petition against hl2 delay

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Oh, will do, you mighty ones sure have the power to stop the delay!
OMG stupidity reaches low points you can't even imagine.
Originally posted by Gaemon82
Oh, will do, you mighty ones sure have the power to stop the delay

Bow down before your mighty god, he "ODVIOUSLY" knows what he is doing
i think you forget what we all are. we are the community of hl2 valve does only exist because we buy the game. valve earns OURE money!!!

please sign in we will send all comments to [email protected]

stay together and dont flame me and my idea
Can I start a petition to stop petitions ?

a) by the time you had enough partitions to convince anyone to do anything HL 2 would be a classic budget game.

b) HL 2 is not ready for release, and petitions will not auto fix bugs and re-code the source to void exploits. I would rather wait and get a decently programmed game than bug laden, exploit heaven bit of mish mash code.

c) Online petitions mean squat, not proof than many people signed more like prove a few signed many times.
im not haveing a go at you, its just kinda pointless
Originally posted by ASnogarD
Can I start a petition to stop petitions ?

a) by the time you had enough partitions to convince anyone to do anything HL 2 would be a classic budget game.

b) HL 2 is not ready for release, and petitions will not auto fix bugs and re-code the source to void exploits. I would rather wait and get a decently programmed game than bug laden, exploit heaven bit of mish mash code.

c) Online petitions mean squat, not proof than many people signed more like prove a few signed many times.

precisely my point
Be realistic!!! If the game needs work it will be delayed, no matter how loud you'll cry. If it is ready then it will come out around xmas, would be good for their marketing. I for myself will be glad to give Valve my money, but I want a good game, and if it needs more tweaking then I don't care.
signing a petition isn't going to enable valve to get done what they need to get done any faster.. and it isn't gonna persaude them to work longer hours then they already do.

and why should they try harder to get it done if tens of thousands of people sign the petition ? what's gonna happen if they don't. what if it only comes out a year from now ? you're still gonna buy the game.
from that website:

Originally posted by
First, we were told that Half Life 2 would be published exactly 5 years after the first part, on the 30 September 2003. All the rumours that Half Life 2 would not come out on 30 September were wrong, you said again and again. We all believed in you! 1 week before 30 September 2003, you were not brave enough to inform us officially in a press report that Half Life 2 was postponed until winter holidays. This news hit us pretty hard. Not only that Half Life 2 was postponed, but also the Benchmark where we have been looking forward to and still not know when we can expect it to come out.

ahahahhahahahhahah not signing that crap :\
you should have to have a personal credit-card to surf the internet...that would keep the kiddies away.
what people say over a text based medium usually has zero contract liability ;)

and you especially can't force a multi-million dollar company to speed up the production of a product via what they'd call a 'joke' (your petition)

it's with good intent, but poorly executed.
lol this is all really getting silleh!

"valve please dont delay hl2 to assess the security compromises that have been opened liueka can of worms due to this source hacking. So please justr elease hl2 so when i start a server people who analyzed the source can possibly take control of my box, using security holes as an entry"

Thats effectivly what your saying man. Really think about it. If they release hl2 without doing damage control, it will piss alot of people off. Damage control is analyzing what has been taken and released to the publ;ic. Assessing which holes and flaws in security where inside that partt of the source. Than poreventing those holes from being used against steam and against users who access servers and host servers.

They really arent delaying it to make money lol

Please guys really stop and think of stuff from other perspectives before thinking the most obvious one is always it. Life is not always about money, soemtiems its about saftey

please excuse my typonese i havent slept yet
id like to start a petiton to remove this traffic que outside my house plz, because god knows some signatures gets things done faster. idiot.
Originally posted by
it would be great if everybody sign in to stop the delay of hl2.

visit us at


lets stand together community :cheers:

**** OFF!!!
My loyalty is with Valve, not a bunch of bitch ass, ungrateful crybabies!
actually petitions can be quiet effective, dummy...

but they're for political things, since signatures mean votes to a politician...don't knock petitions, just knock petitions to PRIVATE COMPANIES. this petition won't mean dollars to valve, which are your "vote" for valve. if you still buy the game anyway, it won't matter.

but if you don't think petitions do anything, think about the fact that the little recall election they just had in know...the one that ousted one governor for another?

