Petition for a class-action lawsuit

Jrgsubzero said:
You said my name! I'm sueing you for not getting my permission first!


A fine example, eh Dark Elf?

You stole my name!!!

sue sue sue!!!!
iamharper said:
Let me reinstate why I would like to sue the socks off these scoundrels.

I had half-life2 registered and running on my old computer. After I installed it on my new computer, I logged into my Steam account only to findout it wanted me to register half-life2 again before I could play. Can't do that, cause of Steam. I mailed Steam and Valve and I haven't gotten anything back from them. So screw them, I wanna do the paper work, this is all too frustrating. I can pay them $10 to reset my account, bullocks. I want a damn refund cause I don't own the game anymore, Steam took it back from me.

If you want a quicker reply than you'll get in an e-mail post this on the Steam forums at They actually have ALL the info about your Steam account. Post there and I'm sure you'll get a reply fairly quick. As for sueing them, I don't really see a valid reason as to why you should. It's either a small error on their part or one on yours and it's something that can be fixed easily. They are in no way trying to stop you from playing Half-Life 2. One more time, go post on the Steam forums about this at
OK, from what I understand, you have an old computer with Half Life 2 on it, and it works. Now you have a new computer, and it won't let you log in. This is how security works. Steam won't let two computers have identical accounts. Basic copy protection?

Anyways, I think there is an option to move Steam to a new computer; give me a moment and I will search for it.*&p_li=&p_topview=1

Ta-da, less than a minute of searching.
user and pass not being typed in right isn't anyone but your own fault.
trying to sue some one over it is even more retarted it like saying that your sueing your manafacture of your car becasue you lost your keys.
You know what, I have decided to sue Iamharper because he's lazy. I think it's a pretty valid reason.
firemachine69 said:

Who the hell spends $200 in a 5700? :p

To the question:

It creates a hash of the computer now, that's the trade-off for not requiring a CD (from what I understand).
I Spent 175 australian dollars on a Geforce 5700 just walk in the shop and asked for a graphics card i knew of, a Geforce.
I really should have researched graphics cards before buying one, o well when i get a job ill get a good computer and gimme a name of a good graphics card company name and motherboard for gaming.
Im gonna stop at this piont because i dont know why im typing this.
iamharper said:
I can't play half-life 2 because I registered my key on my old computer and my steam account on my new computer says I need to register but I already have, so I can't do it again.

Steam team is not responding to my emails, and their site is no help at all. The only option I see avaible to me is to reset my registration for $10 not to mention mailing costs. Thats not right, I own this game with intention of playing it without having to pay for further rights.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who is can't play because of the ineffective way Steam does bussiness. If anyone can't play their game because Steam is a poor program that can lock rightful users out of the game they paid for, post below, we could start a lawsuit. you are going to sue valve for a username and password?
Tip for next time, don't come in saying you will sue a company and then have the dumbest reasons for it. You won't get the freindliest of responses.
^Ben said:
Tip for next time, don't come in saying you will sue a company and then have the dumbest reasons for it. You won't get the freindliest of responses.

Especially when the answers to your questions are on Steam's support page.
It's quite easy.

Open Steam > Browse Games > Register a product I already own... > Enter in your CD key.

This is necessary because some of the CD-key information is stored in your Windows registry and of course you will no longer have this registry information on your new computer.
Try logging back on to your old computer with your HL2 account. If HL2 is still there, then it's something on your end. After that, try logging out totally from that computer before you log into the new computer. See if that works.
Dreglor said:
user and pass not being typed in right isn't anyone but your own fault.
trying to sue some one over it is even more retarted it like saying that your sueing your manafacture of your car becasue you lost your keys.

