or silly - it's pretty much the only game I've played that was released this year.
Okay Darkside, I did love Osmos and Eufloria. I think Starfy came out this year too?
I liked Plants vs Zombies and Left 4 Dead 2 about the same amount.

Not from 2009: Bioshock.
Did Bionic Commando come out this year? I want to add that game to my list as well. I've played that game so many times now.
I can't remember all the games I have played this year, but I think there's atleast Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, Fear 2, Zeno Clash, Mirror's Edge, Stalker: Clear Sky

I also started playing Ghost Busters and Mass Effect, but didn't bother continuing either one from the beginning. I haven't played Left 4 Dead 2, simply because it gives me the Blue Screen Of Death.

Crysis and Stalker are both quite shitty, and they are definately not the "game of the year" for me.

As for Zeno Clash, Fear 2, and Mirror's Edge. I feel Zeno Clash is a bit too short, and doesn't have that much content in the end. Fear 2 is a bit repetive and has the worst quick time events, but still I like the mood. Mirror's Edge has a poor story and the flow can occasionally just suddenly stop, and also had some few annoying quick time events. I think for the price I paid for it, though, it's definately better choice.
I agree, from what I played of it, Clear Sky was not even worth the $5 asking price I payed. It's too bad because I loved the original, and despite what people said I took a chance, thinking I didnt have much to lose.
Gotta split it because I enjoyed them for entirely different reasons.

Single player: Batman.

Multiplayer: Modern Warfare 2.

Batman was amazing for reasons everyone should already know, but for me it was the first SP experience I felt really involved in for ages, even though I'm not really huge on Batman outside of the recent movies. The care and attention to detail is really unlike anything I've played, maybe in years.

MW2, well, it's just tuned as hell. I'm not saying there aren't balance issues, there certainly are, and not just the ones they've already fixed (****ing dual shotty bastards), it's just that everything feels right about it in multiplayer. It's infinitely enjoyable to toy with different configurations to try and make the perfect class for every given situation, while trying to tune it to your strengths (example: I actually use my ****ing guns in my commando/tac knife spec). If there's one thing that bugs me about the game sometimes it's that IW saw fit to give the players a great deal more personal power than the previous game: things like predator missiles which are nearly guaranteed to hit, for example. This is great when the power is in your hands, but those games where you seem to be the victim of every unavoidable kill imaginable are incredibly frustrating. Of course, this is a double-edged sword, so being the one inflicting that carnage is equally exhilarating. :D

The devopers or Batman AA (Rocksteady is it?) completely deserved the awards they recieved as a result of the game.

Sure it was using the now quite boring and shiny-skinned UT3 engine, but that game was so perfectly...ingrained and drenched in the Batman world, I dont think another developer has captured something that already existed as well as they did in that game. You were completely encompassed in the Batman world in every little detail.
Coop: Left 4 Dead 2

Multiplayer: L4D2 and MW2 (tie)

Third Person Action/Adventure: Assassins Creed II & Batman (Tie)

I feel that MW2 is too unbalanced right now to deserve the top spot as multiplayer. Sure it's great fun, but when you see idiots running around the map knifing people at 500 MPH it kind of ruins the whole feel of the game for me. Heartbeat sensors are also kind of lame IMHO, and pretty much force you into certain weapon/perk configurations in order to be truly effective.

Honestly, if they found a way to fix the cheesy knife sprinters and maybe got rid of Heartbeat sensors, I'd say the game is golden.
Enlighten us then, Lameside... fifty... gay!
You want me to sit here and list good games from 2009? Well...alright. *Clears throat*

There was Aztaka, Bayonetta, Demon's Souls and Dissidia, Alien Breed Evolution, current-gen Dance Dance Revolution, Ghostbusters, Deadly Creatures, Konami ReBirth triple-feature, Mini Ninjas, Killing Floor, Link rode a train and not his horse, Infamous, Katamari, MadWorld (banned in Germany!), Inside Story, NMSB Wii, Ratchet and Clank Future 3, Muramasa's one to own, Torchlight was a good Diablo clone, Trine was cool 'cause you roll wit' da wizards, in Scribblenauts kill birds to take their gizzards, Rockman.EXE Shooting Star Operation, RE5 COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, Machinarium showed point-and-click isn't dead, Little Mac got punched in the head, Shadow Complex 2.5D, Shattered Horizon zero-G, BlazBlue, Zeno Clash, A NEW GAME ON THE DREAMCAST, a second Gundam Dynasty, Valve released another L4D, SF in 3D but not EX, 358/2 what the hell was Xion's sex?, RotF was great online, A BOY AND HIS BLOB GOTY FOR ALL TIME, if you have a 360 you better buy Trials HD, and if you have a PS3 then you can import Shenmue 3!

