Pick just ONE weapon to add...



Dual Pistols


Whoever said Time Gun...WIN.
I shot a dude (combine) in the back of the head the other day. He died in one. I hadn't shot him before, and none of his friends had shot him. I think it might've been scripted, as I couldn't get it to happen again. Was awesome though. Like "haha, noob. I just assassinated yo ass!"

Edit: I was only joking about the Time Gun. I was referring to the irritating suggestions of putting the Portal Gun into Half-Life: Episode Three.

Edit edit: You can praise me anyway.
Low-tech for me would be throwing knives. I love them in other games, and it would be cool to have them in Half-Life. Throw 'em and have them get stuck in enemies.

For a high-tech weapon I keep imagining some sort of doomsday device that obliterates even buildings while Gordon remains safe thanks to his trusty hazard suit.

Edit: Nevermind them! I just remembered the one weapon that should be included in all games. A human limb. I played a game once where I blew up a guy and picked up some piece of him...could beat other enemies to death with it. I forget what game it was, but that was just awesome.
Edit: Nevermind them! I just remembered the one weapon that should be included in all games. A human limb. I played a game once where I blew up a guy and picked up some piece of him...could beat other enemies to death with it. I forget what game it was, but that was just awesome.
Severence? There's also System Shock, which requires you to find a severed human head to use with a retinal scanner, and has all kinds of body parts littered around that you can put in your inventory. Not that most of them had anything but a macabre function.
Severence? There's also System Shock, which requires you to find a severed human head to use with a retinal scanner, and has all kinds of body parts littered around that you can put in your inventory. Not that most of them had anything but a macabre function.

WAIT! I just remembered the entire memory! There was no blowing up of anyone, but there was a severed leg that you could use as a weapon in Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the Bloodmoon expansion. It was a severed nord leg and didn't do much in terms of damage, but it did alot in making me love that game even more. I named it "No-longer Hopalong Cassidy"

But yeah, it'd be awesome to be able to beat someone with a severed limb in Half-Life.
I'd actually like to see the weapons scaled back. There's a fair amount of redundancy in Gordon's arsenal. Once you've acquired the AR2. the smg is basically a stubby, ineffective club with a grenade launcher attached to it. And why the hell, do you keep the automatic pistol throughout the game. It has no value outisde the "One Free Bullet" achievement.

The grav gun is a must. That much is clear. The AR2, fitted with an iron sight-like precision aiming system for headshots could push the crossbow into well deserved obsolescence. After that, the magnum, rocket launcher and shotty round out he arsenal admirably.

Of course, that's just my preference. I like weapons that reward finesse with a one hit kill. HL2 doens't offer enough of that, IMO.
I'd actually like to see the weapons scaled back. There's a fair amount of redundancy in Gordon's arsenal. Once you've acquired the AR2. the smg is basically a stubby, ineffective club with a grenade launcher attached to it. And why the hell, do you keep the automatic pistol throughout the game. It has no value outisde the "One Free Bullet" achievement.

Yeah, the pistol is pretty lame.

But what would the one weapon you'd want added be? If you think some of his weapons are redundant, think of something more useful than what he has. Unless the iron sight on the AR2 was the only addition?
And now that I'm thinking of something more reasonable than a severed limb (though I would love that so much)...what about a weapon like what Hunters have? Whatever they've got is pretty awesome...sticks into things and goes boom in an alieny/high-techy sort of way...like...like ASTRO NEEDLES :O
No, I don't find any of the weapons redundant. Especially in Half-Life 2.

The crowbar I'd used for crates (the gg didn't work the same as in Episode 2, which I hadn't realised)
I switch back to the pistol constantly for a longer range/quick finish off, especially metrocops
The magnum I occasionally use (nowadays, as I didn't used to), especially when there's just someone standing still, or a shotgun-dude, because it's quick-to-the-head, and they're dead. I don't use it often, but it's better than being blown to bits by someone with a shotgun.
The smg I use a bit, especially in Highway 17 where there's infinite ammo, and especially because the AR2 doesn't have that much ammo, and it's not that accurate. At close range I'd just run past them shooting them in the head, saving my AR2 for longer range. The grenade's really useful, especially quick for two or more people standing together. It's generally found more often than the Orb as well
The AR2 isn't as accurate as it should be, but it works, and it's nice against the Elites, or when I have plenty of ammo, or in a sticky situation where the smg isn't fast enough. Don't use it too much, because there isn't that much ammo around.
The shotgun I like to use :D. Sometimes I just run up to someone and unload in their face.
Crossbow's good when there's a distance, or several people which I need to take out. I've found several good uses for it I wouldn't have used it for, before.
Grenades, I like to be strategic about them, throwing them into rooms and such, often two at a time.
Rockets I'll unload plentifully if there's a cache nearby, but I'd be sparse otherwise. Unless there's an annoying poison zombie nearby.

Yeah, my style's changed alot. Especially this time. I used to be really tight with my ammo.
I'd actually like to see the weapons scaled back. There's a fair amount of redundancy in Gordon's arsenal. Once you've acquired the AR2. the smg is basically a stubby, ineffective club with a grenade launcher attached to it. And why the hell, do you keep the automatic pistol throughout the game. It has no value outisde the "One Free Bullet" achievement.

The grav gun is a must. That much is clear. The AR2, fitted with an iron sight-like precision aiming system for headshots could push the crossbow into well deserved obsolescence. After that, the magnum, rocket launcher and shotty round out he arsenal admirably.

