Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

more from hawaii:

I also have a picture of me walking out of the ocean all sexy like but that one is ZT's eyes only.
Courtesy of Pesh.


I lol'd the hardest I have ever lol'd on

God damn i have to save that.

Also, you and your sister share very similar, large noses. How does that make you feel?
nope just drunk...being stoned and drunk makes me yak...then **** a yak
That feeling is pretty sweet though. Even thou Vomit is imminent.
Beer than grass, you're on your ass.

Grass then beer, you're in the clear.
In other news, I seem to have misplaced 90% of my face. Maybe someone would be kind enough to draw me a new one?

Just like the last completely distorted image I have seen of you, the eyes are less creepy in this.
The binary in my image actually says something but none of you will ever be able to decode it har har.