petition against hl2 delay

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hey the page is 5 hours old :D

please kids please stop flamig

i'm not a star wars kid but you mom has a star wars p***y.
Originally posted by

no nothing like this

valve says the game is ready they only work on the language.

i dont want that they delay it to april 2004

thats all

Ok... pre- leak that info may of been correct, but now the source is out on the inet it means Valve must re-code the source to void any exploits that hackers , using the source, will undoubtably create.

As far as the april date is concerned there is no official re-re-release date as yet, so getting all worked up will not help anyone and if Valve is bombarded with e-mail/petitions ect ect they cannot get on with the work of sorting HL 2 out.

I suggest you be patiant .
Originally posted by

i'm not a star wars kid but you mom has a star wars p***y.

I was referring to the Star Wars Kid joke petition. Making a copparision with that joke (which is about 1000 pages long) and your joke which has 16 people on it.

You have no idea do you?
I was going to add the bit about him being <7 yrs old but I thought it was apparant yes ;), you are right and they are wrong.

It really doesn't matter if it'll be 15 or 15000 people who sign it. The only thing that matters is what you tried to say: hey, people, if you think that the game should not be delayed until 04'04 - say it!

To all the people like Dago: we are not saying: Do or Die! Do you beleive that all game delays were due to the development and not because of dumb management or publisher public ignorance?

And I am really happy that they are people out there who are not only whining "we can't do anything, why we should try?!!!" but trying to do something. You may not agree with it, but it's OK, that is your part of the game.

The only thing I can't understand is - if you people don't think the petition will change anything, why you are in that thread? Calm down and wait patiently until April next year, then go to shop and buy the game then. I hope you'll not be dissapointed by the fact that the rest of us will do it a little earlier - this holidays...



when the game will be released on november! You all will say "men that petition idea has saved my christmas time" :cheese:
Originally posted by



when the game will be released on november! You all will say "men that petition idea has saved my christmas time" :cheese:

You really think it is because of your stupid little petition?? I mean, you seem pretty sure that there will be a BIG sticker on the HL2 package that says: only at xmas, because our hl2-petition fans told us so??
But hey, kid, I'm sure uncle Gabe listens to you and the 25 other people who sign the petition.

Originally posted by, you are right and they are wrong.

It really doesn't matter if it'll be 15 or 15000 people who sign it. The only thing that matters is what you tried to say: hey, people, if you think that the game should not be delayed until 04'04 - say it!

To all the people like Dago: we are not saying: Do or Die! Do you beleive that all game delays were due to the development and not because of dumb management or publisher public ignorance?

And I am really happy that they are people out there who are not only whining "we can't do anything, why we should try?!!!" but trying to do something. You may not agree with it, but it's OK, that is your part of the game.

The only thing I can't understand is - if you people don't think the petition will change anything, why you are in that thread? Calm down and wait patiently until April next year, then go to shop and buy the game then. I hope you'll not be dissapointed by the fact that the rest of us will do it a little earlier - this holidays...

Yes, we have to do that so Valve knows we want the game because maybe they don't.
As many said before, i rather play a delayed bugfree game then a "released on time but with 1000 bugs in it, so you need to download 20 patches before you can install it"- game

That's what you sound like, just a bit muffled though. Get a life, when it's done it's done, no stupid faggety ass petition will get the game out any faster. Even IF it comes out this year, your petition will have contributed to that result 0% you moron.
i can't believe someone registered a domain name just for that :D

i'll sign it just cuz i dont lose anything by doing so... no, not even my dignity :) sucka!
You be sure to keep us updated on how this affects Valve, okay?
You have what, 25 signatures as of now? Just think, in only a matter of weeks you could break 100, maybe even 120!
Originally posted by Tlaloc
i can't believe someone registered a domain name just for that :D

i'll sign it just cuz i dont lose anything by doing so... no, not even my dignity :) sucka!

Well some people are obviously bored, and only HL2 can save there live, that's why they want it released now, even if its buggy.
they want our name, address, and post code LOL...errrrm naa i won't be adding that
you can also only put your name and an comment into it! :afro:
There are a few rules most programmers are following:

- you'll spend 20% of the time on actually writing the code and 60% of the time on debugging it, the rest 20% of time on debugging that will not gonna change anything but we'll waste that time anyway...

- nothing limited in time is perfect, if it is perfect than it's unlimited...

My point is - don't try too hard on fixing the bugs, you should done it already. Anyway can anybody remind me when Valve stopped realising the patches for HL1? Five years after the release? Anybody wants to wait for another five years to have a bugless game?
Originally posted by nikson
There are a few rules most programmers are following:

- you'll spend 20% of the time on actually writing the code and 60% of the time on debugging it, the rest 20% of time on debugging that will not gonna change anything but we'll waste that time anyway...

- nothing limited in time is perfect, if it is perfect than it's unlimited...

My point is - don't try too hard on fixing the bugs, you should done it already. Anyway can anybody remind me when Valve stopped realising the patches for HL1? Five years after the release? Anybody wants to wait for another five years to have a bugless game?

Do you even have the slightest clue about marketing? If it is finished they won't release it after xmas, and if it's unfinished it means that there are still heavy bugs that need to be fixed. Just think of it, you buy the game but it still has a bug, let's say it doesn't work with a specific graphics card. Now you are one of those you have this graphicy card and cannot play the game for another 2 weeks becaus Valve is making a bugfix. While every other person has already played the game. Is this what you want?
Originally posted by nikson
There are a few rules most programmers are following:

- you'll spend 20% of the time on actually writing the code and 60% of the time on debugging it, the rest 20% of time on debugging that will not gonna change anything but we'll waste that time anyway...

