Petition against *****

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Ghost Freeman

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
I plan on starting a petition against m_yg0t and I was wondering what I should say, or refer to.

Please make your followup posts here, and before the night ends, I will create the petition.
Petition what? You cant do anything about what they do, other than complain to the Government (I.E. FBI). Oh and online petitions do not do anything.
how about start a hacking group and like destroy everything of theirs? OR even like hack their bank accounts and make them loose all teir# MONEYS@$$!!! (j/k)
feck ***** the ****eers that have ruined my life and 60millions others. Gabe sue tose feckers for 200000000000000000000000000000000million and then give me money back .. thx m8
lol making a petition against them is just as dumb as making a petition against cheating (like they did in bf1942) .. it wont do shit so whats the use :dork:
online petitions have been done so much, that they have no meaning anymore, seriously, unless u get like 100,000 ppl to go stand around with signs in a major city yelling , (down with hackers!, up with half-life!)
i think that type of protesting might do something :O
how many millions protested against going into iraq?

that sure worked didnt it....
Great, let's start a petition against attention whores. That'll do a lot of good.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
how many millions protested against going into iraq?

that sure worked didnt it....

yeah. come to think of it, why protest anything. after all, it never does anything. don't have an opinion in the majority? too bad! you shouldn't be in the society anyway, traitor! it's not in the benefit of the government to realise that its actions don't receive 100% support of its citizens, especially if it's labelling itself a democracy. screw the malcontents! they should all go back to where they came from!

exaggerations are fun :)

but honestly, petitions with peoples' actual signatures (and usually some form of contact like a phone-number) always carry more weight than a bunch of names (some people even use their nickname.. idiots) that cannot be verified.
petitioning won't do shit. If anything it will just give those idiots more wannabe recruits
***** dwells on attention. Don't give it to them if you can help it. All a petition would do is encourage them.
i was a victum of ***** once, that problem is long resolved though. Took me about 12 seconds to figure out what was wrong. Petitions really wont do anyting. you need physical action. Buuuut FBi dosent take em serious enough
Man this is just what they want. The more infamous they become, the bigger they become.

Just ignore them. They are nothing - unless we make them something.
good luck with it man

as many before me have said, it wont do shizzle, nizzle
My god. This is exactly what /\/\yg0t wants. Can't you people learn to ignore them?
They are not a hacker group. understand this:
The group is of people who got bored of playing games, and had more fun messing up the game and making people mad.
Most of them don't hack, they just piss people off any way they can. they will spray gay porn, friendly fire, camp, spam racist remarks, make fun of the WTC, and whatever else. Hacking is just one of their methods.

To get in you gotta have screen shots from 3 different games of people who got pissed at you.

Its a pissing people off group.

If you made a petition, they would link it on their site, and sign it themselves.

They want to be famous and known by as many people as possible. Ignoring them is the best thing you can do.
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