Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

Jintor was shouting at me so:
God... I come home from a hard day at work... And you guys remind me why I love this website. Shoephone ftw.
When did you get a job? Gonna get some new cymbals soon?
Hmm. I would post a picture of myself, but I look younger then 14. And on top of that, my hair is kinda... long. So basically, I'de be call a KiddyHip. Or a HippyKid.
This thread always f**** up the mental image I have of you guiz.
I feel like I should post here.


  • Eyebrow.JPG
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I like to pretend the users are their avatars... Like Vegeta is that weird cat face thing humping air.

Here's a pic I grabbed from my Facebook. Also, that's not my pink camera. >.>

For some reason, I always picture ZT as the girl? in the avatar. :o

Acepilot... that camera gives off a "Look at me, i'm gay." vibe.
Too many gingers on this page!

Bachelor of Science. **** yeah.
Congratulations. You are a magical Wizard.

Heh. God damn, I had a laugh. Interesting attire. Grats on the diploma.
Oh shiiiiit. You didn't say it had all that. You've won this round.

Gasmasks - for cleaner air to breathe!
(While you smoke)
Nice Eejit.

Neptuneuk, I want that.
I thinking about going to the goodwill and seeing if they have one just laying around. They're good like that.