In the states it'd probably be a win. :LOL:
your trying to sue valve, cause you cant register on a different account? your stupid
possible spoilers

My esteemed fellow members of the Half Life Forums, I hereby announce that I am representing my client (Who will remain unnamed to protect his identity) in a class action lawsuit agains the Valve Software Company. Let me open by stating my client has a long standing reputation as a valuable member of the Valve team, and it is therefore all the more hard for him to come forth with this suit, but it is in his best interest to do so. My client has called to my attention, certain injustices performed on him by the people at Valve. On not one, but two occassions has he gone to drastic and trying measures for the good of the company. These measure may include, but are not limited to, fighting through a nuclear research facility, and liberating the human race from alien oppressors. In the course of events he has been forced to spend prolonged periods wildly swinging a heavy crowbar, at the expense of his arm and wrist, he has also had to endure death on countless occasions, only to be forced to resume his labor from the previous checkpoint. Now until now these conditions have been bearable, nay, tolerable, but Valve has crossed the line on this occassion. Over the course of the last assignment, my client was lead to believe a possible sexual trist with one Alyx Vance were plausable, but at the last minute Valve removed any chance for this. I humbly submit to you, the case of one man, a heroic hardworking individual, who asked nothing in return from his employers except one fine piece of ass, and was denied even that.

Kmack Attorney At Law
Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe Law Firm

I dont know if i should laugh or sigh and shake my head...

Agh.. this guy is naturaly stupid and the sort of pearson that you should just step around rather than confronting. Sounds like he sold his old computer and did not reformat or log out of steam when he handed it over and now some jolly fat man is laughing away after realising the mistake and changing the password.

Or maybe he went to steam site and spamed and spamed and abused and spamed some more..... and we all know where that gets you.......

Or maybe he never had steam and instead had some haked version and simply forgot, i mean, if you listen to how he goes on i guess its plausable.

Or maybe im the idiot.... but you cant blame me, this guy is 100% ambiguous!!!

Open Steam > Browse Games > Register a product I already own... > Enter in your CD key

I've tried that. On the same account I first registered the game on. Steam says I can't do that because it's already registered.

your trying to sue valve, cause you cant register on a different account? your stupid

Not a different account, I only have one account. That account doesn't list Half-life2 under "my games"

That's what yah get for downloading the game :/

I didn't download it, I brought it from a Walmart.

OK, from what I understand, you have an old computer with Half Life 2 on it, and it works. Now you have a new computer, and it won't let you log in. This is how security works. Steam won't let two computers have identical accounts. Basic copy protection?
Anyways, I think there is an option to move Steam to a new computer; give me a moment and I will search for it.

You got most of it, but I can log in but not play half-life without having to register it again. I followed your link, won't help, my old computer, dead beyond resurrection.


Apparently not. I'm using the same account I've been using, some how my CD-KEY is no longer permanately tied to it.

What can I do? Sue em thats what. No way Steam wants to help me. In my case it sounds like I'm trying to get a free CD-key, which is not the F'n case. I'm a legitiment owner my game
Go ahead sue them.

If you keep updating your support ticket it will keep sending it to the back of the line.

And heres a freindly bit of advice, if you want help dont come in and threaten to sue the company, you will get a slow response and a not very pleasent response.
iamharper, try what I said. Someone a while back had a similar problem, and I believe this fixed it.
Ok, let's go through the process harper. You login to your account, then Steam opens to "Play Games." In this Window under "Coming Soon" you have all the games under that? Do you have any games under "My Games"? Can you see the Half Life 2 Demo?
iamharper, we need you to be more specific. So far you have told us precisely nothing that would enable us to help you with the problem. If it's too difficult for you to make a note of what the EXACT error messages say then try taking a screenshot of them.

Talk us through in great detail EVERYTHING that you're doing to try and get the game up and running. What exactly are you seeing in your Games list. Can you take a screenshot of that?

Help us to help you dude.
iamharper, i think i know what you are talking about. when you go to steam->play games with your account info, it no longer recognizes that you own hl2, and when you try to register your cd key as if you were doing so for the first time, it says that the key is already in use. is this correct?
iamharper, i think i know what you are talking about. when you go to steam->play games with your account info, it no longer recognizes that you own hl2, and when you try to register your cd key as if you were doing so for the first time, it says that the key is already in use. is this correct

You hit the nail on the head with that one lordbotulor.

Ok, let's go through the process harper. You login to your account, then Steam opens to "Play Games." In this Window under "Coming Soon" you have all the games under that? Do you have any games under "My Games"? Can you see the Half Life 2 Demo?