that was started by (and couldn't legally proceed without) a petition. they had to have XXXX signatures before an election could even take place. </politics>
Originally posted by Maskirovka
actually petitions can be quiet effective, dummy...

but they're for political things, since signatures mean votes to a politician...don't knock petitions, just knock petitions to PRIVATE COMPANIES. this petition won't mean dollars to valve, which are your "vote" for valve. if you still buy the game anyway, it won't matter.

but if you don't think petitions do anything, think about the fact that the little recall election they just had in know...the one that ousted one governor for another?

that was started by (and couldn't legally proceed without) a petition. they had to have XXXX signatures before an election could even take place. </politics>

You make a good point, but petitions quickly lose thier persuasive influence when half-wit, punk kids abuse them to voice thier personal opinions...
Originally posted by killahsin-[CE]
They really arent delaying it to make money lol
This may seems strange to you, but in fact, Valve do delay the game to make money. Or, to put it a bit better, to make more money. If they delay the release of the game, the final result will be better which means good reviews by all the gamingmagazines/websites out there, resulting into higher sales.

Gamers can be split into two categories; we got the Hardcore Gamer-group which consists out of rather young people who buy the latest games coming out. Then we got the Casual Gamer, a group that once in a while buys a game that seems to be cool to play and plays that game every now and then to kill time. Because the last group is alot larger than the former, softwaredevelopers need to get good reviews that result in more positive mouth-to-mouth advertising and higher sales. One negative effect of this all is that the produced games will need to be more mainstream and less original. But with recent productions as i.e. Tron 2.0, this hardly seems to be the case at this moment.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
you should have to have a personal credit-card to surf the internet...that would keep the kiddies away.

But i dont have a credit card?
saltpeper the game is being delayed because they have to for security reasons. You dont think so? Between gamespy and homelan you have 12 developers saying the exact same thing. Is that really hard to comprehend? the game isnt being delayed for money it has to do with security assesments.
Originally posted by killahsin-[CE]
saltpeper the game is being delayed because they have to for security reasons. You dont think so? Between gamespy and homelan you have 12 developers saying the exact same thing. Is that really hard to comprehend? the game isnt being delayed for money it has to do with security assesments.
You don't get it do you? If Valve solves the security problems in the Source code that final result will be even better than before the fixing process was started. This means there's less chance of people being able to cheat and therefor there's a higher chance the game will get good reviews.

All the activities behind the delays are there to improve the final product of the game. And the better it is, the higher the sales will be. After all Valve makes games to make money, not for bloody charity.
rofl petition, gayyyyyy... Like I am so sure valve will say, "wow! all these people want the game now! lets just go ahead and release it!" rofl moron
criest are u smoking pot? u dont make the game so sit down and shut up the game will be done when it will be done
Your petition is not worth the domain you bought... Well you can reuse the page for a petition for Alyx getting bigger boobs or something.
omfg...yea a petition...because valve has the game fully functional, they are just holding it for no reason at all....

let them finish the damn game you moron
:flame: stop flaming kids

its just a litte chance to stop the delay to 2004.

nothing more :dozey:
Re: Re: petition against hl2 delay

Originally posted by Parasite
**** OFF!!!
My loyalty is with Valve, not a bunch of bitch ass, ungrateful crybabies!


Originally posted by
:flame: stop flaming kids

its just a litte chance to stop the delay to 2004.

nothing more :dozey:

It isn't a chance. You sound like a twelve year old who thinks he can change everything, but it's not that easy. Look, if the game is finished it will be released in a few weeks, if it isn't, then it will take the time Valve needs to finish it, is this so difficult to understand?!?! I mean do you think they will work faster or what is your purpose?
YEAH - The undersigned want Valve to release an unfinished game!!!

Fabulous idea.

What a bloody joke.
hey "gays" when you all know that the game is not finished why you flame about delay threads? shut up and flame another thread.
Do you think the game is ready but Valve are refusing to release it ?

Or do you want whatever build is semi-playable to be released and patched up on the fly ?

Thank you for supporting this petition against halflife 2 delay.

Until now, we have 16 supporters, including you.

That'll show 'em. Look our VALVe!
****ing retards. It's come to my conclusion, the people who make these petitions have no live at all, do nothing but sit at the comp and go in to chat rooms where they pretend to be 14/f/cali.

no nothing like this

valve says the game is ready they only work on the language.

i dont want that they delay it to april 2004

thats all
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