Personal Webpage...


Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys, im after your input mainly to improve the header bit.

The Roy Mudie IT Services (it only says IT services at the moment cause i couldnt think of anything better to do, however i do accutualy work for the university IT department)

Im not sure it fits just right, also im not to pleased with the bit to the right of it either :(

Any sugestions are better than nothing so please say something :)
Dude it looks fantastic. I would enlargen the main frame a bit (take a bit off the top horizontal frame) but otherwise it's very good.

Oh eh, there's a type-o in the welcome section : "about my, my interests,"

keep up the good work
simple design, clean, easy to read, quick. Yup I think it looks good too, nice one :)
You should add background-color:white to your CSS body tag. Some web viewers have other background color than white set as default.

And it looks nice. :]
Originally posted by IronHand
You should add background-color:white to your CSS body tag. Some web viewers have other background color than white set as default.

And it looks nice. :]

Yeah, I use a default light grey background (easier on the eyes), so it doesn't synch up for me.
It does look good though, very clean and straightforward.
ok.... on one acctualy answered my question but I supose thats a good thing :D

i take it from the comments that no one can sugest any improvements for the title but ill defenitly take most sugestions on board, i.e. spell checking, thats always nice ;)

oh well, cheers guys

Edit :: All done...
Otherwise good website but it's too common looking, minimalistic, "modern", god I hate those both words, though maybe that's why my bigger website projects take 6 months minimum.
Originally posted by Faravid
Otherwise good website but it's too common looking, minimalistic, "modern", god I hate those both words, though maybe that's why my bigger website projects take 6 months minimum.

Got any examples of your work, im interested to see a design that would take 6month :)

Yeah, webpages can take that long in adding all the right stuff if your like me and do everything from scratch. I hate using forums that others have writen, much better when you make it yourself

Edit:: hehe forgot to make my point, basicaly i was after something that was simple that wouldnt need to be update with news or a day by day report of my life. Its basicaly a portfolio, no point in using mySQL and crap to store all my links and news
Just the graphics take damn long for me, one week passes and I find some point stupid looking and I redraw it, and no I don't have any examples right now at work. Though I'm working on texturing one site right now, should look intresting when it's done.
Looks great. I'm viewing on 800x600 now, so I reckon you might want to do something with the graphics (set them to percentages size wise rather than specific pictures) as at the moment from my view it looks a bit messed up. Really nice design though.
The images with text in them are a bit over-compressed, with JPG artifacts all over the place. Other than that, it's nice. I do agree with Faravid though, the design is somewhat 'standard', but I suppose it doesn't matter that much for a portofolio.
Originally posted by Faravid
Just the graphics take damn long for me, one week passes and I find some point stupid looking and I redraw it, and no I don't have any examples right now at work. Though I'm working on texturing one site right now, should look intresting when it's done.

What about the sites you've already done on the net?
Not bad. Pretty clean, simple, and straight to the point.

The only complaint I really have would be that I'd have to say I don't really like the right side of the header (the little box-type things.) Other than that, it's pretty nice. 9/10 :D
Your webpage looks alright, but the way you've broken it up is all wrong and creates errors in your page (shown in this pic in red ).

The bits in green are how you should have broken it up.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Not bad. Pretty clean, simple, and straight to the point.

The only complaint I really have would be that I'd have to say I don't really like the right side of the header (the little box-type things.) Other than that, it's pretty nice. 9/10 :D

Cheers, i hate the bit as well ;)

Also.... no offense... but 800*600???? my gawd, I thought that had been phased out with 5 1/2 inch floppys :D

Oh well, ill try to please everyone
Originally posted by AH_Viper
Cheers, i hate the bit as well ;)

Also.... no offense... but 800*600???? my gawd, I thought that had been phased out with 5 1/2 inch floppys :D

Oh well, ill try to please everyone

Always aim for maximum compatibility :p
This doesn’t deserve a new thread but I’ve just finished the design of this for me dad.

He wanted something where he would post his latest scientific ventures.

Basically just wanted to show you I could in fact make a site with good scale-ability and looks dam sexy at the same time ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
What about the sites you've already done on the net?

I've done one paid job that's up right now, snowmobile club's site...
It's not too special, just a simple and working site.
Originally posted by Faravid
I've done one paid job that's up right now, snowmobile club's site...
It's not too special, just a simple and working site.

wooo pretty :)

nice work on it so far

one sugestion would be that the links up the top left should be images rather than text... blend them in a bitty
Originally posted by Faravid
Just the graphics take damn long for me, one week passes and I find some point stupid looking and I redraw it, and no I don't have any examples right now at work. Though I'm working on texturing one site right now, should look intresting when it's done.
Exact the same as for me, I can make a logo that I like, then after a week or a few days a see flaws in it and must remake it :/
Originally posted by AH_Viper
wooo pretty :)

nice work on it so far

one sugestion would be that the links up the top left should be images rather than text... blend them in a bitty

They were images, way too hard to update and that menu gets updated OFTEN.

Becides, text is cool. ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
tiles with a noticable edge for me (background image)

Ah yeah, just noticed the same thing myself, the tables are a little bugged, I need to redo them.

Background image doesn't have edges.