No error message, Half-life 2 is under the "game" section where you purchase them. I see the halflife 2 Demo under my games.

iamharper, try what I said. Someone a while back had a similar problem, and I believe this fixed it.
My old computer is done for, I need to restore the boot sector, wouldn't be to much of a problem for me but unfortunatly I left it back home, and I'm at school now using the monitor. Home is so far away I won't be back there anytime soon to grab that computer.

Talk us through in great detail EVERYTHING that you're doing to try and get the game up and running. What exactly are you seeing in your Games list. Can you take a screenshot of that?

-Installed HL2 w/ steam on new computer
-Used same steam account info to login
-Saw that HL2 was no longer under my games
-Went to "register a product I already own"
-Entered CD-key
-Steam wouldn't accept it.
- Recieved this email (partial)

You will not be able to play Half-Life 2 Retail Standard unless you
provide an unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need
a copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard which has not already been
registered on Steam.

-Sent 2 emails to [email protected]
Hello, I have registered my Half-life 2 on my old computer, I installed steam on my new computer and logged into my account but steam failed to pick up that my game is already registered. So I don't know what to do, can you help me get my half-life working again?

Hi, Again I'm sending you again my problem. I registered and successfully used Half-life 2 on my old computer. However when I installed steam on my new computer it would not let me play Half-life 2 saying it was already registered. How can I fix this?

-no response (should I try to make myself clearer?) It looks like I stole someones copy of HL2 and their login info and trying to play for free.

Thats pretty much all I've done, besides reinstalling steam a couple times and tinkering with it. Does anyone know a good lawer?
Hmmm wouldn't imagine smoebody stealed your key... sounds like something is screwed up.

Thats pretty much all I've done, besides reinstalling steam a couple times and tinkering with it. Does anyone know a good lawer?

Quit talking like that, it makes you sound dumb and uneducated. This is a technical problem, and you can't even spell lawyer right. Also when you e-mail valve try to be a lot more professional the chances of getting a quicker response helps. For example:

To: Steam Support

-I have recently bought half-life 2 and installed it on my old computer. I set it up with steam properly and have played the game fine on it.
A while later my old computer died and doesn't work. I didn't have a computer for a while until i bought my new one here and was looking forward to playing the game again :).

I have the standard retail edition, i put the cds in the drive to install it and it installs steam and the game just fine. But now whenever i log into my account that i created and registered on my old computer, it doesn't list half-life 2 under "MY GAMES". I figured i would have to re-register the cd key on the "register a game i already own" button so i did.

The problem i running into now though is after i enter in my cd key (correctly) it gives me the message

You will not be able to play Half-Life 2 Retail Standard unless you
provide an unclaimed CD-Key. To provide an unclaimed CD-Key, you will need
a copy of Half-Life 2 Retail Standard which has not already been
registered on Steam.

I was wondering if there is a known solution to this and any help would be very much appreciated.

- Your name here
LIST COMPUTER SPECS HERE, windows version, video card, everything you know just to give them as much info as possible.

And its very unlikely your going to ever, EVER get a response from them if you threaten them with legal action. You should really only be e-mailing them after you've exhausted all other options such as searching the steampowered forums for other people that might have had this problem.

Also use PROPER SPELLING. Run a spell check at least before you send, the more typos you have, the more unprofessional it looks and the more it looks like just some kid pissed off at valve and asking why his computer doesn't work. I can only imagine how many hundreds or maybe thousands of e-mails steam support gets a day with people mad and typing crap out their mouths. Imagine yourself in their shoes having to answer, which one would you answer first? The nicely typed and through (sp) e-mail with correct spelling, or a big pile of **** e-mail with many typos and a very short explanation.
This happens to me sometimes, Half-life 2 is installed but when I double click it gives me the screen saying how much memory it takes up as if I'm about to install it. I just restart Steam and it goes away.
I'm going to sue for hosting this thread and thusly wasting five minutes of my life
This is bullcrap, I installed steam on my new computer a week ago. It didnt not have any components from the old one and It worked perfectly. Everything downloaded fine, and I had zero errors. You would think after the constant reformats on my old computer and now switching to the new one I would get some erros but nope, works fine. Your definately doing something wrong.
lawer lawyer. It deons't mttaer how you sepll it as lnog you can udnsertnad it. As hopefully proven there. I copied and pasted your idea for an email and sent it. If however this doesn't work, you can expect that I will not be suing on your behalf. I hope you've caught on.
I hope that you've caught on that we don't care if you sue or not. That's none of our concern. We DO care, however, that if someone has a problem, then we'd like to be able to help. Ranting on about suing a company because you can't play a video game because of some problemt aht is most likely on your end is silly and absurd. Asking for help about the same problem in a polite, non-threatening towards others way, will probably get you more help.