Of course, that's just my preference. I like weapons that reward finesse with a one hit kill. HL2 doens't offer enough of that, IMO.
Better to use pistol ammo to light a barrel on fire than to waste ammo from something more powerful. It's also the only weapon besides the Crossbow that can fire under water.
They should have done something about the ridiculous range. It's the best sniping weapon in the game.
Pistol? No it's not. Crossbow is. And it's not that great, it takes forever to kill someone from a decent range with the pistol.
Pistol? No it's not. Crossbow is. And it's not that great, it takes forever to kill someone from a decent range with the pistol.

Well, to be honest both kind of suck. But the pistol outranges the crossbow, easily. You can shoot a speck with it!
I shot a dude (combine) in the back of the head the other day. He died in one. I hadn't shot him before, and none of his friends had shot him. I think it might've been scripted, as I couldn't get it to happen again. Was awesome though. Like "haha, noob. I just assassinated yo ass!"

HL2 has a rudimentary stealth system. Shooting enemies in the head without getting them to know about your presence results in a instant-kill.

And that happens like, never, in the campaign.
Some of the experimental weapons from half-life one would be a fun addition!

How about. . .

A gun that carves and cuts any solid object like a laser! You could cut out hoes in certain walls and ceilings. You could cut a piece of a wall, bridge or ceiling out and have it come crashing down on enemies. You could use it in combination with the gravity gun to make catapults and other tools. You could cut object in half or smaller portions and use them in weight ratio puzzles (to show off the fancy physics engine).

A cutter gun!
The Pistol is hardly redundant, it's particularly effective against scanners, CPs, headcrabs and zombies, which you encounter fairly late into the game. Besides which, it's a useful tool, the pistol is quite precise so it's useful for setting barrels on fire at a distance and other such bullet-enabled tasks.

You think it's useless? So don't use it, but I reserve the right to *PAF PAF PAF* away at enemies all the way to the Citadel walls. :hmph:
Are you talking about the uber awesome powerful magnum or the whimpy, inaccurate USP?

That'd be the USP. It is accurate to a T and it fires as fast as you can tap M1. It drops CPS on hard like nothing, is great for killing headcrabs, blowing up barrels, and detonating Magnussons.
A gun that carves and cuts any solid object like a laser! You could cut out hoes in certain walls and ceilings. You could cut a piece of a wall, bridge or ceiling out and have it come crashing down on enemies. You could use it in combination with the gravity gun to make catapults and other tools. You could cut object in half or smaller portions and use them in weight ratio puzzles (to show off the fancy physics engine).

A cutter gun!
That would be awesome. But it sounds like a developer's nightmare.

It drops CPS on hard like nothing, is great for killing headcrabs, blowing up barrels, and detonating Magnussons.
Exactly. In some ways the USP is as much a tool as a weapon.
Well, to be honest both kind of suck. But the pistol outranges the crossbow, easily. You can shoot a speck with it!

Crossbow is by far one of the best weapons in the game. It's instant kill, and it's not particularly hard to hit someone, even when they're moving!

And pistol hardly outranges the crossbow... I don't know what shit you're on, but it must be pretty strong o_O. Considering you can zoom with the crossbow, and take out people from hundreds of yards away, yet with a pistol, it'd take you a whole round to even shoot them once...

HL2 has a rudimentary stealth system. Shooting enemies in the head without getting them to know about your presence results in a instant-kill.

And that happens like, never, in the campaign.

That's probably why I never noticed. Still, I feel urged to test it out more often.
If you want to test it out, that little observation post in Highway 17 (the one with the scope aimed at New Little Odessa) is the perfect place, if you sneak up to the window on the left side without anyone noticing, you can shoot the guy looking through the scope in the back of the head.
... That's the one I was talking about.

Damn, thought I'd explained that.
They die with a single bolt even on a alert state.

We're talking about how a single smg1 or pistol shot can kill healthy soldiers.
Even when they are alert any weapon results in a one hit kill when you hit the back of their head.
Bull shit! The pistol is the best weapon of it's kind (small caliber handgun) in any FPS.
The glock in HL1 is better.

I wouldn't mind having the handheld tau cannon back but other than that I can't really think of anything to add to the arsenal that would really be much of an improvement.
The glock in HL1 is better.

Care too explain? It kicks like a mule and has a slower rate of fire(unless your using the alt-fire in which case it's as inaccurate as the MP5) and it has a weaker round, a smaller clip, and is less accurate.
Plus the glock doesn't have night sights. :dozey:
It has a better sound to it, that's what I remember.

*crack* *crack* *crack* *zombie argh*

I want a flamethrower too. The flamethrower was the best bit of Unreal2. Especially using it against the spider hordes.
They die with a single bolt even on a alert state.

We're talking about how a single smg1 or pistol shot can kill healthy soldiers.

Funny, didn't work when I tried it again.
I want a flamethrower too. The flamethrower was the best bit of Unreal2. Especially using it against the spider hordes.

Ooo, flamethrower...I always love games that has flamethrowers. It'd be fun to light up hordes of zombies with a flamethrower.
Are you talking about the crossbow? I'm pretty sure that's a one-shot-kill no matter where it strikes.

No. I'm talking about the pistol. The crossbow is an instant-kill. I'm talking about this "stealth feature".
Care too explain? It kicks like a mule and has a slower rate of fire(unless your using the alt-fire in which case it's as inaccurate as the MP5) and it has a weaker round, a smaller clip, and is less accurate.
Plus the glock doesn't have night sights. :dozey:
I've definitly gotten more accurate shooting from the glock than the USB. And the glock isn't really weaker, the overwatch soldiers just have alot less health than the HECU troops.