Photo Edit Contest: Episode 4

I would have to give it to dekstar for originality and making me lol.
Pobzy takes it by a sheeps whisker from Dekky ;)

The Brick is the real winner though!
Shouldn't we consider this thread made by Darkside? It was his work that I did for him because he's fricking lazy.

That means I win.
Shouldn't we consider this thread made by Darkside? It was his work that I did for him because he's fricking lazy.
I'm not la--yeah, ok, you're right. :(

It's Boz, btw. David Bowie played Boz from the game Omikron. Myself and a whole two other people in the world are probably the only ones who'll remember it. I'm sure if you asked the developers at Quantic Dream they'd say, "We made the what with the who, now?"

Was that game any good? I remember buying it when I was 10, based on the logic that "any game that takes up more than a gig of space can't possibly be shitty", and then never getting further than two hours into the game.
It had a really good story. Controls in some parts could be a bit clunky, like the fighting game parts, but on the whole I thought it was a really good game. There's going to be a sequel due out later this year or next year, I've heard.
lePobs, Naudian and Darkside get my votes. Finalists, imo.
Did I forget about this thread? :o

Well anyway, time to vote for our finalists!

I vote me, pobz, naudian and dekstar.
I vote for me, which should count because I'm an unbiased party.