- nothing limited in time is perfect, if it is perfect than it's unlimited...

My point is - don't try too hard on fixing the bugs, you should done it already. Anyway can anybody remind me when Valve stopped realising the patches for HL1? Five years after the release? Anybody wants to wait for another five years to have a bugless game?

They were adding features and fixing cheats.
Steam will be the only thing saving you from 5 years of updates.
Its obvious english isnt your first language so I wont comment on your grammar, but you logic is retarded in any language.
And the winner for the most pointless petition ever goes to ................ this one! \o/
Originally posted by Gaemon82
Do you even have the slightest clue about marketing? If it is finished they won't release it after xmas, and if it's unfinished it means that there are still heavy bugs that need to be fixed. Just think of it, you buy the game but it still has a bug, let's say it doesn't work with a specific graphics card. Now you are one of those you have this graphicy card and cannot play the game for another 2 weeks becaus Valve is making a bugfix. While every other person has already played the game. Is this what you want?

Fine, I can understand that. I don't meant any offence to anybody.

But my own experience is telling me that there's no way to release a game like HL2 that will run on every graphic card in the world. And there always be people complaining about black screens, choppy graphic and so on. It's a nature of PC hardware (overclocked, IRQ conficts, drivers, etc.).

I do beleive that modifying the code does not mean that you have to rewrite it. That means that you do not have to perform an extensive testing, you may just quickly run through some basic testing points the modified code relates to.
Originally posted by nikson
Fine, I can understand that. I don't meant any offence to anybody.

But my own experience is telling me that there's no way to release a game like HL2 that will run on every graphic card in the world. And there always be people complaining about black screens, choppy graphic and so on. It's a nature of PC hardware (overclocked, IRQ conficts, drivers, etc.).

I do beleive that modifying the code does not mean that you have to rewrite it. That means that you do not have to perform an extensive testing, you may just quickly run through some basic testing points the modified code relates to.

Why does everybody believe that the leak is the main cause for the delay? It's the game itself, they just need to rewrite some of the code (steam, mp) but it's the game itself that is unfinished if they delay it.
I can't believe this thread has made it to 5 pages......and I guess i'm not helping...

but asking valve to release the game before they are ready to is pretty stupid.

Thay should do what 3D-Realms does: "This game will be released when it is finished. Period."

Does anyone honestly think they want to delay it any longer than it already has to be? Of course not!
From the petition:
"It is up to you if it is going to be a happy or a sad Christmas this year."

Oh my god how old are you and what kind of life do you have if HL2 is what decides whether you have a "happy or sad" christmas!

I wouldnt mind signing a petition, if it was written by an ADULT and was formal.

This is just way too childlike and just immature and will be brushed off as that.

Hahahha...oh no Gabe is going to feel sooo bad for all little kiddies crying hahaa mommy i want hl2 for xmas!
Hahhaha even worse if youre like 16 or that case my advice is, play some sports, get a girlfriend and some friends!

Cheers! :)
Re: Re: petition against hl2 delay

Originally posted by Parasite
**** OFF!!!
My loyalty is with Valve, not a bunch of bitch ass, ungrateful crybabies!

I'll :cheers: to that!
Originally posted by
it would be great if everybody sign in to stop the delay of hl2.

visit us at


lets stand together community :cheers:

please... stop wasting oxygen...
...I'm offended.

We don't celebrate Christmas.

Jihad on you!! :)

Do something real and meaningful - Maybe you could write a letter to Santa or something.
"Do something real and meaningful - Maybe you could write a letter to Santa or something."

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA good one I needed that :)
Wait - guy's, this is totally off topic...

but i just heard on CNN that Rush Limbaugh has admitted that he is a drug addict and is going to take himself off the air and go into rehab.

i haven't laughed so hard in years.
I'm going to sign that petition 10 times.

Why? Because at the end of the day, if the game isn't finished 10, 100, 100 000 or even 100 000 000 signatures on it, won't mean anything. It's pointless.
Sorry - back on topic now. *laughing subsides*

ok - now. where was i? Oh yes....the petition.

"The fact that hacker did force their way into your company and stole the source code with shuffle tools, hurts all of us. I think, no matter how much someone loves Half Life 2, nobody has the right to do that."

Maybe I'm too old for this, but what the hell is a 'shuffle tool'? Is that the thing old people (like me, i guess) push round disks across the promenade deck of a cruise liner with?

"A postponement until 2004 would hurt us all and would probably take away the last hopes of some fans."

I don't know what to say to this....speachless. There is a great joke lingering on the horizon, but it eludes me.

"It is up to you if it is going to be a happy or a sad Christmas this year."

Just what Gabe & Co needs - a guilt trip. If I got that letter from you, I would track down your ISP and make sure you were the last person on the planet to get the game. (I'm a mean person)

use your website skill for something useful, you are obviously talented - just misguided.
ut i just heard on CNN that Rush Limbaugh has admitted that he is a drug addict and is going to take himself off the air and go into rehab.

yeah, it's all over the news now, I live in the same city as the station

I believe it's five weeks of rehab and maybe they'll do something about his contact

as for petitions, this one is a bad idea, but for general game ideas they may have some value, especially if they are done by hundreds of people through e-mail

for example, stalker: oblivion lost (, got a petition earlier this year asking to have women in the game, which I don't think they had in earlier builds; besides that, it seems realistic to me in a semi-real world several years in the future with a bunch of freelancers/small group running around stalking their enemy and looking through witches' jelly and disease-infested tunnels for artifacts
This guy is gonna send all these stupid names to Gabe? Sounds exactly like spam to me. People like this should be publically whipped...

Go to hell, asshole.
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