Phrases That Just Annoy The Heck Out Of You

DreamThrall said:
For me, it's reading people's grammatical errors that piss me off the most:

For example, while online, people feel content to abbreviate:
you = "u"
to/two/too = "2"
for/four = "4"

ALSO, nobody seems to recognize the difference between the following words:
they're, there and their
your and you're

ALL of that really pisses me off. I can understand a typo but that's all plain stupidity. Call me a snob but whenever I see something like this my respect for that person usually falls off a cliff. It usually turns out to be justified.
We shall join forces, and become the grammar nazis OF DOOM!
"At this point in time..."

As opposed to SOME OTHER point in time?
Oh yeah...another one - the over use of the word "basically"

Well, basically, I feel that...

There is absolutely no need for that word in the sentence.

That word just is beyond annoying. :|
The Thing said:

That word just is beyond annoying. :|
Really? Basically, at the end of the day, I find it quite useful, u know boss?
When people say the phrase "I could care less" , when it's actually "I couldn't care less" meaning it is the least you could care about something, the first phrase implies you care at least a little about it. Come on I know you all do it :D

When you're at the movies or somewhere else and you encounter someone you know...

What are you doing here? Nothing, DUMBASS, I came to clean this place but I'm gone now...

When you just cut your hair, and someone asks:

Did you cut your hair? No, idiot, acid fell on my head and now my hair is falling off.

When somebody stole someting or likewise:

Who stole it? Gee, well, it was actually <insert name here>!
I work at a movie theater, and they force me to say canned lines like Enjoy your show, andother crap like that. Somtimes people will tell me to enjoy my show asses.
"we need to talk"
"its not you, its me"
"I just need some personal space right now"

Ect, Ect.
ComradeBadger said:
I hate:

"Never assume it makes an ass out of you and me" The next person who says that to me, and looks smug afterwards, I shall destroy :)

I hate that too. I prefer to say, "You know what they say about assumptions don't you? You make an ass out of you...and umption." (Long Kiss Goodnight - Best movie for awful/hilarious lines)

I also hate it how people can't seem to figure out differences between their/they're/there and such.

I say a few abbreviations and shortened words when I'm lazy and just talking to friends. [outta/out of - brb] I'm a big fan of the ...'s though. I think it just helps the reader grasp exactly how I would've said something (as weird as that sounds).

I also can't stand almost all leet talk...god that bugs the crap out of me...
I've also been trying to catch myself when I say lol...because when I type that...I'm not usually actually laughing out loud. Now I just say hahaha or heh for a short laugh.

By the way, where do you live in Minnesota Foxtrot? I'm in Bloomington. The location on my profile is from when I'm at school and I've just been way too lazy to change it.
Foxtrot said:
I work at a movie theater, and they force me to say canned lines like Enjoy your show, andother crap like that. Somtimes people will tell me to enjoy my show asses.
:LOL: I've done that. :eek:
Asian parents have a way of saying "ni kan", or "you look" when referring to somebody or something better than you, meaning to shame you into doing better. (Also mentioned in Amy Tan's "Joy Luck Club").
Makes you not want to have Asian parents, unfortunately for me...
Can I join the grammar nazis of DOOM brigade?

I too am disproportionately annoyed by the improper usage of there, their and they're. Also your and you're.

However, the most annoying indicator of another person's intelligence has to be the use of the word looser.

Looser? More loose than...?

Simple progression people: Lose (I hate to lose) ---> Loser (He is a loser)
I was just having my first and last multiplayer game of Diablo II with my sister, over our LAN...

I really hate overused netspeak. It just sounds so brainless...

"lollol!!hye, dat was my jevlin!!!lollollol!!!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"dat wus my javiln, biatch!!!!!!!!lol!!"
"Goodbye, sis..."

<Intentional Disconnection>
Brian Damage said:
I was just having my first and last multiplayer game of Diablo II with my sister, over our LAN...

I really hate overused netspeak. It just sounds so brainless...

"lollol!!hye, dat was my jevlin!!!lollollol!!!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"dat wus my javiln, biatch!!!!!!!!lol!!"
"Goodbye, sis..."

<Intentional Disconnection>

"Damn j00!!!!111"

To hell with the Internet!!!

everytime someone says "owned" or "pawned" and it's infinite variations.
Pogrom said:
Can I join the grammar nazis of DOOM brigade?

I too am disproportionately annoyed by the improper usage of there, their and they're. Also your and you're.

However, the most annoying indicator of another person's intelligence has to be the use of the word looser.

Looser? More loose than...?

