Pick just ONE weapon to add...

Herr Mike

May 6, 2006
Reaction score
not just to episode 3, but to any or all of the games. Or maybe there was a great one in an expansion that you miss.

Would you go super high tech? HL1 sported the goo gun and the gauss gun, but HL2 didn't have anything that crazy.

Would you go for more muscle? Opposing Force had the SAW, easily the best automatic weapon in the series. Or maybe you think the RPG launcher needs a higher capacity so you can wreak massive destruction.

Would you put the sneaky stuff back in? HL2 did away with the tripwires and satchel charges...do you miss 'em? Or can you think of something even better?

Would you prefer the exotic? I'm talking about the alien stuff, the bee shooter, the spore launcher, etc. Did anyone like that crap? :p

On the other end of the spectrum, would you add something more low-tech? Knives, molotovs, more handguns, older model rifles? Stuff a resistence movement would more likely have?

How about upgrading an existing weapon? OpFor had the Desert Eagle, much awesome. Maybe you'd like a sniper rifle instead of the crossbow?

As for myself, I'd love to finally get rid of the crossbow and get a sniper's rifle. Then I could quit wondering how you'd carry the red-hot rebar. And a butt kickin' machine gun. Maybe an M2. There's room in your backpack.
How the hell did you not mention the gravity gun?

I dunno, probably a time machine... gun.... yeah. I think that's what Druckles said too.
As for myself, I'd love to finally get rid of the crossbow and get a sniper's rifle. Then I could quit wondering how you'd carry the red-hot rebar.
Easy enough to sort that mystery out - If you look closely it's not red-hot until you actually place it on the weapon, at which point it heats up suddenly. Notice the spark? (don't ask me how a little battery could heat something up so quickly, it is sci-fi, after all.)

I like this topic though. You don't just ask a question, but throw some ideas in to seed the discussion, I'm already getting wound up. :cheese:

High tech? Maybe, only if Valve can come up with something interesting. I really wouldn't complain if the brought the Tau Cannon back, but I doubt they would, it'd be retreading old ground and that's not really their style. If a new high tech weapon does surface the Borealis might provide the explanation, being the research ship of a facility of similar calibre to Black Mesa, it's a possibility that it might contain experimental weapons, among other things. I don't think that's very likely, though.

More muscle? Heavy machine guns? Not really. Gordon has more than his fair share of heavy-hitters in his arsenal already (Shotgun, RPG, 357), and heavy machine guns don't really lend themselves to close quarters combat, they're support weapons, and how much time does Gordon spend supporting another element in combat? Nil. :sleep:

Sneaky stuff? I like the sound of sneaky. I really do think Valve should put the SLAM in, maybe even in addition to another weapon since the SLAM wouldn't be much effort but would add a fair bit to the gameplay. Sneakiness is in my nature so I kind of missed the tripmine and the satchel from HL when HL2 omitted them. The SLAM combines the functions of both so it's a great and very flexible weapon. I hope they include it.

Exotic? I never really liked the Alien weapons. True, they had their place, worked well enough, and sometimes had interesting applications (Snarks > Black Ops) but they just didn't strike me as particularly special. (I like the 9mm Pistols from both games better than the Hornet Gun)

Low-tech? The series only really needs one melee weapon in my opinion, and the crowbar fits the role admirably. As for older weaponry that the Resistance might use, true to their guerilla nature, the Resistance mostly source their weaponry from the enemy rather than salvage it, which explains their extensive use of Combine ordinance. It might be nice in theory to see Resistance soldiers with all manner of weaponry like they might be armed with in a real situation of this type, and by all means I do love detail, but I also realise it pays to keep things simple sometimes and, to be honest, do we really need several different weapons that do pretty much the same job anyway? Valve decided not when they cut the AK47, OICW, MP5k and a number of others from HL2, and I concur. :cheers:
They should throw some money towards the guy who made this and have it as the standard skin. Seriously. I used to not like using the AR2 on account of it's ugliness, but now it's aesthetics match it's firepower.
I also disliked the look of the AR2. The clip made it look like a nerf gun or something.
I love the look and the way it fires when it comes to the AR2. But it's less powerful then the AR3 still cool just less power.

But what weapon do I want to add....I have to say a Lazor not a laser a Lazor. Ahh I can picture it now...firinn mah lazors, cargin mah lazors and making love to mah lazors.
How the hell did you not mention the gravity gun?

I dunno, probably a time machine... gun.... yeah. I think that's what Druckles said too.

Yeah, was what I was getting at :p

That or a finger. Yeah, Valve should make a really detailed finger, so I can poke things.
In all of Half-Life 2, Gordon admires his hands once, then puts them away for safe keeping. He wouldn't risk poking things.
A medium/long range rifle. for sniping. I like sniping. And the crossbow doesn't cut it.
A decent rifle to replace the AR2 (G36, F2000, XM8, or something; and it must have a cone of fire which matches the idea of a rifle being accurate at long range), otherwise, an AA-12 shotgun to replace the SPAS-12 shotgun.
I have changed my opinion.

Anybody remember Crusader? Remember the Spider Mines? I want something like that. Switch control for a few seconds, scuttle around and watch confused Combine soldiers shoot at you, dodge, leap, KABOOM IN THEIR FACES.
I hope the Vorts give you the ability to shoot that awesome green lightning they have.
I'm pretty sure Valve has specifically said there WILL NOT be a sniper rifle.
I want my hivehand back. A lot of people underestimate the hornet gun to their peril; in the right hands that gun is the ultimate death-dealer. I miss it greatly.
Bah. I only used the hivehand against those pesky controllers. Other than that it only got used when I was trying to conserve ammo.
I thought the trip mines were fun on the one or two occasions that you could use them as intended.
I think they should give us manhacks and hopper mines we can hold on to in our inventory and release!
How bout A Machine Gun like this one?

Machine Gun: This Machine Gun is the latest in the U.N.S.A.'s arsenal. It comes with an optional scope, or directly linked to your helmet for even more precise shooting. The Machine Gun also doubles as a Sniper Rifle.
I miss the Button-Bombs (aka Satchel charges, but they'll always be Button-Bombs to me). Just throwing that satchel around the corner. Hearing the short squark of radio, and kaboom! And they were so powerful too. That and trip wires. Sticking trip wires and the arse if soldiers was so fun. I had a screenshot somewhere, but it's been lost in the bits, somewhere.

I'd like a sniper rifle. Crossbow, while I love it, and the necessity to aim properly to hit your target, I just miss the immediate satisfaction of pointing at someone's head and clicking.

From Half-Life, I also miss the tau cannon. The vacuum gun (which you could also call the gluon gun if you wanted :hmph:) didn't quite dig it for me. Was too... just urgh.

Snarks were pretty awesome too. Annoying but awesome.

I would dig a Hivehand, but I can't see it coming back anywhere.

'bout it.
I liked the satchel charges but I don't think I ever used the tripmines.

I assume the Tau Cannon is what I thought the Gauss Gun was. That shot the orange bolt looking things. That was a nice piece of hardware.

I assume they use the crossbow for variety.
I have changed my opinion.

Anybody remember Crusader? Remember the Spider Mines? I want something like that. Switch control for a few seconds, scuttle around and watch confused Combine soldiers shoot at you, dodge, leap, KABOOM IN THEIR FACES.

Those things rocked. They should remake that game. I could see it being a hot property. The story was strong.
I liked the satchel charges but I don't think I ever used the tripmines.

I assume the Tau Cannon is what I thought the Gauss Gun was. That shot the orange bolt looking things. That was a nice piece of hardware.

I assume they use the crossbow for variety.

Tripmines I used to stick on soldiers, then shoot their mates. They'd turn around and Boom! Was fun to watch.



They had crossbow in Half-Life... I assume that's why they didn't want a sniper rifle. The same reason they wouldn't use a knife instead of a crowbar.
I agree with Valve's train of thought on the sniper rifle issue. Sniper rifles are both overused and overrated, especially since in most games, sniper rifles aren't used as they are in real life anyway. Real snipers don't go leaping around corners, capping targets in the head and screaming "BOOM HEADSHOT", they usually wait in concealed positions for hours for their shots. Oh but wait, that's 'camping'.)

Whichever way you look at it, a crossbow built from spare parts that pins enemies to walls with red hot rebars is infinitely cooler than your garden variety sniper rifle.

A decent rifle to replace the AR2
I like the AR2, as far as aesthetics go, the atrocious accuracy is the only problem with it, and that apparently stems from Valve's ignorance of what an assault rifle actually is. Not that the Half-Life series ever was particularly realistic when it comes to ballistics.
Well, Opposing Force had knife, crowbar and a wrench, and then also sniper and crossbow :D

AR3. Or maybe that butane powered tennis ball cannon Gordon built when he was a kid.
Well, Opposing Force had knife, crowbar and a wrench, and then also sniper and crossbow :D


It didn't have a crowbar. And I don't believe it had a crossbow, either.
A piece of a rope for the crowbar. Let's solve some puzzles, POINT AND CLICK STYLE!
But Op4 deathmatch isn't Op4, is it? Just like Gmod isn't HL2.

In truth, since Opposing Force runs on the HL engine you can actually use cheats to spawn all of the Half-Life weapons in addition to the Opposing Force weapons, which adds up to a shitload of ordinance.
A silencer for the pistol would be a pretty cool addition for sneaking around and catching enemies off guard. Maybe a melee attack with the shotgun where you could bash in some heads when they get too close. I'd also like to see expanded use for the crowbar like a combo of swings or the ability to stick the claws into an enemy and then rip it out leaving a blood gushing wound.
A silencer for the pistol would be a pretty cool addition for sneaking around and catching enemies off guard. Maybe a melee attack with the shotgun where you could bash in some heads when they get too close. I'd also like to see expanded use for the crowbar like a combo of swings or the ability to stick the claws into an enemy and then rip it out leaving a blood gushing wound.
The only crowbar related addition I'd really like to see - one that isn't too cliched or out of character (impaling targets with the sharp end, for example, is just over the top) - is the ability to actually pry things open with it, rather than just smash them.