PHL Delay Editorial

Geez the guy can't shut up about it. We ALL know his opinion since he feels the need to repeat it at least once a week.

Frankly I'm visiting PHL less and less because of the moron. Right or wrong he's the most annoying pretentious blowhard to ever run a major site. Well maybe not the MOST APB but he sure is hurting PHL hitcount.
headcrabs have the cutest things to say.

EDIT: i hate that ******! get him the **** off PHL now!
Well 15-09 is not far away. I wait and see

thanks for the info.:cool:
Can anyone explain me in clear simple sentences why that assclown is in charge for the PHL site?
Wow, now that is grade-A denial.

Anyways, apart from what the Valve guys have said over and over again, notice that Steam is going final tomorrow. Steam is in HL2. Therefore Steam needs to be final before HL2 can be gold. So why release Steam final now unless that needs to be wrapped up so that HL2 can go gold? If Valve internally think that they're going to slip past their projected gold date, they'll come out and say it. Sure, they want to hit this date but they're not afraid to delay anything to make sure it was right. If HL2 didn't need to go gold soon Valve would hold off making the Steam Final release to polish it up a bit more.
Steam will be released tomorrow........AM I right?
he's gonna look like such a f**kin clown if it does get released on the 30th :sniper:

personally I dont care much for phl anyways.
Yes, Steam will be gold tomorrow, at least from what I've been reading.

P.S. Nice new avatar Gorgon.
Originally posted by Beazil
Yes, Steam will be gold tomorrow, at least from what I've been reading.

P.S. Nice new avatar Gorgon.

Thanks Alot.
I agree, PHL used to be alot better, awhile ago but its been pretty crappy as of late.
Originally posted by shapeshifter
I agree, PHL used to be alot better, awhile ago but its been pretty crappy as of late.

Is it possible to complain on thier information and Misguiding the fans?
Thats how most editors are , once they say something they will stick by it no matter what , even if the game is out on september 30th they will still be saying that its going to be delayed. I wouldnt be suprised if PHL wants HL2 to be delayed on purpose just so they dont look wrong in front of others. I hope to GOD its released September 30th so they can stfu. They are so negative its not even funny. :flame:
Yeah it is a rant which he has perfect rights to vent, but whether he is right or not, he is sending out a very strong message about his feelings.
I'm not entirely certain this is justified with his last comments being he doens't like VALVe's online and PR methods, i would disagree saying that they are some of the best in the industry.
PS, if anyone is interested, the reason i got for them saying no comment or not correcting the false delay rumours was simply that, as you all know, its quite hard tracking down the source of all rumours and "fixing" them, also, it got them some more publicity, so worked in their favour.
Originally posted by Nippy_Kangaroo
he's gonna look like such a f**kin clown if it does get released on the 30th

All the blowhards in this forum are going to look like clowns if it DOESNT get released on the 30th. If you people would just accept the obvious fact that HL2 is NOT guaranteed to come out on Sept 30th you'll be a lot happier when you finally do get HL2, whether it's delayed or not.

I'm not even going to get into how obvious it is that HL2's own publisher does not expect the game to be released Sept 30th. If you don't understand the significance of that, there's nothing I can do to help you.
To be honest, anyone who is dead set in the belief that it either will or will not be delayed has to re-examine whats been going on.
I err on the side of optimism, as a lot of people have been backing up the release date recently, but I don't think its a 100% garuntee either.
And my respect for Fragmaster actually rose with that editorial as he does apologize and proclaim that hes acting like a jerk. That doesn't mean he'll stop, but at least he acknowledges it.:cool:
The thing I don't understand is why the majority of posters here seem to always get onto Fragmaster's case. Personally, I applaud him for having the balls to stand by his words even when faced with such well thought out retorts, such as "ololo u sux" and "lolol u suck".

So he has an opinion. So its different than yours. Big deal.

Its not like he's pulling his thoughts out of a hat: he has many, many valid reasons to doubt the delivery of HL2 on the promised date.

The most notable of the reasons is that if Valve does manage to deliver on the date promised, it will be the first time they have ever been on time for anything.

Also Fragmaster makes very valid points concerning just how little is known about a game that in theory should have already gone gold. Remember back during E3 when Gabe said a big announcement about multiplayer was coming any day now? Little is known about multiplayer still, which at this stage the information should have been made public months ago.

There's also the problem of reproduction, packaging, and shipping on the publisher's side. Even if it went gold today, they would have to really rush things to get it out on the 30th, especially for a worldwide distribution like Valve is promising. Just a comparison of dates, Homeworld 2 (also published by Sierra) went gold about 2 weeks ago and won't be out till the 16th or so.

Of course there's always the possibility that the game went gold a week or so ago, and that Valve is just being very sneaky like they were with every other aspect of the game. However, I feel this to be a very unlikely.

You guys have the right to your own opinions just as he has the right to his, but when someone backs up theirs with evidence and thought out arguments towards their case, the least you can do is come up with evidence of your own (besides broken promises) to back up your ideas before you go and blindly bash the opinions of others...
Hey boys and girls! Can we say "irony"? Or perhaps "hypocrite"?