Simple progression people: Lose (I hate to lose) ---> Loser (He is a loser)
Than and then is pretty bad too, even though I probably don't use them correctly all the time. Also, working at the movie theater people sometimes screw up the first 2 letters in the 2 words and they get switched around like large drink would be darke lrink or somthing like that. Well one time someone meant to say pop corn but it came out as cop porn...hahaha.
Abom said:
People that use 'like' as every second word in a sentence, bloody hell that pisses me off. Also, people trying to be 'cool' by using 'dude', 'bud', 'man' or whatever at the end of what they say.

Would be big on my list also.

"Dude" especially (my nephew does this and drives me nuts).

Also, anything "leet" or hip hop/rap lingo is just dumb at this point.

Add me to the "loose, lose", "There, Their, They're", "Your, You're" club as well.

And online, all abbreviations bug me. As in when some writes and entire sentence without ever writing a complete word. Like "R" for Are and "U" for you....blech :p It's not that hard to type 2 extra letters per word.
JonTheCanuck said:
i hate when people r leaving and say "peace" wiggers bother me

Your an idiot, you racist Bastard.

Peace out.
didnt you say muslims should be bombed out of existance?

no flame intended

I hate: "first and foremost"
Staff! enable vbulletin usergroups so we can make said "grammar nazis of DOOM brigade".

Grammar must be upheld by the rite-shus (errr.. righteous ;) )!!!!
Razor said:
I hate it when American's say something "is shit" and they actually mean "wow, that is quite good".
Saying something is "the shit" to express how great something is, in my opinion, is not as bad as saying something is a dog's testicles (ie: "HL2 is the dog's bollocks"). I don't use "the shit" but I thought I'd compare it to the British version since you think our expressions are weird.

On "Dude":
Its only acceptable use, in my opinion, is in reference to "The Big Lebowski."
OCybrManO said:
Saying something is "the shit" to express how great something is, in my opinion, is not as bad as saying something is a dog's testicles (ie: "HL2 is the dog's bollocks"). I don't use "the shit" but I thought I'd compare it to the British version since you think our expressions are weird.

On "Dude":
It's only acceptable use, in my opinion, is in reference to "The Big Lebowski."

last time i heard someone say something was the 'dogs bollocks' was back in the 80s..i live in london, which is where the phrase was practically invented...i've never heard a cockney say that...just so you know, it's an ancient and pretty much extinct term :|
LOL, OMG,TBH,WOT,INIT; and people that writes with U isntead of you.
It's imposible to chat with an english man. It'really hard to understand what they say.
Spoonerisms... heh, I tend to make them all the time, but mostly I just screw up and forget what I'm saying. Once asked a girl at a restaurant for a "bugger" instead of a burger. Let's not go into further details...

Oh, and thinking of gaming; what the hell is with "rouge"?! It's ROGUE. And there's no such thing as a turrent you strategy-playing idiots!!
i hate homeboy talk in all it's forms.

On top of that most of America can't speak english...

What is a bugger? And isn't rouge french for red? Same with sniper, you can snipe someone but you can't sniper them, you can be a sniper but you cannot be a snipe.
I thought I remembered reading a while ago that Americans spoke a more pure form of English than the English, but I don't remember when or where I saw it... so, don't quote me on that.

That word gets me so furious! I could punch someone right now!
I hate it when people say "Im not playin" to convey that they think that they should be taken seriously, eaven though they talk like retards.
Edcrab said:

Yo, like man I wanna c what y'all doin bcos your ghey lolll tbh like u just no tht ur jus you know stoopid haxzor rele idiot kk kthxbye


Wow, an incredibly annoying sentence that doesn't actual convey any information or desire for information at all. To think it took me years to learn what most AOL weirdos learn in seconds...

Anybody who says "yeah" or "blah" or "what" repeatedly just to interrupt you or brush you off. Not exactly phrases, but they're certainly annoying.

I also don't like any song I can't sing along to. *hint hint*

Oh, and people who persist in calling police officers "pigs". Kindly go and stick your head in a furnace.

i definately agree with the pigs part, thats one of my peeves too. I like calling them "the fuzz"
I don't think I saw this one mentioned before.


I don't see what is so hard about decideing to use the real work or not. Why must you tone it down? If you feel the need to tone it down why use the word at all? Also what is so bad about the real word?
I was playing a game of cs the other day, and two guys were arguing about some random shit, then the admin shouts: "shut the **** up both of you tbfh"...

Now how can you say "to be honest" at the end of that? doesn't make any sense. And it annoys the hell out of me.

And I also agree with the "looser" comment, I've seen it so much that I actually wonder if that's a second way of spelling it.
i don like it when you win an aguement or discussion with someone over MSN or in real life and they just say "whatever", its so up their own arses... like they havent taken on board anything you've said, and it jsut ruins the conversation.
CptStern said:
didnt you say muslims should be bombed out of existance?

no flame intended

I hate: "first and foremost"

LOL. where did you get that.


Just kidding. :angel: