Pi Day!

Jul 11, 2003
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Happy Pi Day! :cheers:

I had loads of pie in math today. Apple pie, cherry pie, mmm good.
Happy pi day!!!!

(pi^4 + pi^5)^1/6 = 2.718281809...
Hae your pi and e it too!
Yay for no math classes EVER again for me. Yay.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Yay for no math classes EVER again for me. Yay.
That sucks :(
I hope i never stop doing math
its so much fun!
Ikerous said:
That sucks :(
I hope i never stop doing math
its so much fun!
It's not that I don't like math, it's that I don't like math at all.
My math teacher said this to me today and im like "WTF.... are u crazy?"
i thought only her would notice that
or is it actually a real established day?
My math teacher celebrated it by starting the day off with some fun pi questions! What fun!
I thought you guys were talking about it was Pi's(moderator) birthday, lol.
Damn it... I thought our school was only doing this retarded thing. I HATE TRIG!

BTW... mmmm pi. :LOL:
guys.. guys... guys....

Pi is exactly THREE

now... someone please tell me, what the hell are you on about?!
I got pumpkin pie in Math class today, all the bastards took the cherry, but it was cool anyways.
I wanted the one with cream and this sweet red spot everyone was having, but the person in front of my got the last slice :(
Ikerous said:
TODAY Is pi day!

(March 14th = 3/14)

But... what does Pi Day stand for? lol

Is it some math mumbo jumbo? Academics have no place in holidays!

I always sucked at math anyways, so I hate this day, and don't celebrate it.
So many math haters out there... :-/

Where are all the ppl that do math for fun!

There should be an e day :-/
e is like a million times better than pi!

Too bad there arent 71 days in February :-/

All hail Pi! And me!
Ikerous said:
(pi^4 + pi^5)^1/6 = 2.718281809...
Hae your pi and e it too!

That was perhaps one of, if not THE most geekiest things I have ever whitnessed in my life. That was awesome. :D
F*ck nooo! I didn't celebrate the Pi day! AAAAAA! *grabs a handful of pink pills and swallows them*
There is no Pi day here in Britain since there's only 30 days in April.
In Britain, you can celebrate pi approximation day on 22/7, but it's only about as good as the real thing.
I haven't really thought about the significance of pi since I was 12-15, and learning about 'p-numbers'.

It's just another constant that gets put in all the equations, for me.
Ikerous said:
So many math haters out there... :-/

Where are all the ppl that do math for fun!

There should be an e day :-/
e is like a million times better than pi!

Too bad there arent 71 days in February :-/
it was 3 years ago...
The_Monkey said:
Err... March 14th is 14/3. So Pi day is the third of...hmm.
Thats only for you crazy foreigners who don't know how to write the date correctly XD