Or we could always say "f*ck-face". Or "moron":
Besides, he didn't say September 30th, 2003, so he can always say, "oh, I didn't say what year."
Yeah Lombardi was being real smart there.
"Cretin" is a good word also.
Fragmaster is cool anyway.

hes friends with senior lowtax.



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You know, I've always hated skeptics for this exact reason. They make everyone else miserable and then when they turn out to be right, they gloat about it and make everyone even more miserable. Screw PHL.
Originally posted by dscowboy
All the blowhards in this forum are going to look like clowns if it DOESNT get released on the 30th. If you people would just accept the obvious fact that HL2 is NOT guaranteed to come out on Sept 30th you'll be a lot happier when you finally do get HL2, whether it's delayed or not.

I'm not even going to get into how obvious it is that HL2's own publisher does not expect the game to be released Sept 30th. If you don't understand the significance of that, there's nothing I can do to help you.

Amazing, somebody else on the forums who makes sense. Hi.
Im pretty optimistic the game WONT make Sept 30th, and does it really matter? Peoples lives seem to revolve around this game. Take a step back, and just enjoy life. Im salivating to get my hands on this just as much as the next guy, but it is just a game, a bunch of 1s and 0s.
what i find the most distateful and childish is calling Doug Lombardi a liar. say that you don't think that the game will be on time, but don't call anyone a liar until they have lied. when HL2 comes out on September 30th, i hope that asshat gets canned. I go to PHL when i'm looking for something to get annoyed about.
"Personally, I'm a little disappointed they couldn't hit 9/30, but hey, it's just another video game in the grand scheme of things."

NW99 pointed this out, but I must insist on this particular sentence: what the hell is this man on? PCP? crack? I just looked at my calendar and it clearly says 9/9...
It's true that if it doesn't, this place will be unbearable but by then I'll be gone, so it's all good.
Personally, I'm with Bass and not too bothered whether it hits the 30th or not. It does or it doesn't. It's still going to be released. And relatively soon as well. So stop whinging if it doesn't.
Agent4054 has an excellent point about skeptics though. You can just see that if Fragmaster's right, there'll be this ridiculously self-gratifying flash intro to PHL and an incredibly self-indulgent "Told-you-so" editorial.
Valve has been working on HL2 in some fashion for five years or so, but they've been working on Team Fortress 2 even longer... and where's that?

Been working on TF2 LONGER? From everything I've herd...hl2 was being worked on "in some fashion" the second after hl was compleated. And I know Valve didn't exactly announce TF2 the second they started working on it. But it wasn't anywhere near to when hl came out.

planethalflife is really crap now.......even in one of their news things a couple of days ago.

Half-Life Gets Steamed
This is probably something we should have recognized last week

I guess I know who to trust when it comes to HL2 news.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
"Personally, I'm a little disappointed they couldn't hit 9/30, but hey, it's just another video game in the grand scheme of things."

NW99 pointed this out, but I must insist on this particular sentence: what the hell is this man on? PCP? crack? I just looked at my calendar and it clearly says 9/9...

Well, his assumption is that even if HL2 went gold today its almost impossible to reproduce, package, and deliver the game for worldwide distribution in only 15 business days. (I sincerely doubt the publisher will go into crunch mode :p)
This has degraded into a "lets bash Planet Half-Life" thread, again
Originally posted by Bass
This has degraded into a "lets bash Planet Half-Life" thread, again

Indeed. Sad how things usually do end up like this...

Also as a note to how hot this issue is, its gone from 1 page to 3 in just a few short minutes...

We all just need an IRC channel so we don't hit "New Reply" so much :p
Delay or not, that doesn't matter, I'll buy it whenever it comes out....but if it does come out on the 30th we should hold that guy to his promise of handing out free half-life 2 copies in an HEV suit or whatever the hell it was :p
Originally posted by Fallout2man
handing out free half-life 2 copies in an HEV suit

I'd like to see how he plans to aquire that. It'll probably be some half-assed cardboard/ spray-painted mess of an outfit.
Indeed. I am seriously concerned that there are people here who will riot and pillage in the streets if the game doesnt make Sept. 30 ;)

"But I took the week off work, disconnected my phone, stocked up on food, and moved into a bomb shelter just so I could play HL2 for hours in complete privacy on Sept. 30th. What do you mean it wont make it? IT HAS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a matter of life or death. Thats it, Im pissed, time to go postal!"
Originally posted by DOOManiac
I sincerely doubt the publisher will go into crunch mode
Really? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. HUGE title with a lot of buyers. A lot of buyers who expect 30th September release date.
I am pretty confident that they will make the release date, but if they don't then this place will be filled with people spamming stuff like "Gabe IsT TEh L0sz3r" which will not be good. I think HL2 will make it on time though, they said that all they were really doing was play testing and that was like 2 weeks ago or something.

I get the feeling that those people that think it will be delayed also think that they are being lied to by Valve, that Valve has all along known that it would not be out on time and all these things that they have been quoted saying are not true. Why would they straight out lie?