There were also a lot of good mods and more indie games in 2009 than I care to count. There was a lot of great stuff in '09.
Assassin's Creed II was by far my favorite of the year, since it was one of the only games I have played this year. I loved reliving old Florentine history, and getting to travel alongside Michaelangelo and other notable figures such as Lorenzo de Medici. The combat is nearly flawless, and running around on rooftops is a remarkable experience. Having never played the first one (but understanding the general plot), AC2 mostly stood on its own in terms of plot development.

You want me to sit here and list good games from 2009? Well...alright. *Clears throat*

There was Aztaka, Bayonetta, Demon's Souls and Dissidia, Alien Breed Evolution, current-gen Dance Dance Revolution, Ghostbusters, Deadly Creatures, Konami ReBirth triple-feature, Mini Ninjas, Killing Floor, Link rode a train and not his horse, Infamous, Katamari, MadWorld (banned in Germany!), Inside Story, NMSB Wii, Ratchet and Clank Future 3, Muramasa's one to own, Torchlight was a good Diablo clone, Trine was cool 'cause you roll wit' da wizards, in Scribblenauts kill birds to take their gizzards, Rockman.EXE Shooting Star Operation, RE5 COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION, Machinarium showed point-and-click isn't dead, Little Mac got punched in the head, Shadow Complex 2.5D, Shattered Horizon zero-G, BlazBlue, Zeno Clash, A NEW GAME ON THE DREAMCAST, a second Gundam Dynasty, Valve released another L4D, SF in 3D but not EX, 358/2 what the hell was Xion's sex?, RotF was great online, A BOY AND HIS BLOB GOTY FOR ALL TIME, if you have a 360 you better buy Trials HD, and if you have a PS3 then you can import Shenmue 3!

There were also a lot of good mods and more indie games in 2009 than I care to count. There was a lot of great stuff in '09.

jesus christ what.

>implying 358/2 was good
Not that most people wouldn't tell you that Darkside is being rather generous by including it in his list of 'awesome' games. Even the framerate wanted to be somewhere else.
Framerate aside, Forever was a good game. Rolling around in the King's head, sumos, the graphic filters, of course the soundtrack; Forever was a good game.
>implying 358/2 was good
Story aside, 358/2 was a good game. The combat was enjoyable, the graphics were amazing for the DS, the panel system, playing alongside the Organization, Saix's RAGE MODE. The only 'strike' was the story.
Framerate aside, Forever was a good game. Rolling around in the King's head, sumos, the graphic filters, of course the soundtrack; Forever was a good game.
The Sumo level was just from 'We Love Katamari' though (remembering that from a European perspective, WLK was the original), and even the soundtrack felt like it had faded in the wash with the rest of the overused laundry.
I haven't played that much 2009 games, so, i hate to say this, Modern Warfare 2.

It'd probably be Left 4 Dead 2 if I had it, gotta wait for a price drop first.
Modern Warfare 2 for me. I loved all aspects of the game, the campaign, the multiplayer, and I'm still not tired of any of it.
Assassin's Creed II was by far my favorite of the year, since it was one of the only games I have played this year. I loved reliving old Florentine history, and getting to travel alongside Michaelangelo and other notable figures such as Lorenzo de Medici. The combat is nearly flawless, and running around on rooftops is a remarkable experience. Having never played the first one (but understanding the general plot), AC2 mostly stood on its own in terms of plot development.


The combat wasn't perfect. It revolved around deflecting and chance too much.
The only game I got any significant enjoyment out of that came out this year was Street Fighter IV.

Other than that it was mostly Team Fortress 2 but I'm calling it current due to the updates.