Pet Peeves Vol. 2


Jul 25, 2007
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What are some things that totally drive you up the wall? Here's some of mine:

1) Just waking up, which means brain is not functioning properly, so when someone asks me a question and I try to answer, all that comes out is, "unnhghaa!" Grrrr, "shoots incompetent brain" :sniper:

2) Waking up early

3) Just waking up at all lately really

4) People who think they know more than me just because they are more certified

5) Cats (I've had to feed over 20 of them lately. They're destructive and they stink.)

6) Dogs (They're just so spontaneous, lively, and aggravating)

7) Next-gen video games (I can't afford a 360/PS3 right now)

8) Bill Gates

9) John McCain

10) Barack Obama

11) Everyone in the House of Representatives

12) Everyone in the Senate

13) Everyone in the President's cabinet

14) The fact that my PC really sucks and I'm really in self-denial to anyone who asks about it

15) sneezing indoors, because I don't like sneezing in my hands, so I hold it in

16) Things that are dirty when there's no reason for them to be.

17) Stray hairs anywhere on my body.

18) When my nose gets boogers when I'm in public.

19) Finding out that a certain video game's soundtrack is in MIDI format. I hate MIDI.

20) The fact I just wasted ten minutes to make this thread. :p

I've just been really cranky lately. Everything is getting on my last nerve.
The noise people make when they chew with their mouths open/the noise animals make when they lick themselves.
People who post long lists of things that annoy them on the internet.
People who drive sooo sloooowww.....

When someone tells me to do something and I AM ALREADY IN THE PROCESS OF DOING IT.

My American History Honors teacher, she rambles on about senseless stuff then is like "oh we have a test tomorrow, read the chapter."

People who can't get their point across when talking to me.

People who think you are an idiot just because you don't share the same views as them.

People who form rash generalizations about a group due to the actions of a few people.
The noise people make when they chew with their mouths open



And when people slurp drinks, or when you can hear it going down their throat oh fipvfbdivbeiuvbuv.

When someone tells me to do something and I AM ALREADY IN THE PROCESS OF DOING IT.

People who think you are an idiot just because you don't share the same views as them.

People who form rash generalizations about a group due to the actions of a few people.

Well Said. I'll add:

Religious zealots - Believe what you want, but don't press your ideologies onto me.

Our Justice system towards people what hurt children. Too lenient.

Game critics that force a developer to dumb-down a game.

Parents that do not teach their children right from wrong. Take a more active role in your childs development.

Negative people that like to spout their nonsense, but refuse to try to make a difference

Just to name a few.

- Slow walking people. I know a lot of the time they can't help it (primarily elderly) but jesus it annoys the crap out of me.
- 3 hours of lectures spread across the entire day.
- People that preach. Doesn't matter what it is, I don't want to hear it.

People who don't wash their hands after pissing or shitting.
Taking a leak, shake, then no matter what you do, you get a little pee on your leg.
****ing physics.
Being in high school: People who move so damn slowly I want to punch them in the back of their face.

Lookin at you black people.
The one thing I hate most about capitalism and Corporate America's lousy business practices:

Projected longevity.

GOD, I hate it when companies make shitty products on purpose so they can make more money and consumers continue to buy said shitty products because they so desparately need them instead of boycotting the industry until they make good stuff again. *takes deep breath* GOOOOD! Arrgh!
People who are under the suspicion they can drive well.

And scooters.
People who criticise the impressively philanthropic Bill Gates without any form of qualifying statements. Just 'cause, y'know...

Yeah I don't understand this either. Whatever you feel about Microsoft, Bill Gates himself has done a lot of good and he is a good man.

As for my pet peeves, maybe it's best I don't list them here. For all of your safety.
1. People who can't operate img tags
2. People who aren't aware of the difference between 1280x960 and 1280x1024 (see also: people who don't understand what aspect ratio is, people who have stretched wallpapers or even people watching a stretched image of standard 4:3 channels on their widescreen TVs)
3. logo at the top of the forum not linking to home page like it used to

bleh I could list a lot others but whatever
Hot air from the vents blowing directly on me/my face in the car. I hate that shit. Something about the air makes it hard to breathe too.


You guys will get along great.


Ignorant people who refuse to learn.
Facial hair when I don't want it.
When you suddenlynh lseo the abitly to ytpe in the mdidle of a senteance.
People who use the emotes :cheese::angel::bounce::sniper::cheers::frog::afro::monkee::devil::cat::borg::smoking::bonce::dork::imu: or :flame:
Every time a friend wants to show you his/her new stereo, they have it playing at a good volume and it sounds fantastic. I'm like, "****ing nice. Man that sounds good." and they are like, "wait wait" -- *puts in some crappy CD you can't stand.* Then they turn up the volume all the way up and it sounds all distorted, it sounds like shit.
Nice work with the font tags there champ.
Why lol puberty? If I wanted to grow facial hair, it would be fine. If I don't, it's irritating.
Nice work with the font tags there champ.
Why lol puberty? If I wanted to grow facial hair, it would be fine. If I don't, it's irritating.

damn dont take it up the ass kid it was just a joke. dont gotta go and make it all unfunny

edit: internet is serios business