Pets! Pictures?

Originally posted by DeusEx2
Our soon-to-be pet, Laika
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeeee :)

Just about all you guysies petz are cute but the small ones always takes the price(es) IMO
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
AH! WTF is that??!!?

I don't have any animals :( Im allergic to dogs and I might get allergic to other animals if I should get them (very slim chance but still) :( . Anyways it saves me a lot of work and money :)

It's a wombat. A stout burrowing animal native to Australia. Generally very placid, but if scared, can run into someone with enough force to break their leg, or bite someone hard enough to remove a sizeable chunk of flesh.

Looks like a mutant koala. Smells like a damp carpet. Feels like a wire brush. Eats like a pig. Sounds like a steam train.
Originally posted by DeusEx2
Our soon-to-be pet, Laika

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

looks so cute but I bet it tears your furniture to shreads when you look away for a second :D
heh, I really don't hope she will ruin the curtains or sofa but they say that this breed (Maine Coon) is really kind to humans and furniture..
Originally posted by Letters
Rojo the Ferret

/me wants ferret. And a cat. No, make that 5 ferrets and two cats.
My small dog rex, Took this pic while in a moving car :)
I have two dogs... actually not anymore... the first one (the boxer, named Gastao) passed away one year ago ;( ;( ;( ... he was my first dog, and the one I liked the most...

the second one is actually my mom's, he's a bit annoying sometimes but I like him too, plus he's cute. <-- How can I get two attachments??
This thread is making me sad. My stupid Ninja cat just ran away three days ago.
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
And Blue!
Aw, that cat looks exactly like the one we adopted about 3 weeks ago.
Laika is really CUUUTE!
There a reason your pets don't have eyes, terminator? :LOL:

Just kidding.. though the first pic is horribly pixelated

ironsam, sorry to hear about your cat =( Maybe he'll come back?