I've tried to help you with something that I remember from the past, but apparently, you either haven't tried it, or you don't want to acknowledge it. And, please, don't think that I'm flaming you, because I don't want to do that. I just want to try to help you.
No forgive me EC, but I did adress you a couple posts ago. You said somthing about logging into my steam account on my old computer. I said. "My old computer is done for, I need to restore the boot sector, wouldn't be to much of a problem for me but unfortunatly I left it back home, and I'm at school now using the monitor. Home is so far away I won't be back there anytime soon to grab that computer"

most likely on your end is silly and absurd.

I think your catchin on
iamharper said:
No forgive me EC, but I did adress you a couple posts ago.

Ah, sorry. I didn't see my quote in there. I apologize.

Then if that cannot be done, then I don't know what to tell you. I just hope that you get everything sorted out.
Just to throw this out...

I have some very expensive software suites I use for my company, and their end user license agreement is way harsher than Valve's. e.g. One copy on ONE computer, period. If you want to use the software on ANOTHER computer, you have to pay up.

The fact Steam offers a ton of updates and patches and the fact it prevents what happened to Doom 3 (50k pirated copies before the game was even sold!), GTA:SA and Halo 2 (both available on the net BEFORE the game was on shelves) is a good thing. Some may disagree, but I am willing to put up with Steam for this. The fact some insane number of Photoshops is pirated (like 5:1... meaning 5 pirated versions for every 1 sold) is upsetting as I paid $$$ for a licensed copy. Pirates hurt companies (who pay money to employees to make the software) and hurt those who pay for it by (a) higher costs (b) stupid EULAs and ultimately (c) lower quality products due to lost, and potentially lost, income.

Steam does not prevent all piracy and it has problems, but seeing that it helps the community out (dynamic content downloads, patches, updated, delivery of new products, everyone is using same product version, etc....) and gives Valve more money (to make better games, or just stay in business) then I am willing to put up with Steam. At least Steam lets me use my software on more than one computer.

Feel free to disagree... but just letting you know it COULD be MUCH worse *legally*. Just check out some of the EULAs out there. Having to have Steam and an Internet connection is "nice" compared to some of the restrictions some developers put on the right to use their product.
Yes yes yes. Software piracy is very bad in all. The ends justifie the means, yada, yada, yada. But what about the number of users not able to play because of Steam? The fact that their offering to reset people's CD-Key is proof enough that this is not an uncommon problem.

Software piracy hurts companies, which in turn hurt the little guys, but people like me are really tiny guys in that sense. We're the guys who put up with this horrible frustration just to get a little game satisfaction that we pay for, and we're ignored, tossed aside so they can do more efficent business. Sucks, but thats reality, will we have to bend over and take it forever? I sure hope not..

I can sue them though! God Bless frivolous lawsuits!
The thing is, from what it seems, you need to WAIT IT OUT.

I had an issue when I ordered the gold package. I got the game (HL2) immediately after release, because I had purchased the pre-release in which I was one of the people who was lucky enough to use the pre-loads (which in my oppinion were very nice). However, back to the gold package issue. After the game was released, a week or two had passed, and it seemed that everyone else had already gotten their packages in the mail.

I used Valve's support and was very patient, and made sure to read though any forum help possible even so, before resorting to the support system. As soon as I sent out my e-mail to valve, their automated e-mail response was sent stating that they had recieved my e-mail, which was re-assuring.

After about 2-3 days they had responded (non-automatively) and they said that they were looking into it, etc. In my first e-mail, of course, I provided ALL, and I mean all the information they'd need, including my CD-Key. Approximately the next day, I believe, after they sent me the e-mail telling me that they were looking into the issue, they sent me another e-mail, stating that they had sent off my gold package stuff, and they posted the day, and I think, maybe even the time, that they sent it off, and a short apology.

I recieved my stuff at normal fedex delivery speed after that, and was plenty satisfied.

Lesson is, be patient, specific, and make sure to read up on the issue and learn as much information first as possible before using the support service.

Sorry about you're little issue, but there have also been many other cases very similar in which the person tried their best to solve it and did not threaten to sue Valve. Valve didn't mean to give you the trouble and as soon as they recieve your well-written e-mail, they'll also try their best to help you and your situation.


The thing is, from what it seems, you need to WAIT IT OUT.

I had an issue when I ordered the gold package. I got the game (HL2) immediately after release, because I had purchased the pre-release in which I was one of the people who was lucky enough to use the pre-loads (which in my oppinion were very nice). However, back to the gold package issue. After the game was released, a week or two had passed, and it seemed that everyone else had already gotten their packages in the mail.

I used Valve's support and was very patient, and made sure to read though any forum help possible even so, before resorting to the support system. As soon as I sent out my e-mail to valve, their automated e-mail response was sent stating that they had recieved my e-mail, which was re-assuring.

After about 2-3 days they had responded (non-automatively) and they said that they were looking into it, etc. In my first e-mail, of course, I provided ALL, and I mean all the information they'd need, including my CD-Key. Approximately the next day, I believe, after they sent me the e-mail telling me that they were looking into the issue, they sent me another e-mail, stating that they had sent off my gold package stuff, and they posted the day, and I think, maybe even the time, that they sent it off, and a short apology.

I recieved my stuff at normal fedex delivery speed after that, and was plenty satisfied.

Lesson is, be patient, specific, and make sure to read up on the issue and learn as much information first as possible before using the support service.

Sorry about you're little issue, but there have also been many other cases very similar in which the person tried their best to solve it and did not threaten to sue Valve. Valve didn't mean to give you the trouble and as soon as they recieve your well-written e-mail, they'll also try their best to help you and your situation.



Edit, now that you've just posted once again -
iamharper said:
The fact that their offering to reset people's CD-Key is proof enough that this is not an uncommon problem.

This also proves that this also most likely has plenty more threads on this subject.

And please stop rambling about suing. This is one of those lawsuits that just makes you sound dumber by even threatening such.

Also, it may be kinda tricky to win a lawsuit if you can't even use correct grammar (Just re-read through your quote, and some more posts).
iamharper... I don't beleive a word of what you say. First off, I'm not sure your capable of using a computer program that requires correct typing skills. Mine arn't the best but I know I can do everything on Steam Correctly.

Secondly, Your really really, reeeeally vague. You say I got an error... what error? spell it out, in it's entirety. So many of these issues with steam would be found out sooooo much quicker if people would use the Print Scrn button. If people see what's wrong, it would make a whole lot more sense. You just trying to spout it out in a few short words is about as clear as a badly done ascii picture.

Steam can definitely be installed on two different computers, with all of the games installed. You just can't have the same account logged in at the same time. I switch off on two different computers daily.

Then again you could be telling the absolute truth, and I would be wrong. However you haven't presented any evidence against that. If you are telling the truth, go ahead and sue Valve... Then again, you said you didn't want the trouble of $10, but you want to go through the legal process? think that one through.

The other thing I just do not understand is why you would threaten Valve on the fan website... Thats like threatening to sue McDonalds for their cold Ice Cubes, as your chowin down food at wendy's. A disgruntled Wendy's employee may go along with you, but the smart ones will think, "hey, we use the same Ice cubes... ass".

Untill you present any evidence, stop attracting attention to yourself please
iamharper said:
God Bless frivolous lawsuits!

Forwarded (with matching IP address) to Valve's lawyers.
Sorry you don't like the way I talk Paul. What you read comes directly off my head, no proofreading, no cares for grammar. I didn't see any other threads on this site about my issue, perhaps I've overlooked a couple sites and threads, doesn't matter. Thank you for responding. About the lawsuit. Well I've talked to my cousin Vinny Gambini today and he says I got a good case. You'll catch my drift, sooner or later. :)
M'kay, I'll be patient.

Secondly, Your really really, reeeeally vague. You say I got an error... what error? spell it out, in it's entirety

I have, you've missed some things.

Can you help me or would you like to sign my petition?